“Loathe Thy Neighbor”

Nov 17 2011 Published by under salt

American Thinker hits it out of the park again with this “cartoon” called “The Gospel of Marx.” Click here to go over to where AT has it up on their site to click a huge image of it and read the text on the red ribbon and really look at the words embedded in it. Somebody put a lot of thought into it.

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OWS’s Excellent Adventure: Crapping Across America

Nov 17 2011 Published by under salt

“Excellent Adventure: Crapping Across America,” subtitle: OWS Police Overtime Crushing Muni Budgets”

We can’t afford this.

When will the President speak up and exhort OWS to exercise their 1st amendment rights in such a way that the coffers of municipalities across America, already gravely strained, aren’t depleted to the point of affecting public safety / essential services for others - who aren’t having an Excellent Adventure: Crapping Across America, and might have a genuine emergency?


That’s the plan?

Cloward & Piven?

Oh, yeah.  Right.

Remember:  Tea Party always paid their bills.  Always.  They always added to municipal coffers by paying for the proper permits, then cleaning up after themselves – not crapping in public.

And not a single arrest.   Zero.  Zip.  Nada.


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“Target” BAD vs. “Molotov Cocktail” GOOD?

Nov 16 2011 Published by under salt

Language and graphics every modern politician - “target” a district, etc. – used before the Giffords’ shooting, were instantly ascribed to Tea Party Patriots who were then, by extension, roundly, universally blamed for the Giffords shooting.

Every single Democrat who asserted this inanity can be found, on the record, in public, using these “target” terms since.  It took about a month for them to slip back into the jargon – which, to rational adults, is normal and unharmful!  It is as unharmful now as it was before the Giffords shooting.

Compare this, now, to OWS literally threatening to throw a molotov cocktail into Macy’s in lower Manhattan.

*Crickets* from OWS’ House Mama “God bless them” Pelosi, et. al.  Pelosi, who also has “heard this kind of hateful rhetoric before.”  Ditto the Congressional Black Caucus.

Joe Biden, speaking to a union crowd just the other day gave them an “atta-boy” for “firing the first shot!”

Never-mind the deafening silence from “the cops acted stupidly” Obama!

Add in the rampant anti-semitism, endorsement of violence, and violent revolution – not on the fringes but – permeating the movement and…

Hello?  How can the press sleep at night?  If for no other reason, one might think the New York ones would have their primal, survival instinct kick in and want to protect their children by reporting the truth.

I just don’t get it.

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Obama 2008: Iran NOT “serious threat”

Nov 16 2011 Published by under salt

Then Senator Barack Obama, May 18, 2008, on the campaign trail in Oregon:

“They don’t pose a serious threat to us… If Iran ever tried to pose a serious threat to us, they wouldn’t stand a chance.”

He based this gem of foreign policy reasoning on the observation that they are a “tiny” little country.


Guess he never factored in waiting for the Mahdi, dramatic advances in computer chips & GPS guided technology and how the whole smack is one hell of a lot cheaper and easier to get now than it was in the 1980′s (When the Soviet Union loomed large, which he cited as the last time we faced a real threat from a real country.)

But… Annie… He’s super-smart so he couldn’t possibly be this facile in his understanding of the world, right?  Plus, he said this waaaaay back… in… 2008…

I swear to God you cannot make this stuff up.

Do I need to even bring up what would happen in Palin or Cain said this?

You can see the video clip here.

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Obama’s Bullsh*t Nativity Story

Nov 16 2011 Published by under salt

I am not among those who thinks Obama was not born in America.  I think he was.  I think the evidence overwhelmingly points to it, and that the place of the Messiah’s birth is Hawaii.

I long ago heard the theory that he is (pictured at right) Malcom X’s son, and he damned sure looks more like him than Obama Senior (left), but, whatever.

But, even putting all that aside – just forget who is Daddy is or isn’t – that doesn’t mean that his birth certificate is real.  I believe it is “fake but accurate.”  Even put aside the liberal orthodoxy that he isn’t lying about being constitutionally eligible to hold the Office of President of the United States, because that’s actually a separate matter – I believe he is not eligible.  (I’ve posted previously that his sister Maya, who he has had out on the campaign trail, posted on her FB page last spring that he was adopted in Indonesia, which would compromise his status, and explain a lot.  She was “encouraged,” of course, to walk back that post, but you know how it is.  Once it’s out there, it’s forever. Doing a tag/search of “birth certificate” should bring up my previous posts on this matter.)

There are even very real concerns about his Social Security number.  The one that is publicly available from his last tax return failed E-Verify and there are credible reports that it was issued to someone born in CT in 1899!  And that he has had as many as 18 different Social Security numbers!

But this?  This new birther theory?  Wow.  Adds a whole new wrinkle.  This is a conspiracy theory I haven’t come across before and it’s a doozy.



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Obama’s “Ill-Concealed Contempt” for America

Nov 15 2011 Published by under salt

You know, I love Charles Krauthammer.  I’ve had some beefs with him gettin’ all snotty & establishment Republican lately, but on the whole, I love the guy. (When he sneers, he looks exactly like the cartoon Grinch, doesn’t he?  Weren’t they totally separated at birth?)

I happened to see him say what is excerpted below, live, on Special Report last night and thought then it was pitch-perfect.  Now The Blaze has posted it, along with the video clip, for the same reason.


“No one is asking him to go out there and be a cheerleader. But when you call your own country lazy when you are abroad and call it unambitious and soft when you are home, I think what you are showing is nothing but ill-concealed contempt. Obama is ready to blame everybody except himself for the lousy economy. The lack of investment?  Why are people reluctant to invest? We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world, in the industrialized world. Obama has spoken about it. One issue on which the Republicans would have agreed on is lowering that rate, eliminating the loopholes (and) in three years in office, he has done nothing. Trying to shut down $1 billion plant (Boeing) that was (already) constructed, as a favor to an Obama union ally; people look abroad and say ‘this isn’t a place I want to do business.’ It’s his issues, his overregulation over taxation. All the red tape he has added. Now he blames Americans’ laziness? Unseemly.

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“You’re lazy!!! …I’m going golfing.”

Nov 14 2011 Published by under salt

As objectionable as I find damned near everything about this President, I’ve not pig-piled on him about his golf habit.  Being President is an unimaginably hard job, and if my President needs to hit the links once a week, well, I can regard the optics of it as questionable, but I’m not going to get all haughty about it.  I want my President emotionally and physically healthy.

But this?  Today?  Ed Henry, traveling with the President in Hawaii, just reported that he is now golfing.  It’s 1pm there (6pm here).  I know it’s Hawaii, and it’s far away and he doesn’t get “home” very often, but Monday f*cking afternoon? After he just called us lazy?

How about you get a little hustle on, huh?

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Regarding Saturday’s Debate

Nov 13 2011 Published by under salt

Regarding tonights’ GOP Foreign Policy Debate:

Could Scott Pelley be less likable?

Maybe it’s because he knows he’s just the cheap sloppy seconds after they unloaded expensive Katie Katrinka there at CBS.  I wanted to slap him.  Several times.

And Murrow must be turning over in his grave that they chopped off the last 30 minutes!  What the hell?!

Nobody made any headlines tonight, good or bad.

Herman’s got to be luckiest guy alive because this is his weakest thing, the debate was on a Saturday night, which is a graveyard for this kind of television, and they only broadcast 2/3′s of it!  Plus, they didn’t pig-pile on him, so all in all, a lukewarm, not great, but not horrible night for Cain.

Kinda hard for lefties to get all snotty about anyone up there not having foreign policy chops on the same day their guy, our President, while on his Pacific/Asia trip, couldn’t pronounce Khe Sanh…

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THINK About This: Obama Would FAIL Background Check to Be on HIS OWN Secret Service Detail

Nov 05 2011 Published by under salt

Noel Sheppard at NewsBusters hits it out of the park, again.  From his story CNN Runs More Stories on Cain ‘Scandal’ in Six Days Than it Did Obama’s Ties to Ayers, Rezko and Wright Combined

‘… Combined (these) ‘scandals’ got roughly four reports a month from CNN.  By comparison, the so-called most trusted name in news has devoted almost 16 stories a day to as yet unproven sexual harassment allegations aimed at Cain.’

So let’s do the math on this, comparing, to borrow a phrase of my man Herman’s, ‘apples to apples’, okay?

4 x per month = 1x per week = 1x per day. (Let’s say.)

16x per day = CNN’s frequency rate on Herman Cain’s non-touching, non-naked, no-pictures, no-threats, no-names, no-specifics, totally anonymous allegations of supposedly doing something wrong in two public places, witnessed by people who won’t say what they supposedly saw even though they are not bound by any legal covenant not to — got it?

So…  CNN’s rate of frequency, for spewing ABSOLUTE BULLCR*P is:

SIXTEEN TIMES - 16x – that of the damning, verifiable, named FELONY SCUM Obama FREELY CHOSE TO ASSOCIATE WITH.

It’s SIXTEEN TIMES more important to spew INNUENDO on a man whose entire life SCREAMS integrity than to send a reporter – like they to did to Wasilla-frickin’-Alaska to investigate a person no longer in public office, where they turned up nothing, btw – to investigate people, who, if a member of the Secret Service had a known association, would disqualify them from their detail protecting the guy who does have these known associations – Got that?

THINK ABOUT THAT:  The guys who are charged with taking a BULLET FOR OBAMA have been BETTER VETTED THAN THE PRESIDENT.  

Secret Service CAN’T HAVE ANY KNOWN ASSOCIATIONS with people or organizations whose stated aim to do violence to the Republic…


Just Google Secret Service background check and navigate to their site, then have a look.  It’s thought-provoking to say the least.

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Obama & Perry Campaigns’ Internal Polling

Nov 03 2011 Published by under salt

UPDATE III: 5:05pm Eastern:  Herman Cain spent the 4pm-5pm hour with Sean Hannity on the radio.  The one question I really wanted asked was ‘Have you ever been unfaithful to your wife?’. Hannity didn’t ask it. Ok… but you know what?  I’m ‘hiring’ Herman based on his character and trustworthiness.  I’m one of those knuckle-draggers who believes that if you lie to your wife you’ll lie to your country.  Call me quaint but I believe it.  Herman gave a good interview, and I’m comforted by it, and my support remains solid… but I’d really like an answer to that question.

UPDATE II 2:22pm Eastern:  Evidently Gloria Berger-Meister-Meister-Burger over at CNN has MORE vicious slander about someone who alleges no touching, no sex, no skin, nothing even remotely substantial, crashing on Herman’s couch once… Uh-huh.  I guess because she’s female and white this is significant?  

UPDATE, THU 9:25am Eastern: I’ve been watching/listening/reading media for three hours since I wrote this around dawn this morning, and not seen ANYONE with analysis like this on the big stage ANYWHERE defending Herman Cain with the SPECIFICS I’VE OUTLINED BELOW.  If you agree, PLEASE FORWARD THIS BLOG POST TO A FRIEND AND EXHORT THEM TO FORWARD IT TO THEIR FRIENDS!  The link you can cut and paste to this specific post is:


As I write this very early Thursday morning, we still have no specifics, no women, no pictures, nothing to back up these claims of ‘harassment’ on Herman Cain.

As I’ve written previously:  To this day, I remember Paula Jones’ bad perm.  We all still live in the fresh hell of Anthony Weiner’s weiner picture still in our minds’ eye  We remember the testimony that Bubba dropped trou and said ‘Wanna kiss it’?

In short, we had faces, names, quotes and witnesses who backed them up.  We have witnesses now who say they saw something in a restaurant and a talk-radio station hallway but won’t give specifics.  Unlike the original complainants, these ‘witnesses’ are not bound by any legal covenant.  Note, too, the venues we are talking about:  a restaurant and a radio station hallway are public places; not a hotel room or other private place… These people, Cain’s accusers & so-called witnesses are just throwing out fire-bombs of innuendo.  And speaking of throwing firebombs of innuendo…

…We have the reporters in the initial Politico story not giving details about exactly what happened, in, as they themselves have framed it, some gentlemanly effort to protect the woman…  Content, evidently with the result, which is to slander the reputation of the #1 GOP Presidential candidate, which is the only possible result from publishing with such a thin story if you have zero publishing standards but 110% agenda.  (Parenthetically,didn’t Politico get some Soros money a few months back? I know Media Matters did.  Duh.  But didn’t Politico?)

Cain has accused Perry of doing this, based on the reasonable conclusion that since someone with knowledge of the 1990′s settlement went to work for him 2 weeks ago. 10 days ago the story bubbled then hit the front page Sunday night.

This morning I awake to see that Drudge has some stories that Rahm Emmanuel may have had a hand in this.

Okay… I’m not suggesting that this was co-ordinated between the two, but if you can’t follow the money the second best thing is benefit.  Who does this benefit?

For GOP it would be Perry, of course, because it must be killing them, just fricking vexing to them that their guy, who started with so much heat, can’t get out of the cool basement of single digits.  

For Democrats the natural beneficiary to taking Cain down a peg or two would be Obama, of course, who has been campaigning all along like Romney is going to be their opponent.  

CONSIDER:  They’ve spent campaign money already putting out ads & talking points as though Romney is their guy.  Ferkryssakes!  What do you think this whole OWS thing is?  It’s an effort to foment civil unrest, next summer, during the conventions, after having spent the winter painting Romney as a Wall Street guy – their named enemy.

I’d bet my HOUSE it’s not just the polls we see on television & the internet that have Cain #1.  I’d bet these campaigns have internal polling – always far more accurate & detailed – that shows Herman Cain’s support far, far, far, far, far stronger than anyone’s previously suspected and each campaign looked at it like good campaigns do and said, ‘Where’s his soft-underbelly?  What’s the biggest balloon on these numbers we can prick to deflate this Cain train and stop it’?


Cain’s support rests largely on a huge amount of good-will.  Ephemeral good will. 

Make him a philanderer and…

Look – Obama can’t – CAN’T - face a strong black man in the General.  It’ll look like the 98-pound weakling punk-ass kid, clutching his trust-fund paid Harvard degree getting a finger-wagging scolding from his grandfather telling him to quit his nancy-boy whining, man-up, and get the frickin’ job done.

He’ll lose, and he knows it.

Therefore, based on all the foregoing, I, for one, believe the internal polls told them the Cain train was coming and Rahm was set loose – and Perry planted the story.

Sigh… This is going to be a long Primary.

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Herman’s “10 Day” / “57″ State Problem Explained

Nov 02 2011 Published by under salt

99% of America either:

(1.) Doesn’t follow the hour-to-hour developments on the ‘non-sexual’-but-’offensive gesture’-sex-’harassment‘-non-story, which is now what the Establishment analysts of both Parties (technically correctly) describe as a process’ vs. ‘substance’ problem.   It’s now become HOW Herman answers the questions, NOT a story on the veracity of the original charge in the first place. 

(2.) Yup… But even if his answers are ‘evolving’… Nobody cares!

Know why?  Because NORMAL people think like Herman did, which is what got him in this mess. 

Herman thought the truth would set him free. That’s why, even thought he had a heads up about this, he didn’t assemble a team of ‘Spinners.’

I firmly believe he thought he could just tell the truth… as he remembered it… coming back to him, as it understandably would after 12 years, in ever-more detailed bits…

I am personally troubled by the fact that Herman failed the ‘emergency on the trail’ management test, yes, I am.  But I am unmoved by it because I know, down to my bones, that it was a mistake made by an honorable man, who – and this is the real core of this – until he’d touched the Progressive Power grid, didn’t realize the voltage of that evil.  What’s new, is that the Establishment G.O.P. contributed to the electric shock.

Now he knows D.C. in this unique moment in time, when we have a culture, helped along by Obama, of pitting American against American… and Establishment (read: CORRUPT) GOP against New (read: HONORABLE) Tea Party.

My man Herman’s a fast learner.  He’ll not make this mistake again.  On the trail…

…Or in the White House.

BTW:  Remember Obama’s horrible, dreadful, inexplicable FLUB on drivers’ licenses for illegals during the ’08 campaign debates?  A flub made even though Hillary had been burned in the previous debate?  Nobody on MSNBC regarded Obama’s LACK OF FRIGGING DEBATE PREPARATION – KNOWING HE WOULD GET THE DAMNED QUESTION as DISQUALIFYING, did they?

UPDATE:  Morning Joe is jumping all over Herman for a clip they played of him which, to their ear, indicated that Herman thought China didn’t have nukes.  Uh… No, you dishonest brokers.  He’s using the normal, vernacular short-hand that everybody uses which is to describe they ability to nuke us from there.  Got it?

UPDATE II:  Just while writing the above paragraph, Andrea Mitchell and the panel lamented that the Republican Party is giving Herman ‘a pass’ and ‘not asking the questions’ they should ask…

Someone find me a puppy so I can kick it! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!



Pass?  GETTING A PASS, ANDREA????????????????????????

You mean like you gave Obama ‘I’ve been to 57 states so far’ A PASS?????

And that’s not even the WORST, STUPID thing he’s said, before OR AFTER the White House!

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Progressive Insurance’s CREEPY New Product

Oct 30 2011 Published by under salt

Knowing that the founder of Progressive Insurance was one of the handful of money men to meet in the Hamptons in 2007 to bankroll Barack Obama into the White House;  knowing what we now know about the naked abuses of our constitutional rights taking place under the guise of ‘helping’ & ‘protecting us’ in the wake of 9/11 and in the name of ‘social justice’ and liberal paternalism;  and just knowing what I know by just being a sentient human about the unassailable common sense of being left the hell alone without Nanny-staters second-guessing my every goddamned move…

…Installing a tracking device on my car so literal branded & ideological Progressives can l-i-t-e-r-a-l-l-y follow my every move?

Over my dead body.  Seriously.


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Krugman & Catnip

Oct 30 2011 Published by under salt

Humorless people can be fun – if you stop caring about them being humorless and just mercilessly f*ck with them.

Late last night, punchy, from having just read through a very dense academic paper on the beauty of confiscatory taxation recommended by HuffPo, I popped over the NYT to see what the Sunday opinion pages would look like upon waking.

Paul Krugman, always dependable, posted yet another veddy, veddy smart piece trying to make an academic excuse for what we all know is true:  Until this President, who keeps promising to do a tax colonoscopy on anyone capable of hiring is removed from Office, this economy is stalled.  Everyone is just treading water trying to survive until 2013 and everyone who doesn’t have their head firmly planted up their a** knows this.

It does not require a single graduate class to know this.

It simply requires common friggin’ sense.

Which is why this comment, dripping with sarcasm got posted.

Like I said, humorless people are fun. Posting comments like this is like a kitty playing with catnip.  Predictable outcome, every time.  It’s just vague enough to look like I believe the drivel being peddled, and just sarcastic enough to fly under their deeply crippled humor radar. If you want to read the piece that inspired the comment below, yet another gravity-defying Krugman piece, the hallmark of which is economic theory utterly untethered to human impulses, it’s here.

20111029 NYT Krug Sarcastic Comment

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The “Twenty Years Ago” Standard

Oct 29 2011 Published by under salt

Or ‘thirty years.’

Or ‘forty years.’

Obama said his ‘association’ with Bill Ayers didn’t count because what he did, he did 40 years ago.

So that’s the standard; a standard they set, in their own words.  Okay.  Let’s A/B compare this standard on a failed Presidential candidate & the guy who actually got the job.  First, Obama’s ‘guy in the neighborhood,’ and his charming wife:

If you squeal ‘Dig it!’ upon hearing a fork was plunged into Sharon Tate’s bloody corpse’s 8 ½  month pregnant belly as Mrs. Bill Ayers did, you get a free pass. (I’m sorry.  You say that once, something very deep is very broken inside. Permanently. Irretrievably. If I found out someone I knew had celebrated that – once – I’m done. I don’t want anything to do with you. There are too many good people in the world to be friends with. Who needs that toxin?)

If you are directly involved in planning / preparing lethal force / bombs against policemen or members of the Pentagon who you regard as the moral equivalent of ‘terrorists’ and this activity resulted in people being dead, then gleefully – to this day – admit to the press that you are ‘guilty as hell, free as a bird’ but got off on a technicality, you get a free pass.

You can be friendly enough with this person, and regard him with sufficient esteem not just to socialize regularly with him, but to launch your State Senate bid in his house – because somehow, inexplicably, in your mind, this doesn’t reflect badly on you, you get a free pass. (How many people like this do you have in your life?  Have you ever known anyone even remotely this violent?  Would you let your children anywhere near these people?)

These are all facts, reported by U.P.I., The New York Times, and never disputed by any member of the White House.  They have tried to tamp it down, deflect it,  but on the facts, on the merits, they’ve never denied a single thing I stated above.  Never.

But because Pat Buchanan said something stupid once back in the 1980′s, Van Jones organizes a movement to have him lose his job at MSNBC?

Because that’s their claim.  That’s the first thing Color of Change mentions in their complaint; something Pat said 30 years ago.  Something that reasonable people could argue may, or may not have been said with malice.  Not that Pat made bombs.  Not that he thought it was farrrout that Sharon Tate had a fork plunged in her belly… but that he said something, arguably, racially charged. 

That’s it.

THAT matters.  Enough that the free pass press has been locked down.

The failed Presidential candidate, now historian and writer, whose biggest weapon is his opinion has to be vilified and fired, but Obama…

…Who is the President… gets a free pass?

Got it. 

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Charity at Gunpoint

Oct 26 2011 Published by under salt

 If Obama is so concerned about wealth distribution, why doesn’t he fight for a 200% tax deduction for all charitable giving? 

It’s so frickin’ obvious & sensible it’s inexplicable – unless you are the Sociopathic-Narcissist-in-Chief who want to control everything.

Look, does Obama have the first damned clue what the real needs are in your town? Of course not.  People in Washington D.C. don’t step over the homeless or drive by the food pantry, or see the long line outside the Unemployment office in your town – you do.  

America is great because America is good.  The American people are the most generous people ever assembled under one flag in the history of human-kind, and are usually the first to offer that help.  Remember the 9/11 families?  The millions and millions of dollars raised to help those widows & widowers & their children?  That’s not a check for some tsunami in a far-off land.  That’s home. and just one, emblematic example.

The only way Obama’s ideas make sense is if you are operating on the assumption that the American people – those with means, anyway (‘fat cats’) – are not good.  WIll not give.  And are too witless to know where to give without Big Government telling them – cuz Big Government has such a long, sterling reputation for being efficient with the people’s money…

Uh – huh.

Charity is that which is freely given.  Taxation is charity at gunpoint: ‘Do  it or we will jail you.’  The local women’s shelter does not have that power.  The charity in your town will not - cannot – deprive you of your liberty if you do not give to them, but Big Government can.

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