“I Take Responsibility”

Oct 16 2012 Published by under salt

Hillary mans up. The buck stops with her. Libya’s blood is on her hands.

I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when that deal was cut. What do they have on each other that keeps these two scorpions locked in a death-cage match?


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Obama / Feinstein 2012?

Aug 20 2012 Published by under salt

If Joe’s gotta go, and Hillary’s a no-go, then Senator Diane Feinstein would be a formidable choice.

She’s pissed at Obama for the egregious, (I say treasonous) leaks over which she has oversight as a senior member of the Intelligence Committee. I believe she also sits on Foreign Relations. Even apart from her impressive credentials and her (liberal!) politics, however, she’s no intellectual slouch. She’s been a solid Democrat, solid Senator, and gracious leader. She would be an excellent choice (dammit).

It was also her house in Georgetown where the deal was done to make Hillary Secretary of State and not the VP in late 2008. It was her dining room, reportedly, where those discussions took place.

She was also a latecomer to ObamaCare and had to be dragged over the finish line. She negotiated more water for the Central Valley farmers who were drying up due to the stupid Delta Smelt.

All of this is indicative of a close relationship & a covenant of trust between Obama & the Senator. The kind of relationship where he might call her and say “If you lay off me about my treasonous leaks, I’ll put you on the ticket.”

Remember where you heard it first.

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Obama’s “Fake but Accurate” Birth Certificate

May 22 2012 Published by under salt

(This is a repost of a post I wrote a year ago, the day Obama released his long-form birth certificate, but given recent events, having another look at the “fake but accurate” birth certificate seemed in order.  I believe Obama was born in Hawaii, but I *also* believe his legal adoption by his mother’s second husband, Lolo Soetoro, in Indonesia, compromised his eligibility to hold office.  We know he was adopted there because his daughter, Obama’s half-sister Maya, the only sibling he’s taken out on the campaign trail, posted on her FB page that Lolo adopted him, thus rendering his birth certificate “fake but accurate.”)

Okay… I was 99% convinced until about an hour ago that the birth certificate was legit.

Gosh, kind of a lot’s happened since then.

How could he put out such a ham-handed fake? This ONE image ALONE blows it and all you had to do was zoom in to see it. Below is a screenshot I took of the original birth certificate pdf downloaded from the White House website. I was viewing it in Adobe Acrobat. All I did was zoom. That’s it.

Look at the pixelation on the last 1!!!!

There’s also the problem of the lack of ‘chromatic fringe’ around the letters. It’s PURE white around the edges of the numbers. That’s NOT what happens in COLOR SCANS and we know this is a color scan because the safety paper is clearly green.

I wish I could say I knew about ‘chromatic fringe’ 2 hours ago but I didn’t. A detailed, mind-blowing examination of the document is here. But before you go, look what happened when I just tried to ‘control-C’ copy the selection above:


Barry… Didn’t the Nixon years teach you ANYTHING? It’s not the CRIME. It’s the COVER-UP.

If the ‘mind-blowing’ exam link is broken (as it likely is since I have lately been embed hexed) you can cut and paste this one:


UPDATE 19 May 2011:

Just figured out why & how the last ’1′ is different from the numbers that precede it.

If you’ve ever used Adobe Photoshop Elements, you know there’s a select tool called the ‘magic wand.’ Basically it selects whatever you ‘touch’ with it, so if you have an irregular area, like the inside of a number (or series of numbers) you lifted off another person’s birth certificate, you can ‘select’ each one then ‘fill’ it with something else, like, black.  That explains why all the numbers except the last ’1′ are so nice and inky black.  They selected areas to ‘fill.’  They probably reasoned that if they ‘selected’ & ‘filled’ all the irregular areas and filled them with black it would give the document consistency.  But what to do about that last number that has to be changed?

They typed it.  Dumb choice.  Rookie mistake. (Did Obama himself do this?) Look at the hard edges around the bottom of that last ’1.’  Now look at the irregular edges of the other numbers.  How do you explain that?  One suggestion is that it was made by one of those rubber stamp things that advances a click every type you stamp something. Uh… No.  It’s too sharp… too COMPUTER GENERATED.  The only thing I can’t figure is why didn’t the genius who did this who presumably can ‘select’ and ‘fill’ just ‘select’ and ‘copy’ one of the other 1′s?  That would have been the thing to do, then just rough up the edges a little to distinguish it from the others.  That ain’t hard. They AT LEAST could have ‘inked in’ the pixels on the typed ’1′ ferkryssakes.  Like I said before, my kids could make a better fake.

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Lie’s Line

Apr 08 2012 Published by under salt

I’m rather quaint about the American Presidency.  I regard the Office is worthy of respect ’til it hurts.


When do we get to say the President is lying?  Not misspeaking.  Not misunderstood.  Not tired… but L-Y-I-N-G?

Because damned if I think we haven’t crossed that line a while ago.  Quite a while ago.  I mean… What’s coming out of the mouth of the Commander-in-Chief is no mere quantification of “what is, is” or splitting hairs, pubic or otherwise, over some pedestrian misdeed of the philandering or fiscal variety.

We’re hearing full-on, full-monty, bold-faced, easily fact-checked & rebutted, all-out, shameless, jaw-droppingly audacious LIES.

I love my Republican form of government.  I love that we don’t have murals of our leaders all over our buildings.  We take great pains to separate the man from the Office and revere the Office to a fault – like I said, until it hurts.  That Oval provides a kind of force-field of good will around whomever occupies it; buys them the benefit of several dozen doubts… but this guy.  This guy’s killin’ me.  I mean… it’s no joke no mo’:  How do we know Obama’s lying?  His lips are moving.  I’m as serious as a heart-attack here.

And I hate saying it.  I hate saying my President is a liar.  L-I-A-R.  Like… WAY more than usual.  In a WHOLE NEW CLASS of lying Presidents.  The kind of lying that leads one to believe… nothing anymore.  Ever.  Again.  Leaving even the most devoted acolyte no choice but to… vote his lying ass out of Office in the vain hope that the next President will just be an ordinary liar.

That I can live with.

Give me lies about semen-stained blue dresses & expensive china again… Those were good days, huh?

We just didn’t know it, then.

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Sunstein Says Obama Can Ignore SCOTUS?

Apr 08 2012 Published by under salt

I’m not an attorney, so I’m a bit out of my depth here, but this 2006 paper by “the most dangerous man in America” appears to argue that the President can ignore The Supreme Court…  Please tell me if I am right, if you do, actually, plow through it.  I’ve only skimmed it very superficially. 
Cass R. Sunstein – Beyond Marbury: The Executive’s Power To Say What the Law Is

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How Much More Do You Need to Hear, America?

Apr 03 2012 Published by under salt

This President is not fit to inhabit his office. He is rogue. He is openly, nakedly contemptuous of our system of government.

He mounts an actual campaign, with an actual name “We Can’t Wait” announcing in bold headlines his intent to do an end run around one branch, 1/3 of our system of power, congress.

He stands in the Rose Garden yesterday daring the other 1/3 to tell him “no” via an adjudication of ObamaCare.

He has 26 states – more than half the country – suing him over any number of policies, most notably ObamaCare.

He has violated the rule of law so many times, breached ethics so grievously, they are literally too voluminous to list in a brief blog post – any ONE of which would have elicited SCREECHING HOWLS from the left had the very same things been said & done by a President with an “R” after his name.

This man is temperamentally unfit to lead this great nation. I happened to think he’s a dangerous narcissistic sociopath on top of it.

We’ve GOT to vote him out in November.

America’s life depends on it.

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Obama Marched w/ Black Panthers 2007

Mar 28 2012 Published by under salt

What a shock. h/t Twitter to P.J. Media

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*Snort* Yup. That about sums it up…

Mar 05 2012 Published by under salt

Sandra Fluke Obama Pimp Pay for Sex Cartoon

h/t WND

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AAACK! Bush Shakes an Imperial Finger at an Ally!

Mar 04 2012 Published by under salt

Oh… wait… That’s Obama.  Nevermind.

Obama Points Bibi Benjamin Netanyahu Chest
(At AIPAC today.)

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Billion+ for Obama? TRY $75 Million…

Mar 03 2012 Published by under salt


See official FEC statement of accounts here.

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Everybody’s an Expert – in D.C.

Mar 03 2012 Published by under salt

This kerfuffle over contraception/abortofacients/sterilization & the Catholic Church has exposed – AGAIN – the olympic hubris of the Left.

To hear them tell it, they are not only bureaucrats, but profit/loss insurance industry experts AND Ph.D.’s in theology.  The arguments they proffer in what to non-propagandized people is a SCREAMINGLY clear issue of 1st amendment religious liberty are TOTALLY tangential to the issue and UTTERLY pedantic.

First:  This meme that the insurance companies won’t be crushed by the cost of offering FREE contraception to EVERY AMERICAN who wants it and it will actually inure to their benefit because of the presumed, resulting diminution in expensive births begs the question: If these rapacious, greedy insurance companies really are as they’ve been sold, DON’T YOU THINK THEY WOULD BE DOING THIS ALREADY??????

So… what?  Now you’re an insurance expert AND a hack bureaucrat? Like your argument about the greedy insurance companies’  costs coming out in the wash YOU CAN’T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS. Please…

And second, but related:  Now you’re a bureaucrat and a THEOLOGIAN?

WHO THE HELL ARE YOU to tell the Catholic Church – based on your vapid, stupid, COMPLETELY OFF-POINT laundry lists of stats about how many Catholics already break the church’s rules about these matters – THAT THEY ARE WRONG?


It doesn’t MATTER what YOU think.  It doesn’t MATTER if YOU think it doesn’t violate Catholic doctrine – or shouldn’t.

This is NOT YOUR DECISION to make. It’s THEIRS, you busy-body gimme-girl MORONS.

Rant over.


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Mar 02 2012 Published by under salt

Obama for America posted this “permission slip” as a “joke” on their site; as some sort of slam on opposition to their contraception mandate.

Obama Employer Authorization for Contraception

I’m AMAZED at the UNBELIEVABLE GALL of this.  THE PRESIDENT IS MOCKING people of faith who disagree with him.  He’s got the Catholic Church SUING HIM to get this overturned… and he’s MOCKING them.

OH MY GOD.  This guy is a soulless monster.  Just when I think it’s unbelievable how bloodless he is, he ups the ante.

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Another Brilliant American Thinker Cartoon

Feb 16 2012 Published by under salt

Obama, Pill, Morning After Pill, Catholic, Church, Mandate, ObamaCare, Sacking Rome And Pope

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Obama by the Numbers

Feb 15 2012 Published by under salt

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The Prophylactic on the Truth: The Ribbed NYT Brand

Feb 11 2012 Published by under salt

These people are seriously deeeeeranged.  They can’t be this dishonest, can they?  Or think that we are this stupid?  How are such super-smaht people this stricken with goo where their mental acuity should be?

The NYT posted yet another “life, liberty and free condoms are your constitutional right” piece, this time as an NYT editorial.

I felt compelled to comment, below.  They won’t publish it, so I am publishing here:

There’s no love lost between me and the Catholic Church of my upbringing, but to frame this as a “right” to birth control argument is fatuous and dishonest, even for wicked smaht liberals like you guys, who gas up the place with fatuous and dishonest every minute of every damned day.

It doesn’t MATTER what YOU think. It matters what THE CHURCH thinks, and THEY think directing A SINGLE PENNY in SUPPORT of abortion/contraception is WRONG and it DOESN’T MATTER if Obama uses some bullish*t bookkeeping trick as a fig leaf.

He’s reached his big fat federal hand into the sanctuary of faith and you know it. Just own up to it ferkryssakes, and make an honest argument. But this? This is beneath even you.


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