By now, you’ve doubtlessly heard that Michelle Obama was booed at NASCAR. Personally, I think the proper way to handle that would have been to just not clap. Not clapping is a choice of omission – and the message is elegant in its silence. Booing is a choice of co-misson, and no matter how you feel about Michelle Obama, she is The First Lady and and we do our system of representative government a disservice when we fail to confer a minimum of respect on the title she holds, even if we can’t stomach the woman holding it. First ladies come and go, but we honor “first ladies” as a general principle; or at least we should. Other countries paint murals of their leaders’ visages all over the countryside. We fly flags. It’s the office we revere, not the person.
Further, and at the risk of sound elitist (God help me), NASCAR isn’t The Boston Ballet, and I suspect the booing wasn’t so much a choice as an impulse. America is so tired of these people it seemed more reflex than rude-on-purpose. Still, it shouldn’t have happened. Our bad. NASCAR should send a note. You invite someone to your “house” you’re not rude to them once they get there. Thems is the rules of civilized society.
What’s been vastly underreported is the sanctimonious scolding she gave the crowd over how she’s going to lead the way in showing us how to show love to the military. This, to a NASCAR crowd who, it could be argued, is more disposed to love of military than a Boston Ballet audience… or a Chicago radical… Read it, and then I’ll comment below:
Obama and Biden also spoke at a barbecue for military families before the race.
“Everyone around the country is focused on you. And this isn’t just an effort today,” Obama said. “ Jill and I through Joining Forces, we want to make this a part of the dialogue in this country forever. Whether Jill or I are here or not, whether this administration is here or not, this is about the way we want this country to talk about our troops, veterans and military families forever. We want you to feel that appreciation and that gratitude so that you know your sacrifice is not in vain.”
She’s admonishing us to think nice thoughts about our men & women in uniform?
Quite apart from the implication, again, that she thinks we’re a bunch of pr*ck oppresors, she’s the one who “pals around with terrorist” Bill Ayers, who “wishes he did more” in the way of bombings – you know, the Pentagon – the military place????!!! He’s unrepentant. He’s said, on the record, “Guilty as hell. Free as a bird,” that he’s not rotting in prison by virtue of a technicality. He’s utterly, shamelessly, disgustingly unrepentant. He’s hated military / police / “pigs” his whole life – to this day – and all through his close relationship with Barack and Michelle. They’ve been thick as thieves with him since the 1980′s! Barack launched his Chicago senate bid in his house, fercryingoutloud. And he’s just one anti-military, America-hating violent scumbag friend.
Do you know anybody like this in your life? Would you be friends with anyone like this? Let your daughter date a member of the family? I wouldn’t. If they were remorseful, maybe. But these people are soulless monsters. His wife, Bernandine Dohrn squealed “Farrout” when she heard Manson’s hippies stuck a fork in just murdered Sharon Tate’s 8 1/2 month pregnant belly. That’s from a wire service news story from United Press International. Not some internet rumor. And the Obamas saw nothing wrong in launching a political career in their house! “Just a guy around the neighborhood?” There’s not one other house in all of Chicago in which they could launch a political career? Were all the banquet halls and Holiday Inns in Chicago booked that day?
She and her husband have been up to their eyeballs with anti-military radicals for 25 years and she wonders why she gets booed at NASCAR.
Do they just move their lips to whatever is in the teleprompter or does anyone, including the first lady, think about what they are saying?