Can Someone Explain?

Jan 25 2012 Published by under salt


My goodness but we have lots of cranky libs!  This is not a surprise, per se, but a bit of a surprise that they are so free flowing with their crankitude on my itty-bitty corner of cyberspace.  PLEASE see my SOURCED replies in comments below, in my years long effort to correct lib myths.

Help me, some wicked smaht lib, will ya?

How do you reconcile these seemingly opposing memes from Our Dear Leader:

We don’t want to “punish” success. We simply want to see to it that everyone gets a “fair opportunity at the American Dream” which we describe, in part, as being able to “pay for your children to go to college” and to have the “dignity” of a “secure retirement.”

BUT, this will cost boatloads of money, which, if you “hoard” it, makes you a selfish pr*ck and I will tax your ass back to the stone age… which sounds an awful lot like “punishing” you, right?

So how to make the math work with the rhetoric?  Let’s give it a whack:

Okay - Let’s use the Obamas as an example, since it is a President with the last name Obama who is setting the standard. After all, he wouldn’t be so kingly as to presume that others have less of a dreamy dream than him, right?

Tuition for Malia and Sasha to attend what they regard as the best possible school for them (something the President has said, repeatedly, publicly, is every American child’s “right.”) is $40k per year.

Four years for 2 kids at Sidwell Friends will be $320,000.

If they want to go to Princeton, Columbia, and Harvard like Mom & Dad, all the way, for a J.D. or M.D., that’s another $1,000,000. (Just trust me on this.  I’ve done the math.)

Let’s just round that up to $1.5M because you know that by the time your children actually get there, it’s going to be at least that much. Now, maybe you aren’t the kind of parent who would pay for your child to go all the way to an M.D. or J.D. I know in my own case, my father was not willing to pay for a Masters’ degree for me (I degreed in Professional Writing & Film. Why not become an expert in bat snot on the bottom of Ugg boots in Manhattan in the springtime when the wind blows from the west and go make a living, right?), so not on a professional track and I was just so friggin’ grateful he paid for me to get my B.F.A. it never occurred to me then, nor since, to ever be unhappy about that, but, hey… If you’ve got a kid who can go all the way to be a Harvard M.D. or lawyer, who WOULDN’T want to see that happen, right? So let’s go with it.

Median income in this country is about $60k, give or take, depending on who you talk to or what metric you consult, but let’s just go with it, because it’s a nice easy number to work with.

That’s $5k per month, gross. In order to save $1.5M from the time your little snowflakes are born (let’s say they are twins) until the day they turn 18, you would – EVERY MONTH – have to save (absent compound interest, obviously):


($1.5M / 18 years = $83 333.33 / 12 months = $6,944.44)


I’m just a knucke-dragging neanderthal conservative, but last time I checked, $7k is more than $5k.

Okay. Let’s say you earn that much. Let’s say you earn TWICE that so you can do something other than live in a box while you save for college.

$14k per month is your income, let’s say.

That’s $168,000 per year. You would have to meticulously save 1/2 your income every month for 18 consecutive years to do that. This is not realistic, eh, mon chere?

So, let’s double THAT to $336,000 so we can get your required monthly savings down to a more reasonable 25% of your income. This is still hard, but at least it’s approaching earth.


That would put you WELL over the magic, evil $250k per couple threshold.

Obama wants to tax you Satans-among-us much, Much, MUCH more.

How we gonna send our little snowflakes to Harvard without having to go to the federal government for a handout like Oliver Twist asking “Please sir, may I have some more” unless we get to keep our money without getting it up the wazoo in taxes? Because, remember, the President was kind enough to criminalize private sector school loans when he got the health care bill passed.

And we haven’t even TOUCHED retirement yet.  JUST TUITION.




How does this work?

28 responses so far

Bumpersticker – Texas Style

Jan 23 2012 Published by under salt


Okay… It’s not in good taste.

But you chuckled, didn’t you?

Heh heh heh

h/t American Daughter

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Obama Bungle #4963

Jan 17 2012 Published by under salt

First we find out that the MLK memorial in Washington D.C. is being crafted by non-black, non-Americans.


If that had happened on GWB’s watch, the MSM would be wall-to-wall that he hates black people, hates black Americans in particular, and what the hell is wrong with our American president that we can’t find one qualified black artist to get this done.

Then we find out that they screwed up the quote that is literally chiseled in stone on it.


If that had happened on GWB’s watch, the MSM would be wall-to-wall that he he’s a redneck moron, has probably never been inside an art museum anyway, and what the hell can you expect from an illiterate American president that we can’t get a friggin’ quote etched in correctly.

NOW we find out that the “eternal flame” has gone out.  Oh, they got it going again, but… it went out.

That’s not “eternal” you know?  Now, the eternal flame is in Atlanta, but the MSM would blame a warm salad fork on George W. Bush, so what the hell. Let’s just pig-pile it all together.

Can you IMAGINE the outcry if these three things had happened under anyone other than The Messiah?

…And there have been soooo many!


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Evil Thought

Jan 16 2012 Published by under salt

Well, not my evil thought, but my thought of what evil Obama has up his sleeve.

It occurred to me today that we’ve been wrong to worry about Obama suspending the election somehow. The blogosphere was ablaze with speculation prior to the mid-terms that he might do something to forestall his “shellacking,” and though I haven’t really trolled much of late, I suspect it is ablaze now with similar talk with November 2012 at hand. The usual conspiracy theories are martial law or military action that prevents us from having “safe and fair” elections so the Boy-King can retain power.

But while I was driving today, and thinking, as we are wont to do while driving, it hit me: Obama’s not going to do a pre-emptive strike. He’s a Progressive Magician. He will do whatever is necessary to provide the veneer of legitimacy – BEFORE November 6th. But after?


If Obama is a lame duck President come sunrise November 7th, THAT’S when he’ll pounce. Not that morning, of course. That would be too obvious. But before January 20th when he has to sit on the deus watching President-elect Romney get sworn in.

He’ll do everything he can to beg, borrow, or steal a “legitimate” election, but if he loses, he will do something AFTER the loss to hold on to power, but NOT BEFORE.

Adding to the weight of my theory is also his narcissism. He’ll believe until the last vote is counted that he’s America’s sweetheart.

Also, Paul Guercio’s “Merlin” chart has been nagging at me. Why does Obama/Biden’s timeline extend so strongly for about 6 months into January 2013? Is it because they’ve done something to stay in power? Something which will ultimately come undone mid-2013?

It really bugs me.

Just my 2 cents.

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Way to Stay Classy, Newsweek – WOW

Jan 16 2012 Published by under salt





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Obama: “Oh… You’re okay, I suppose. But you’ll be better with my thumb pressing down on you v.2!”

Jan 15 2012 Published by under salt

“…There’s a core decency and strength and resilience to be tapped, and that most of the time the better angels of our nature win out.”

That was President Obama at a fancy-pants fundraiser at a private home in Chicago late last week, talking about how “as difficult as these last three years have been, as challenging as they’ve been – not so much for me but for Americans all across the country who lost their jobs or have seen their home values decline or been worrying about their retirement and their 401Ks”

“Core” decency, Mr. President? That only comes “out” sometimes and needs “to be tapped” but only if you win and “work hard” to elicit it from us?

You pompous ass.

How about an “atta-boy” for the incredible strength, endurance, and resilience the American people have shown just staying afloat these last 3 years?

What the hell was that? That was a pat on the back? Sounded pretty tentative to me, you tinpot dictator.

Jeezuz I skeeve this guy!

The whole speech is here, but don’t read it on a full stomach.

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Hello? Enemy 1? Enemy 2? We can only fight 2 wars at once! Call Enemy 3 and you can kill us all and still have the weekend!

Jan 05 2012 Published by under salt

Bam-Bam just told the world we’re cutting our military capability to 2 wars at a time.

D’ya think it ever occurred to the smartest man to ever occupy the Oval Office that two of our enemies might have a buddy?  And they might decide it’s a good time to get together?


How stupid is this guy?  Or is he that evil that this is on purpose?


5 responses so far

Was it a Round-Trip Ticket?

Jan 05 2012 Published by under salt


I gotta stop getting up at 3 in the morning and surfing the ‘net. Seriously.

If you thought you’d heard it all vis-a-vis conspiracy theories regarding Barack Obama, you haven’t heard the most gravity-defying one yet.


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The Boy King’s Bigger Britches

Jan 04 2012 Published by under salt

Obama has made another power grab – making a recess appointment of Richard Cordray to the CFPB when the Senate isn’t in recess – which is shocking – Not for it’s brazenness, because he’s racked up a few of those, but for its timing, for two reasons:

1. His media team gets a gold star for doing this the day after the Iowa caucus.  They’re adding to their low-rent, poorly executed, utterly childish internet town-hall thing they did last night for 200 locations in Iowa last night, in a shameless demonstration of spotlight hogging that will no-doubt continue to increase in intensity and classlessness throughout election season.

2. His media team must have internal polling that tells them it would make him look butch, not tyrannical.  It’s hard for me, as someone who reveres our system of checks and balances as divinely inspired, to see it that way, but if you are uneducated or embrace Chicago thuggery, I guess that’s a good way to go.  Unhappily, there are so many “American Idol” type voters out there, it will likely play to his base, but ewww… Seems Chavez to me…


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“Family Time?”

Dec 29 2011 Published by under salt

From The Hill:

“Before the (3 hour) dinner (w/out the kids at a restaurant in Honolulu), Obama hit the links, spending nearly 7 hours at the Ko’olau golf club with Mike Ramos, Greg Orme and long-time friend Robert Titcomb, who earlier this year plead no contest to soliciting a prostitute in Honolulu.

I thought Bam-Bam was supposed to be spending precious time with his daughters, right?  He’s golfed every day, for 5 to 7 hours, every day he’s been on vacation save one, I think.

Look… Makes no never-mind to me how someone spends their own money or vacation time, but don’t shine me on telling me it’s all about the kids, okay?

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“Charity” Under Threat of Audit is NOT Charity

Dec 26 2011 Published by under salt

Every time I hear Obama talk about how the federal government has to “invest” in education, research, etc., and “spend” on the “social safety net” I wonder… Does he think we’re all a bunch of bloodless selfish pr*cks like him?  That we wouldn’t organize locally to take care of our own?  Why can’t the state / counties / towns take care of things?  Why do the Feds have to do everything?

America is great because is America is good.  Obama seems to not believe that.  Listen to him and ask yourself:  Why do you (the Feds) have to do it?  I’m here.  We’re here.  We’ll do it.  Just let us keep our damned money.  If you’re really feeling generous, incentivize us by giving us a tax deduction.  You want efficient use of American dollars to help people?  Match charitable giving.  Every kid who can handle one will get a college education.  Every down & out person will get their “fair shot” locally…

We don’t want your crappy government handouts to be the first stop, we want it to be the last stop you moron!  Don’t you know that?

h/t to American Thinker cartoons which are here.

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Michelle’s Mad Messaging Skills

Dec 23 2011 Published by under salt

From The Hill, the headline reads “(Michelle) Bachmann: Romney and Gingrich are Health Law’s ‘Father and Grandfather‘”

What an awesome way to frame those little factoids!

Just the other day I saw her on with Monica Crowley who suggested to her that there was a tinge of sexism in the Iowa caucus leader who asked her, and not Santorum who she has consistently out-polled, to step aside so Santorum (or someone else, presumably) could benefit.  (Never-mind that she won the stinking straw poll!) Man, she took that softball and slammed it out the park!  She started talking about women political leaders being taken seriously, and how she hoped to emulate trailblazing conservative Margaret Thatcher, thus brilliantly riding the pop culture mojo out there on the well-reviewed Meryl Streep performance in theaters now, and thus, linking her name with Thatcher’s in voters’ minds.

The week before she had a brilliant debate performance with the “Newt Romney” thing, linking them together in the voters’ minds in one political, unpalatable knot!  The girl’s got game!

I still don’t know if I see her as President, but I damned sure agree with 95% of what she says and stands for and have no doubt she means what she says and says what she means.  Thus, I have no doubt about what she would do every single day in the White House, unlike the fraud we have in there now… and many, of both parties, before him.

Santorum’s just too angry for me.  I just can’t get past his prickly, holier-than-thou attitudes, even though, largely, I agree with them! He just seems like a pr*ck!  I can’t get past that!  And I don’t think his roots are as resistant to D.C. rot as, say, Bachmann’s are.  I think he could be bought.

Huntsman just p*sses me off every time I just look at his face.  It’s visceral.  I skeeve the guy.  Too smarmy.

Perry’s “heartless” & Gardasil things are deal breakers for me.  I’ll vote for him if he is the nominee, but not in the primary.

So that leaves Newt & Mitt.  My head says Mitt.  My “go wipe the floor with Barry in a debate” heart says Newt.  I keep coming back to the fact that the number one, numero uno, no question, absolute top priority for America is to turn this economy around and there’s nobody on that stage who is a better turnaround guy than Mitt.  He’s hugely talented at making fiscal lemonade out of fiscal lemons and damn!  We need that huge right now.

Perhaps Turn-around Guru Mitt for President and Navigate-the-Hill Newt for V.P.?  Dream ticket?  Don’t think there’s any love lost between them, but it would be a practical pairing, yes?

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Santorum: Worse than Socialism

Dec 21 2011 Published by under salt

Rick Santorum in The Des Moines Register nails it:

“’I’m for income inequality.

I think some people should make more than other people, because some people work harder and have better ideas and take more risk, and they should be rewarded for it. I have no problem with income inequality. 

President Obama is for income equality. That’s socialism. It’s worse yet, it’s Marxism,’ Santorum said. ‘I’m not for income equality.

I’m not for equality of result — I’m for equality of opportunity.’”

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How do You Prove to Feds You’re Gay?

Dec 12 2011 Published by under salt

Bam-Bam’s Federal Government has now undertaken a formal commitment to hire homosexuals.

Okay.  I don’t think any fair-thinking person would want to see anyone qualified to hold a job not get the job because of race, gender, or sexual orientation… but…

How do they know?

I mean… You can (typically) tell just by looking what someone’s race is.

You can (typically) tell just by looking what someone’s gender is.

But if you’re gay…

This is yet another example of “negative” vs. “positive” rights.  Ours is a system of government designed to restrain wrong upon us, not confer “right” upon us.

This betrays, yet again, Bam-Bam’s “fundamental” misunderstanding of America.

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Obama’s Excellent 2012 Adventure

Nov 21 2011 Published by under salt

It occurs to me that Michelle Obama being booed at NASCAR is just the beginning.

You’ll note that the Obamas’ appearances of late have all been very tightly choreographed.  They almost always pack a crowd with friendlies, then keep the camera from doing any wide shots, thus betraying how much the crowds have shrunk since 2008.

You can’t campaign for President only in front of friendly crowds.

I know my Tea Party friends will comport themselves with dignity.

I will remind them to please always bring a video camera and have someone with you taping everything, because you will be set up to be the fall guy for some crank the other side tries to plant as Tea Party.

Keep calm, and carry on ;)

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