On Foreign Policy “Judgement” Obama Wins? Uh-NO

Oct 24 2011 Published by under salt

 If it weren’t so sad, it would be funny.

MSNBC’s Morning Joe opened this morning taking broad swipes at the GOP field for being foreign-policy-feckless, and furthering their point by insisting that we must have sound foreign policy judgement in the next President – like Obama’s… 

Got that?  Obama’s foreign policy judgement is sound.  Okay?  Now, let’s remember:

In a 2002 Chicago speech – organized, by the way, by his radical friends Marilyn Katz, Bernadine Dohrn, & Bill Ayers – Obama called Iraq the ‘dumb’ war and Afghanistan the ‘good’ war.  Bam-Bam’s been dining out on that speech as the shining jewel of his FP chops ever since.  Over the weekend we learn, that this GENIUS-of-Foreign-Policy-Judgement has led us to the following:

1. IRAQ: OBAMA’s cynically political decision to have the Iraqi troops 100% home for Christmas will likely result in the worst kind of back-sliding, VERY likely redounding to the benefit of IRAN.  Even lefty analyists say so.  Result?  Yet another enemy of Israel emboldened THANKS TO OBAMA.

2. AFGHANISTAN: Hamid Karzai just told the world that Afghanistan will choose Pakistan as their ally AGAINST the United States should there be a need to pick sides.  Doesn’t matter, frankly, why or when we have to pick sides.  The guy we spent 10 years trying to help in the war Obama APPROVED of, HATES US – LETHALLY.  Not just diplomatic hate.  Take up arms and KILL YOU hate.

So! Obama was 180 degrees WRONG about BOTH of the big ticket wars we have on the ground he’s been PREENING he’s been so RIGHT about since 2002.

There’s nothing Herman Cain lacks in judgement, as a man, as a leader, to make SOUND Foreign Policy judgement that he can’t learn in a briefing book.  

Obama’s problem is EXACTLY the OPPOSITE:  There aren’t enough briefing books in the world to help him – he’s too arrogant, too prison-bound in his ideology.

Sorry, Mika.

And do we even need to pick the scab of how he’s directly treated England?  Or Israel? When you consider that England & Israel have traditionally been America’s strongest and most important allies, and the unutterably shabby way he has treated them – IT’S LAUGHABLE that Obama’s FP judgement is admirable.

Laughable… Until you cry.

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ANOTHER Impeachable Offense!

Oct 14 2011 Published by under salt

Obama is sending 100 U.S. troops to Uganda to fight in their civil war.


By himself.

Even without hiding behind the ‘international community’s’ skirts like he typically does.

He, at least, had the decency to drop a note to Congress.  He sent Boehner a note, after the fact, letting him know he was doing it.

Holy cr*p.

Those poor boys.  Their poor families.  Can you say Mogadishu?

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Drudge Hits it Out of the Park!

Oct 14 2011 Published by under salt

Gotta love that flamboyant blogger from F-L-A dontcha????  LOOK at these pictures side by side!

Drudge 3pix alike

There’s not a penny’s worth of difference among them.  Okay… Achmed Whackajob never got Botox and Pelosi wouldn’t be caught dead with all those po’ folk on the South Side of Chicago, but other than that and a good tailor, what the hell’s the difference?  They’re even sequential, if you read from right to left, which is perfect since their propaganda has done a complete 180 on everyone’s grasp of what we know is true about America!

Consider:  1. Pelosi is a proud Catholic and really believes her Progressive policies jive with her religious beliefs.  She just doesn’t know yet that she’s on a sure train to Hell that would take all of us with her.

2.  Obama is a proud Liberation Theologian who really believes his Progressive policies jive with his religious beliefs and he’s right.  He DOES know that he’s on a fast moving train because of his faith-based, religion-rooted policies, believes it will be fine for him and the people he regards as deserving of reprieve, but the rest of us can go straight to Hell, including death, and really, what the hell is wrong with that?

3. Whackajob is a fully cooked Mahdi-waiting loon who has no problem whatsoever with using religion as law and we can all go to hell.

See?  The difference is just a matter of degrees.  Pelosi doesn’t yet know she’s going to the train station, Obama’s on the train, and Whackajob in the dark, deep middle of it… waiting for the Mahdi on the other side.


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Hola? Barack?

Oct 09 2011 Published by under salt

An imaginary phone call between Felipe Calderon & Barack Obama over Fast & Furious:

Hola, Barack, Felipe here.  Listen, 200 of my people are dead because Holder sent a bunch of guns down here.  What are you gonna do about it?  Whah?  You didn’t know about it?  Barack, that makes you either a liar or too incompetent to hold the office you hold, so which is it amigo?  We’ve got an international crisis here.  You’re sending guns into my country and they’re being used to kill my people.  I could maybe understand you not being outraged about 200 dead Mexicans, but 2 of your own men are dead on your own soil because your stupid gun program put two in their hats.  So which is it, Barack?  Liar?  Or Incompetent?

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Crowd Source Blues

Oct 08 2011 Published by under salt

Remember when Sarah Palin’s emails were released?  You know… Sarah Palin who holds no political office whatsoever… but the NYT and every other progressive rag ‘crowd sourced’ the public to paw through them like it was some noble idea to save the world from right-wing evil in old emails… then found ZIP-NOTHING-NADA?

The White House did a 1,000 page document dump of emails, etc. last night regarding Solyndra… You know… the HALF BILLION crony-capitalism-green-hell- eco-justice boondoggle of Obama’s?  A HALF BILLION of the PEOPLE’$ MONEY just flushed down the compost toilet for a project EVERYBODY KNEW was based on the super-smart-genius business model of making something that cost $6, selling it for $3, then hoping the super-smart-genius-magic-math fairy would make ‘enough’ profit to be sustainable but not so much as to be immoral to the super-smart-genius-benevolent-despots who slimed it through?

How come we’re not being called upon to crowd source THAT?  Hmmmmm?????

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Almost Right

Oct 08 2011 Published by under salt

While I agree with the whole of the this – yet another brilliant article at American Thinker ‘Palin’s Withdrawal Means Obama Wins’ - I disagree with the headline.  I think the writer underestimates the anti-Obama impulse of the conservative base, no matter how progressive the GOP nominee.  I, for one, will install Mickey Mouse in the Oval Office if it means removing Obama, but for now, while there is hope, I am throwing my support behind Herman Cain, in deed, wallet, and word. (You can set up a recurring donation at his website.  Maybe $25 – or even $50 – out of every payday?  Could you?)

The article is here -> http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/10/palins_withdrawal_means_obama_wins.html

BTW:  If you don’t read American Thinker every single day, you are impoverished – truly.  DO IT.

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Sep 30 2011 Published by under salt

President Obama says we’ve become ‘soft’, as a nation, in the last couple of decades. Hmmm…

What was happening two decades ago? Oh, right, Barry was joining the Democratic Socialists of America in Chicago. Is that when he noticed the soft underbelly of his countrymen? From a basement window, surrounded by America-hating, warmed-over, ’60′s retreads? Was it then?

Perhaps it was one decade ago, when we were so mercilessly attacked on 9/11, and countless dozens of our countrymen rushed in to carry, feed, soothe, hug, write checks and even risk their lives breathing in toxic dust to aid strangers at the worst moments of their lives – for weeks & weeks on end. Was it then, Barry?

What about the people of Joplin after the tornado? Or any of the dozens of other communities across this great nation laboring under the devastation brought by man or nature, or most pervasively, government’s interference in the free markets in the name of social justice?  Because the bitter irony is that like the typical mortgage, it took about 30 years for the mortgage crisis seeded by your radical friends to bring us to this moment of ruin – and even The New York Times knows it.  Two of their reporters wrote an entire book about it and you know what it said?  First the banks were ‘redlining racists’ for not making loans to people who couldn’t afford them. Then, when they were forced into making them at the behest of buddies of yours like Carol Mosley Braun, they devised monetary instruments to bundle them to prolong solvency. Then, in 2008, when it all collapsed under its own weight as it inevitably would, they were demonized as ‘predatory racists’ who engineered it for their own greed, but none of it - NONE OF IT - would have happened without big government, ‘social justice’ interference.

The people of America, 25% of whom are either unemployed or underemployed are doing what our capitalist economy is doing under the crushing weight of your collective salvation – They’re surviving. Against all odds, against every conceivable metric, the engine of capitalism and its human dreamers & doers – its soul’s breath – are surviving because it’s not US who is the problem, you narcissistic sociopathic fraud. It’s YOU, and your anti-capitalist, collective bull-crap.

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NO! Income & Capital Gains Should NOT be the Same! Here’s Why

Sep 20 2011 Published by under salt

Income is based on an agreed upon exchange: work for a rate of pay agreed upon in advance.

Capital gains are reaped on RISK. You take the RISK that your investment will pay off. Typically, this investment will accrue to the benefit of all (the investment enterprise hires employees who spend money in the economy) BUT AT RISK ONLY TO YOURSELF IF IT FAILS.

Why would ANYONE take a risk on ANYTHING EVER AGAIN if the REWARD is reduced to ordinariness? Why wouldn’t they just say

Screw it. It’s the Caymans for me!’????

The only way Obama’s reasoning works is if he believes working for ‘the man’ is a risk.  That he is an evil ‘fat cat’ or ‘robber baron.’  But that’s just patently ridiculous.  No American president, leader of the Free World, head of the country that has brought more prosperity, given more in charity worldwide, lifted the standard of living for every corner of the world by it’s industry would ever th…


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Sep 01 2011 Published by under salt

1. The President is not King. He may speak to a Joint Session of Congress at THEIR pleasure, not his.

2. The White House knows this and knew exactly what they were doing when the booked Bam-Bam the same day and at the exact hour the loooong scheduled GOP debate was being held. If the WH did NOT know this they should be fired for incompetence.

3. This speech is nothing more than A-roll for a 2012 campaign commercial. That’s (partly) why Speaker Boehner rebuffed Bam-Bam with the BRILLIANTLY crafted letter suggesting he speak on opening night of football season instead. For that ALONE, I will always have a warm place in my heart for the gentleman from Ohio.

4. GUARANTEED there will be NOTHING NEW in it. Say it with me: “NOTHING.” Heck, let’s spell it: N-O-T-H-I-N-G. You can’t COUNT how NOTHING new-ish this speech will be. There are no negative numbers low enough. NONE.

5. I’m offended as an American that the current occupant of the WH cheapens his office by calling a Joint Session for this happy horseh*t.

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Gridlock spelled O-B-A-M-A

Aug 31 2011 Published by under salt

Obama may find his oft repeated campaign theme-whine that what has to be ‘fixed’ in ‘Washington’ is the ‘gridlock’ comes back to bite him 180 degrees from its intended target.  Yes, Mr. President. You are quite right. And may I be the first to congratulate you for – in your own ass-backwards way – recognizing the problem, which is the first step to authentic recovery (as opposed to a Plouffe/Axelrod P.R. ‘Recovery’).

YOU are the gridlock.  YOU are utterly incapable of leading men. Or herding cats, as it were. What did you think this was? An editorial meeting at the Law Review? With you holding the red pen? Shoo-ing lessers away?

FORTY-THREE MEN BEFORE YOU somehow managed to herd those cats… AND YOU WHINE.  You used to teach the constitution, for crying out loud.  You should know, one would reasonably suppose, that 535 of the people’s representatives are wont to be – thank GOD – an unruly bunch.  

Edison, echoing a sentiment of Jefferson’s, said he found 2,000 ways NOT to make the lightbulb before he got to the ONE way to successfully make it.  Jefferson’s quote was, loosely, that the American people may get it wrong, over and over, and over again – ON THE WAY TO GETTING IT RIGHT – but they WILL get it RIGHT in the end.  He believed in US.  He believed (rightly) in the (now proven durable) system of government he helped craft – in the ugly, messy process of separated powers.  Do you?  

This is BIG BOY politics, Barry. It’s supposed to be hard. This is the job you asked for. What did you think? That congress was going to lay down and think of England? (Queen Victoria’s advice to a bride on her wedding night.)

The people’s representatives are there to check your stupid, provably bankrupting green winning picks. You say you aren’t there to pick winners but you keep choosing to force us to your stupid green jobs, which have bankrupted entire countries – but somehow the law of 2+2=4 stops at our shores? Really?

Your continued insistence that the gridlock is the problem, whether you realize it or not, is a continued ADMISSION that YOU can’t LEAD. So keep it up, Barry. WE are smart enough to know that the system was there long before you were, AND OTHER MEN WERE ABLE TO HERD THOSE CATS.

The ‘gridlock’ is YOU. Once we remove YOU and replace YOU with constitutional conservatives THERE WON’T BE ANYMORE GRIDLOCK, YOU MORON.

It’s not OUR wedding night, big guy…

…and we’re not layin’ down for a screwin’.

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Is the FBI Investigating Obama?

Jun 23 2011 Published by under salt

We can only hope so!  The FBI… Doing the job American journalists just won’t do!  From Accuracy in Media:

Is the FBI Investigating Obama?

Posted By Cliff Kincaid on June 22, 2011 @ 2:47 pm

In a front page story about a major FBI terrorism investigation, The Washington Post has reported that the targets include “Chicagoans who crossed paths with Obama when he was a young state senator and some who have been active in labor unions that supported his political rise.” The implication is that the trail could lead to the White House.

Read it here -> http://www.aim.org/aim-column/is-the-fbi-investigating-obama/

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Obama: September is the Start of the S.T.O.R.M.

Jun 20 2011 Published by under salt

The Obama Administration announced that there will be no more Obamacare waiver applications accepted after September.

This is his way of telling his community organizers a date certain to raise hell.


Van Jones damned near took the mask all the way off at Netroots this past week. The last time there was a measurable shift in tone and message was the last time these two spoke in newsworthy soundbites in a one-two punch in a 72 hour period.

It’s coming…

…the evil bastards.

pps: sorry I’ve been away from the blog. I’m neck deep in finishing a project, kids on summer vaca, and having thrown my back out…

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Proof of Obama’s Eco-Terrorism

May 25 2011 Published by under salt


I doubt if anyone in broadcast media outside Fox or talk radio will cover this (I found it on The Daily Caller). Darrell Issa tells us what we already knew but it needed to be put in the official public record & he’s got big, brass, clacking ones for doing it. Thank God for him.

Read all about Obama’s intentional eco-terrorist sabotage of America here:



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I’ve Officially Become My Mother

May 25 2011 Published by under salt

Each of the three bloggers in this meeting at the W.H. with Mr. Obama are showing disrespect to the President. I don’t CARE who the President *IS* but when you are in his presence, you:

1. Get your elbow off the table and stop resting your head in your hand like your neck is as weak as a newborn’s.

2. Don’t recline in your chair like you’re at the movies. Scoot your butt back, straighten up, and show some attention. This 20-something is LITERALLY slacking!

3. Do I even have to tell you what’s wrong with pressing your KNEE up against the edge of the table? Right NEXT to the President????

My feelings for this President are well known to anyone who has spent a second here, but we make a distinction in America between the MAN and the OFFICE such that our country is not PLASTERED with portraits of a despot (think how Saddam’s visage was EVERYWHERE in Iraq). No matter WHAT you MIND YOUR MANNERS when you are IN THE WHITE HOUSE – WITH the President!




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Sarah Palin FORGED Obama’s Signature!

May 24 2011 Published by under salt

Obama allegedly signed the guest book at Westminster Abbey, today, 2008… but it’s 2011, right? So… Obviously it’s photoshopped or forged because Obama is the smartest President ever elected. Sarah Palin is the only politician stupid enough to get a date wrong! Obviously she’s responsible one way or another.  Right?




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