Humorless people can be fun – if you stop caring about them being humorless and just mercilessly f*ck with them.
Late last night, punchy, from having just read through a very dense academic paper on the beauty of confiscatory taxation recommended by HuffPo, I popped over the NYT to see what the Sunday opinion pages would look like upon waking.
Paul Krugman, always dependable, posted yet another veddy, veddy smart piece trying to make an academic excuse for what we all know is true: Until this President, who keeps promising to do a tax colonoscopy on anyone capable of hiring is removed from Office, this economy is stalled. Everyone is just treading water trying to survive until 2013 and everyone who doesn’t have their head firmly planted up their a** knows this.
It does not require a single graduate class to know this.
It simply requires common friggin’ sense.
Which is why this comment, dripping with sarcasm got posted.
Like I said, humorless people are fun. Posting comments like this is like a kitty playing with catnip. Predictable outcome, every time. It’s just vague enough to look like I believe the drivel being peddled, and just sarcastic enough to fly under their deeply crippled humor radar. If you want to read the piece that inspired the comment below, yet another gravity-defying Krugman piece, the hallmark of which is economic theory utterly untethered to human impulses, it’s here.

The Prophylactic on the Truth: The Ribbed NYT Brand
Feb 11 2012 Published by Annie under salt
These people are seriously deeeeeranged. They can’t be this dishonest, can they? Or think that we are this stupid? How are such super-smaht people this stricken with goo where their mental acuity should be?
The NYT posted yet another “life, liberty and free condoms are your constitutional right” piece, this time as an NYT editorial.
I felt compelled to comment, below. They won’t publish it, so I am publishing here:
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