First of all, to my 2 dozen or so faithful readers (!) I’m sorry I haven’t posted in several weeks. More on that later.
Paul Kengor has a fascinating article on – ostensibly – ‘Forward’, Obama’s new campaign slogan and its Communist past. But it’s really about much, much more. Especially if you are a student of the Enigma-in-the-Oval, as I am.
The article places Frank Marshall Davis in Chicago circa Obama’s birth; a bit before, really. Now, I remember reading in one of the Obama biographies that his mother, when they were still living in Kansas, spent a memorable weekend in Chicago at a “black film festival” and that it made quite a lasting impression on her. One can’t help but wonder if that impression is in the White House – but even THAT isn’t what I’m talking about here.
In the 1950′s ALL the following people were in Chicago and CROSSED PATHS in one combination or another: Valerie Jarrett’s dad, William Ayer’s dad, Frank Marshall-Davis, and if Tim Geithner’s dad ever went to Chicago, I think my head will explode, because HE knew Obama’s mother from the Ford Foundation in Indonesia.
WHAT are the ODDS of this? My GOD.
Paul Kengor wrote Dupes, which I have read, casually, and can recommend as a very well-researched work, but not exactly beach-reading, and I will look forward to his new book on Frank Marshall Davis in June!