
Sep 30 2011

President Obama says we’ve become ‘soft’, as a nation, in the last couple of decades. Hmmm…

What was happening two decades ago? Oh, right, Barry was joining the Democratic Socialists of America in Chicago. Is that when he noticed the soft underbelly of his countrymen? From a basement window, surrounded by America-hating, warmed-over, ’60′s retreads? Was it then?

Perhaps it was one decade ago, when we were so mercilessly attacked on 9/11, and countless dozens of our countrymen rushed in to carry, feed, soothe, hug, write checks and even risk their lives breathing in toxic dust to aid strangers at the worst moments of their lives – for weeks & weeks on end. Was it then, Barry?

What about the people of Joplin after the tornado? Or any of the dozens of other communities across this great nation laboring under the devastation brought by man or nature, or most pervasively, government’s interference in the free markets in the name of social justice?  Because the bitter irony is that like the typical mortgage, it took about 30 years for the mortgage crisis seeded by your radical friends to bring us to this moment of ruin – and even The New York Times knows it.  Two of their reporters wrote an entire book about it and you know what it said?  First the banks were ‘redlining racists’ for not making loans to people who couldn’t afford them. Then, when they were forced into making them at the behest of buddies of yours like Carol Mosley Braun, they devised monetary instruments to bundle them to prolong solvency. Then, in 2008, when it all collapsed under its own weight as it inevitably would, they were demonized as ‘predatory racists’ who engineered it for their own greed, but none of it - NONE OF IT - would have happened without big government, ‘social justice’ interference.

The people of America, 25% of whom are either unemployed or underemployed are doing what our capitalist economy is doing under the crushing weight of your collective salvation – They’re surviving. Against all odds, against every conceivable metric, the engine of capitalism and its human dreamers & doers – its soul’s breath – are surviving because it’s not US who is the problem, you narcissistic sociopathic fraud. It’s YOU, and your anti-capitalist, collective bull-crap.

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