Archive for the 'MSNBC' category

Mika Gets to Be Smartest One in the Room

Apr 21 2010 Published by under Mika, Morning Joe, MSNBC

This is priceless. Morning Joe guest, liberal Joan Walsh, evidently having a senior moment & forgetting what all the lights & cameras are doing around her, wonders aloud who speaks for the left “like Rush,” and co-host Mika, who daily supports the network’s demonstrable lefty cheerleading (GE’s CEO Jeffrey Immelt, which owns NBC/MSNBC is a White House advisor to the President & would assert, I’m sure that GE’s ZERO tax bill for 2009 is purely co-incidental) knows the answer but for obvious reasons cannot admit it publicly: MSNBC, you dope! – LOL

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MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Left these Clips on Floor

Apr 20 2010 Published by under Bush, Hitler, hypocrisy, Maddow, MSNBC, Tim McVeigh

Maddow Madhatters cowering under their green cotton sustainable forest beds after being propagandized into believing that Tea Party ready to commit acts of domestic terrorism like Tim McVeigh. She didn’t have any proof to support those assertions but the sheeeeeeple belieeeeeeeved she did. Guess she forgot this:

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Where Hate Speech REALLY Lives

Apr 03 2010 Published by under Ed Schultz, MSNBC

Let’s see where we stand at the end of a looooong couple of weeks of liberal hysteria. Despite $100,000 offer for proof from any one of the 40,000 people clearly seen in the crowd holding up cell phones and video cameras recording the entire proceeding, absolutely ZERO proof emerged for the allegation that the n-world was hurled, the f-word was hurled and just yesterday, the allegations from the congressmen themselves were withdrawn. Case closed on all of it, including the childish spitting charge. It was desperately irresponsible for MSNBC, to go 24/7 certain they had Tea Party violence.

Then there’s the inanity of a politician posting a map of battleground states with crosshairs on it as targeted opponents in an electoral race as somehow violent. This is the vernacular of campaigns and grown-ups know it. To suggest that it is somehow an incitement to violence is beyond the pale.

Then there’s the obvious absence of what wasn’t looped 24/7 that would have settled the whole matter: A Tea Party member bashing the crap out of someone with their sign… Or some such thing. Don’t you think if they had it they’d show it non-stop? If they had proof, you’d see it looped on it’s own cable channel for God’s sake.

So let’s see where actual hate speech really lives. Where identity politics really lives. You’ll notice that conservatives, who are routinely accuses of being jack-booted racists, register policy complaints, not race complaints, as it routinely alleged. There are fringe lunatic exceptions, of course, but that’s not who we are talking about. I’m talking about mainstream talking heads, like this one:

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Dana Loesch Plain-Talkin’ Coffee House Intellectuals

Mar 30 2010 Published by under Chris Matthews Dana Loesch, MSNBC

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

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Sanctimony on OVERDRIVE… and WRONG

I try to do my due diligence and watch “the other side” to see what they are saying in the hope that I might actually learn something or at least be better able to focus my side of the debate, but I never learn anything, and usually end up drowning in the sewage of emotion they think is reason. I literally had to change the channel last night when Crazy Larry was doing this piece it was so over the top wrong. The sanctimony needle was pinning way to the right and damn near burst the glass… Thank GOD Michelle Malkin was able to stomach it to write what needed writing here…

Doing the health care anecdote-vetting the Left won’t do

By Michelle Malkin  •  March 16, 2010 11:27 PM
Here is Larry Scary O’Donnell — who can usually be seen frothing at the mouth with bulging neck veins as he melts down on MSNBC — sloooowly reading a teleprompter as he chastises me, Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck for “attacking” 11-year-old Marcelas Owens. Nice to see your Valium is working Larry:

As usual, he gets basic facts wrong — like accusing Rush and me of being “desperate to catch up” with Beck. Actually, he’s got the timeline upside-down, as the enraged Media Matters chronology correctly lays out here.
My syndicated column raising inconvenient questions about Owens’ case appeared was published on March 10 and my follow-up post on Harry Reid hiding behind Owens was published on March 12.
Rush addressed the Democrat exploitation of Owens on March 12.
Beck then discussed the case on March 15.
Also wrong: At 3:28, O’Donnell falsely claims I called the parents of S-CHIP poster child Graeme Frost “spoiled brats” — a misattribution which he alsoregurgitated from Media Matters.
Also moronic: At 6:45 in the video, O’Donnell says conservatives can’t find a single person on Medicaid or Medicare who is unhappy with his/her coverage. Ahem, meet NYTimes columnist Nick Kristof’s favorite health care poster boy, John Brodniak.
Facts, schmacts.
At 7:25 in the video, liberal columnist Chris Hayes of the Nation decries the tendency of conservative pundits to “raise questions and point out errors.” God forbid we do that. Doing the health care anecdote-vetting the Left won’t do? FASCISTS!!!
O’Donnell dubs our analyses of Owens and his left-wing activist grandmother’s claims “childish attacks.” But it’s immature demagogues like O’Donnell who refuse to grow up. I repeat what I said about the NYTimes’ shoddy, gullible, unquestioning coverage of the story four days ago:
The Times fails to mention that Owens’ grandmother and family have been longtime activists for the left-wing, single-payer advocates of the Washington Community Action Network or that the boy and his grandmother traveled to Washington with sponsorship from the Astroturf lobbyists of the Health Care for America Now outfit, which characterized Marcelas as an “insurance abuse survivor.”
Never mind that there is not a shred of evidence that any health insurer ever “abused” Marcelas. Never mind that the family has made no claim that Marcelas himself has survived without insurance (in Washington state, low-income children have been covered either through Medicaid, SCHIP, or the SCHIP expansion program Apple Health for Kids). Newsbusters is also covering the MSM’s soft-shoe coverage of the Democrats’ use of the Owens’ kiddie shield herehere, and here.
The usual hyperventilating from the Left — horrible conservatives “targeting” poor, innocent kid! conservatives “assault” poor, innocent kid! — just proves my point. Despite President Obama’s repeated admonition that health care reform is a “complex issue that can’t be reduced to snippets,” it’s exactly what Reid, Murray, Schumer, and his Owens’ grandmother propped up young Marcelas to do. Anyone who questions the narrative and absolute moral authority of the kiddie human shield is a heartless, right-wing stalker who should be vilified, if not arrested.
As always, the current ruling majority is incapable of holding an adult discussion on the costs and consequences of its plans.
Attacks on Fox News for vetting President Obama’s Ohio poster patient, Natoma Canfield, in 3, 2, 1…
Natoma Canfield, the cancer-stricken woman who has become a centerpiece of President Obama’s push for health care reform, will not lose her home over her medical bills and will probably qualify for financial aid, a top official at the Cleveland medical center treating her told
Natoma Canfield’s battles with cancer and with insurance companies have become a centerpiece of President Obama’s campaign to pass a health care system overhaul.
Natoma Canfield, the cancer-stricken woman who has become a centerpiece of President Obama’s push for health care reform, will not lose her home over her medical bills and will probably qualify for financial aid, a top official at the Cleveland medical center treating her told
Though Canfield’s sister Connie Anderson said her sibling is afraid she’ll lose her house and Obama warned at an Ohio rally Monday that the patient is “racked with worry” about the cost of tests and treatment, she is already being screened for financial help.
Lyman Sornberger, executive director of patient financial services at the Cleveland Clinic, said “all indications” at the outset are that she will be considered for assistance.
“She may be eligible for state Medicaid … and/or she will be eligible for charity (care) of some form or type. … In my personal opinion, she will be eligible for something,” he said, adding that Canfield should not be worried about losing her home.
“Cleveland Clinic will not put a lien on her home,” he said.

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MSNBC’s Propaganda & I Remember the Coming Ice Age in the 70′s… Does anyone on MSNBC?

Feb 11 2010 Published by under Global Warming, Ice Age, MSNBC, National Security

In my continuing effort to understand why the left thinks like they do, I troll MSNBC’s website looking at clips and reading transcripts and headlines.  I am continually struck by how misleading their coverage is!  They deride Gingrich for saying that Reid was an American citizen, once, and points to that as GOP stupidity on national security.  Ummmm… Gingrich has made dozens of appearances on Fox and gotten Reid’s nationality right every time and more importantly he’s not an elected official in charge of anything… national security or otherwise.  

How about making a substantive, reasoned defense on everything else he said?  No… that would be too hard, and not nearly as satisfying as walking away, sniffing smugly.

Once again the left calls anyone who disagrees with them stupid.  It’s getting to be such a constant tactic it’s becoming cartoonish because it’s so easy to call them on their facts.

The other headline that caught my eye was 2009: Second Warmest Year on Record; End of Warmest Decade.

It’s not until the SIXTH paragraph that the story reveals it was just the temperature for the UNITED STATES ONLY…calculated by NASA…

“Of course, the contiguous 48 states cover only 1.5 percent of the world area, so the U.S. temperature does not affect the global temperature much,’ said Hansen. 

On top of which, even NASA’s data has been called into question in what many of us always knew was a completely bogus “global warming” fad.  Those of us of a certain age remember well the coming ice age in the early 70′s!  These navel-gazing narcissists just can’t temper their enormous egos enough to remember that weather records have been kept for an infintessimally small amount of time on our planet and whatever other data they turn to has been so hopelessly compromised that they it’s laughable to those of us who aren’t so arrogant to believe that we, god-like, can control the heavens…

All one has to do is look at the change in vernacular to know the truth for heaven’s sake:  In one short decade it’s changed from “global warming” to “climate change.”

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No-one watches MSNBC, but even if they did…

Jan 17 2010 Published by under Brown, Coakley, Ed Shulz, Galvin, MSNBC

Who needs widespread, historically provable, 99% democrat voter fraud, or even our own Secretary of State being the ONLY Secretary of State who had to sign a federal document that he would agree to federal oversight of his ballot counting because he is so desperately corrupt and can’t be trusted, when you have the likes of Ed Schulz promoting the virtues of voter fraud on national television.

Good thing no-one’s watching.

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