Corruption: The carbon trading system being pushed here has spawned crime and fraud across the pond. Cap-and-trade is not about saving the planet. It’s about money and power, and absolute power corrupting absolutely.
Archive for the 'Glenn Beck' category
Obama’s Green Mafia Gets More Ink
$10 Trillion Tale of Corruption from 2006 Chicago to Oval Office
If you missed the fuss on Monday (04.26.10) Glenn Beck kicked up about Obama’s $10T footsie with G.Sachs which started literally the day he became a Senator in 2006 and led all the way to an Oval Office meeting not three weeks ago, see details here. What follows is the best & most prestigious article yet on what may bring down a President. Investors Business Daily‘s trail of corruption…Unexpurgated.
Investor’s Business Daily
April 28, 2010
The $10 Trillion Climate Fraud
Cap-And-Trade: While senators froth over Goldman Sachs and derivatives, a climate trading scheme being run out of the Chicago Climate Exchange would make Bernie Madoff blush. Its trail leads to the White House.
Lost in the recent headlines was Al Gore’s appearance Monday in Denver at the annual meeting of the Council of Foundations, an association of the nation’s philanthropic leaders.
“Time’s running out (on climate change),” Gore told them. “We have to get our act together. You have a unique role in getting our act together.”
Gore was right that foundations will play a key role in keeping the climate scam alive as evidence of outright climate fraud grows, just as they were critical in the beginning when the Joyce Foundation in 2000 and 2001 provided the seed money to start the Chicago Climate Exchange. It started trading in 2003, and what it trades is, essentially, air. More specifically perhaps, hot air.
The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) advertises itself as “North America’s only cap-and-trade system for all six greenhouse gases, with global affiliates and projects worldwide.” Barack Obama served on the board of the Joyce Foundation from 1994 to 2002 when the CCX startup grants were issued. As president, pushing cap-and-trade is one of his highest priorities. Now isn’t that special?
Few Americans have heard of either entity. The Joyce Foundation was originally the financial nest egg of a widow whose family had made millions in the now out-of-favor lumber industry.
After her death, the foundation was run by philanthropists who increasingly dedicated their giving to liberal causes, including gun control, environmentalism and school changes.
Currently, CCX members agree to a voluntary but legally binding agreement to regulate greenhouse gases.
The CCX provides the mechanism in trading the very pollution permits and carbon offsets the administration’s cap-and-trade proposals would impose by government mandate.
Thanks to Fox News’ Glenn Beck, we have learned a lot about CCX, not the least of which is that its founder, Richard Sandor, says he knew Obama well back in the day when the Joyce Foundation awarded money to the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University, where Sandor was a research professor.
Sandor estimates that climate trading could be “a $10 trillion dollar market.” It could very well be, if cap-and-trade measures like Waxman-Markey and Kerry-Boxer are signed into law, making energy prices skyrocket, and as companies buy and sell permits to emit those six “greenhouse” gases.
As we noted last year, Gore is co-founder of Generation Investment Management, which sells carbon offsets of dubious value that let rich polluters continue to pollute with a clear conscience.
Other founders include former Goldman Sachs partner David Blood, as well as Mark Ferguson and Peter Harris, also of Goldman Sachs. In 2006, CCX received a big boost when another investor bought a 10% stake on the prospect of making a great deal of money for itself. That investor was Goldman Sachs, now under the gun for selling financial instruments it knew were doomed to fail.
The actual mechanism for trading on the exchange was purchased and patented by none other than Franklin Raines, who was CEO of Fannie Mae at the time.
Raines profited handsomely to the tune of some $90 million by buying and bundling bad mortgages that led to the collapse of the American economy. His interest in climate trading is curious until one realizes cap-and-trade would make housing costlier as well.
Amazingly, none of these facts came up at Senate hearings on Goldman Sachs’ activities, which may be nothing more than Ross Perot’s famous “gorilla dust,” meant to distract us from the real issues.
The climate trading scheme being stitched together here will do more damage than Goldman Sachs, AIG and Fannie Mae combined. But it will bring power and money to its architects.
Link to original site of article at IBD is here.
Woodward & Bernstein… and Beck!
What Glenn Beck revealed tonight will end Barry’s presidency. If it doesn’t, it means the fourth estate has died, and thus, the Republic has died. WOW. Transcript below from tonight’s show.
Why Goldman Is Willing to Take the Heat
Monday , April 26, 2010
By Glenn Beck
Faith, hope and charity: We used to seek God’s blessings on the country, we used to pursue maximum freedom to solve problems and we’d rely on one another in times of need.
Now we’re being pushed towards what progressives have always found hope in: Dependency on regulations and administrations. Average Americans find that approach to be red tape. Our Founding Fathers found it to be slavery.
So it kind shocks me when there’s no outcry to news stories like this one reported in the Financial Times over the weekend: The “U.S. is preparing to pivot from domestic regulatory reform to push for a tough new international capital regime.”
Excuse me?
We’re talking about the foundation of international financial regulations and global governing. It’s a trial balloon being floated out there and I guess it was a success because the response was complete and total silence.
Is it just me who thinks this is a bad idea? Am I alone? I guess so, because even Republicans are OK with this one. How could that happen? Easy: It’s those evil, greedy Sith lord Wall Street executives! Like the ones at Goldman Sachs, who are appearing before the almighty Senate Tuesday to get grilled by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (sounds scary) about their so-called attempts to manipulate and profit off the crash of the housing market.
They’ll get chewed out and made an example of by people like Chris Dodd, who joined in the chorus of Goldman haters on “Meet the Press” on Sunday:
SEN. CHRIS DODD, D-CONN.: Here we are, 17 months after someone broke into our house in effect and robbed us… and we still haven’t changed the locks on the doors.
LARRY SUMMERS, WHITE HOUSE ECONOMIC ADVISER: These off-balance sheet, nontransparent vehicles with what people call implicit guarantees, invite these kinds of problems.
SEN. RICHARD SHELBY, R-ALA.: We have to end once and for all the casino atmosphere on Wall Street, where they’re gambling, basically, on synthetic ideas and so forth — with somebody else’s money.
You’re right, Chris: You have to change those locks. But the other thing to make sure of is that the people you are calling to change the locks aren’t the same ones who were involved with the robbery in the first place.
Yes, Dodd and his buddies will chew out Goldman, but if they are the root of all evil, why do these people all still work in the administration?
• William C. Dudley, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; was a partner and managing director at Goldman
• Gary Gensler, chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission; spent 18 years at Goldman
• Mark Patterson, chief of staff to Tim Geithner; former Goldman lobbyist
• Philip Murphy; nominated for ambassador to Germany; former Goldman executive
• Diana Farrell; deputy director of the National Economic Council; formerly with Goldman
• Emil Michael; White House fellow; former investment banker with Goldman
There’s just a few. And if Goldman really are the bad guys, we have bigger problems than just regulation, because we have to talk about global warming as well.
I got a tip from a watchdog — and by the way, if you are new to the program and don’t know what a watchdog is, that’s you. We’ve got millions of watchdogs e-mailing in tips and stories big and small and we welcome every single one of them. We get to as many as we can and even report on some of them, like this one about the Chicago Climate Exchange.
In case you didn’t know the Chicago Climate Exchange existed — it does and it started trading in 2003. It’s billed as: “North America’s only cap-and-trade system for all six greenhouse gases, with global affiliates and projects worldwide.” Members agree to a voluntary but legally binding agreement to “meet annual Green House Gas emission reduction targets.”
What’s cap-and-trade? A scheme designed to transfer wealth from the companies that have to the companies that have not through the regulation of invisible gases. Remember, it was ENRON who lobbied heavily for this type of system, because they knew how to swindle a profit out of it.
Environmentalists like Obama want this system because it will make prices skyrocket and people will be forced to use less energy. But I don’t want to put words in his mouth, I’ll let him say it:
THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANIDATE BARACK OBAMA: Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.
Got it? So the main beneficiaries will be big corporations and proponents of the redistribution of wealth. You are the loser here because you pay more for energy. But you can feel good because you saved the planet.
Not to mention, other places — like Europe — who have tried to implement green initiatives (like Spain) and then base markets on it are suffering the consequences. Because, as Time unwittingly described the creation of Chicago Climate Exchange, it “creates something out of nothing.” There is no value behind the market; it’s like except now its solar panels.
So who would want to create something like this?
In 2000 and 2001, Chicago Climate Exchange received start-up grants from the Joyce Foundation. The Joyce Foundation is like the George Soros’ TIDES Foundation. In fact, it’s actually bigger than TIDES and even funds TIDES. Think of it as a place where uber-rich and powerful liberals like to dump their money into, so the cash can be spread around to their pet projects without a direct link.
The Joyce Foundation supports such luminaries as John Ayers (William Ayers’ brother).
There was one influential member on the board of the Joyce Foundation at the time the Chicago Climate Exchange got its seed money; someone instrumental in steering the funds towards the creation of the Chicago Climate Exchange. They were on the board from 1994-2002. The founder of the Chicago Climate Exchange, Richard Sandor, said that he “knew (this person) well,” which is perhaps how the money was awarded to the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, where Sandor was a research professor. I’ll get back to that person in a minute.
Sandor saw big things in a climate exchange market. How big?
BLOOMBERG REPORTER: So how big do you think this market could be?
RICHARD SANDOR, CHICAGO CLIMATE EXCHANGE: I think it’s a $10 trillion a year market.
REPORTER: Say that again?
SANDOR: $10 trillion a year.
A $10 trillion a year market? That’s a lot to go around. In comparison, the value of U.S. company shares on major U.S. and foreign stock exchanges equities market was $15 trillion in 2009. There’s a lot of money riding on this climate legislation. But remember: It’s all about saving the Earth.
London-based Generation Investment Management sees the earning potential as well. That’s why they purchased a stake in Chicago Climate Exchange and are the fifth largest shareholder. The cofounder of the London-based firm? Former Vice President Al Gore. I say cofounder because some of the other founders include David Blood (former Goldman executive), Mark Ferguson (Goldman) and Peter Harris (Goldman).
In 2006, the Chicago Climate Exchange got a nice boost of confidence when an investor stepped to the plate and ponied up to purchase 10 percent of the combined company. Cofounder of the Chicago Exchange said the investment was big and welcome news. The investor? Goldman Sachs.
Oh and I almost forgot: The person at the beginning of it all? The one on the board of the Joyce Foundation that secured the initial funding for this project? Barack Obama.
This is so weird. It’s almost like those our government says are responsible for the financial collapse are the ones directly involved in the “solutions.” So much for “changing the locks,” Chris.
OK, now let’s look at this. What you have is a structure. This is the building: the Exchange. You’ve got the structure, all the players.
So what are we missing? Well, we’re missing the bill and the technology to make it happen; the machinery to make it happen.
You are trading air; it’s hard to keep track of air. The good news is, the bill is being worked on by Republicans and Democrats. That’s cap-and-trade.
The machinery, the device? A patent for such a device was worked on by CEO Carlton Bartels. Shortly after he filed for the patent on his system to trade residential carbon credits, he was killed in the 9/11 attacks. Bartels wife then shopped the idea around and was able to find a buyer. The buyer ended up being a guy who wasn’t really a good guy, he committed massive accounting fraud and manipulated earnings in his company in order to make huge bonuses.
That person was Franklin Raines, who just happened to be the CEO of Fannie Mae at the time. The patent was eventually approved by the U.S. Patent and Trade Office on Nov. 7, 2006 — coincidentally the day after Democrats took control of Congress. Thanks to Barbara Hollingsworth of the Washington Examiner for pointing this out to us.
So now, Fannie Mae, who is congressionally mandated to “make housing more affordable,” is poised to reap billions on a system that has nothing to do with housing except for that it would make housing costs go up.
That’s great.
Remember when Fannie purchased risky mortgages from banks, bundled them together and sold to investors as mortgage-backed securities? And then the housing market was absolutely destroyed? Well, former Fannie VP Scott Lesmes was responsible for that bundling.
Well, here’s the good news: Not only will this new carbon trading “system” try the exact same bundling method (except with air); they are using the exact same guy: Scott Lesmes.
But, please, don’t worry. The only ones involved in this are the corrupt Franklin Raines, Mr. redistribution of wealth Barack Obama, and all the people who the House and Senate are currently saying are the bad guys. Other than that, this should work out great.
It’s almost like Goldman is willing to take a little heat now, in order to get a little piece of the $10 trillion green pie later. I challenge the media: Will anyone pick this story up? Will anyone question this and the timing of it all?
All of a sudden illegal immigration has leap-frogged global warming? Is it because Goldman has to take hits to get the global government structure done? And then they get the payoff? Or will you continue to say oh, he’s crazy and not talk about the facts.
— Watch “Glenn Beck” weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel
"Slaughter" Then & Now
Remember a few months ago when Zsa-Zsa…er…. Ariana Huffington did what appears to be endemic at MSNBC–twist, distort, and obfuscate the facts to make some sort of ridiculous point–this time over Glenn Beck’s use of the word “slaughter“? These people are such soulless gasbags that if someone said “Hitler was a vegetarian” they would deem (pardon the timely pun of “deem”) the utterer to be a Nazi sympathizer. (Hitler was a vegetarian. And by all accounts was faithful to Eva Braun… Those are facts. Doesn’t change the other horrible, evil, inhuman, inexcusable, utterly despicable facts of his very existence, but the fidelity and vegetarianism are true.)
Well, Glenn has rightly been all over the anarchy taking place down in DC this weekend with the bloodless coup about to give us Cuban healthcare via the “Slaughter Rule.”
Some men are born to greatness, other just step in it! Glenn… you have done both on a gargantuan, American, Patriotic scale!
P.3. Big-Fat-Dum-Dummy-Racist-Paranoid-Glenn Beck Talking About…. (gasp!) HISTORY!
This was one of those shows when Beck musta had an extra Diet Coke and too many M&M’s… He was on a tear… In a GOOD way. One of those shows where he packs all kinds of stuff he has previously lingered over into clip after clip and just hammers his point home.
Glenn Beck: What Changed Dennis Kucinich’s Mind? March 18, 2010 – 2:33 ET
Watch Glenn Beck weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel |
P.2. Big-Fat-Dum-Dummy-Racist-Paranoid-Glenn Beck Talking About…. (gasp!) HISTORY!
Glenn Beck: Brett Baier grills Obama on healthcare
Audio Available: |
P.1. Big-Fat-Dum-Dummy-Racist-Paranoid-Glenn Beck Talking About…. (gasp!) HISTORY!
Health Care Battle Part of Larger War
Watch Glenn Beck weekdays at 5p & 2a ET on Fox News Channel |
Wicked Smaht Boston Radio Host Calls for IMPEACHMENT
Jay Severin is many things, good and bad (as are we all), but his analysis of all things political is absolutely, positively, without even a close competitor by a thousand miles, the most prescient, accurate and insightful on radio or any other medium, print or broadcast. RAZOR FRIGGIN’ SHARP. (He is consistently RIGHT about stuff, days, weeks, even YEARS ahead of others when they are just awakening from their stupor. VERY much like Glenn Beck. You can call them every name in the book all day long but it doesn’t make them any less right, over and over and over again, year after year, which is what hacks off liberals so bad, I’m sure!)
Below is the unexpurgated text of his latest blog post – about Impeachment of Obama based on the activities surrounding health care. I recommend listening to his first half hour every day, starting at 2pm eastern. You will learn more in those 30 minutes daily than in all other hours from all other sources combined. It’s not even close.
Procedural Rules – Posted by Jay Severin
Posted 3/18/2010 12:32:00 PM Quite chilling how monumental – and wicked – instants of history can occur so quickly and with such incredible nonchalance. |
Sanctimony on OVERDRIVE… and WRONG
I try to do my due diligence and watch “the other side” to see what they are saying in the hope that I might actually learn something or at least be better able to focus my side of the debate, but I never learn anything, and usually end up drowning in the sewage of emotion they think is reason. I literally had to change the channel last night when Crazy Larry was doing this piece it was so over the top wrong. The sanctimony needle was pinning way to the right and damn near burst the glass… Thank GOD Michelle Malkin was able to stomach it to write what needed writing here…
Doing the health care anecdote-vetting the Left won’t do
The Times fails to mention that Owens’ grandmother and family have been longtime activists for the left-wing, single-payer advocates of the Washington Community Action Network or that the boy and his grandmother traveled to Washington with sponsorship from the Astroturf lobbyists of the Health Care for America Now outfit, which characterized Marcelas as an “insurance abuse survivor.”Never mind that there is not a shred of evidence that any health insurer ever “abused” Marcelas. Never mind that the family has made no claim that Marcelas himself has survived without insurance (in Washington state, low-income children have been covered either through Medicaid, SCHIP, or the SCHIP expansion program Apple Health for Kids). Newsbusters is also covering the MSM’s soft-shoe coverage of the Democrats’ use of the Owens’ kiddie shield here, here, and here.Not that gullible health care sob story coverage is anything new to the Times. See: Unbelievable update: The crappiest NYTimes column on Obamacare just got crappier; Update: Kristof’s disingenuous non-response.The usual hyperventilating from the Left — horrible conservatives “targeting” poor, innocent kid! conservatives “assault” poor, innocent kid! — just proves my point. Despite President Obama’s repeated admonition that health care reform is a “complex issue that can’t be reduced to snippets,” it’s exactly what Reid, Murray, Schumer, and his Owens’ grandmother propped up young Marcelas to do. Anyone who questions the narrative and absolute moral authority of the kiddie human shield is a heartless, right-wing stalker who should be vilified, if not arrested.As always, the current ruling majority is incapable of holding an adult discussion on the costs and consequences of its plans.
Natoma Canfield, the cancer-stricken woman who has become a centerpiece of President Obama’s push for health care reform, will not lose her home over her medical bills and will probably qualify for financial aid, a top official at the Cleveland medical center treating her told Canfield’s battles with cancer and with insurance companies have become a centerpiece of President Obama’s campaign to pass a health care system overhaul.Natoma Canfield, the cancer-stricken woman who has become a centerpiece of President Obama’s push for health care reform, will not lose her home over her medical bills and will probably qualify for financial aid, a top official at the Cleveland medical center treating her told Canfield’s sister Connie Anderson said her sibling is afraid she’ll lose her house and Obama warned at an Ohio rally Monday that the patient is “racked with worry” about the cost of tests and treatment, she is already being screened for financial help.Lyman Sornberger, executive director of patient financial services at the Cleveland Clinic, said “all indications” at the outset are that she will be considered for assistance.“She may be eligible for state Medicaid … and/or she will be eligible for charity (care) of some form or type. … In my personal opinion, she will be eligible for something,” he said, adding that Canfield should not be worried about losing her home.“Cleveland Clinic will not put a lien on her home,” he said.
United States of… Asia?
A few months ago, he who shall not be named (so called because the mere mention of his name drives otherwise rational people off a cliff) posited that the only way we could ever pay off our insane debts would be to sell… America itself. A rather simplistic summation, but essentially accurate.
And now comes this secret White House memo taking 10 million acres of land against the states’ will and just as a bonus, killing free market growth.
How many times do Obama’s actions have to follow his predictions before more Americans wake up?
Read and watch below if you dare
Collapsing the System
Watch Glenn Beck weekdays at 5p & 2a ET on Fox News Channel |
Zsa Zsa is Worried
I watched the video below for one reason: I have a friend who believes this stuff. It’s 7 minutes of my life I’ll never get back but I did it because she’s a very smart woman and I am desperately trying to understand the source of her vitriol towards Glenn Beck.
Obama has gone to Crazytown…
When the president last night went in, I’m going to show you there’s two things that should speak volumes to you, and it’s amazing to me that the media is spinning one of them as, did you see what Alito did? He talked back to the president. I want to play this whole section here for you. I want you to hear what he did last night.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: To close that credibility gap, we have to take action on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue, ban the outside influence of lobbyists, to do our
GLENN: Stop. Is he not the guy who has Andy Stern, is he not the guy who says, hey, I want to talk about immigration, I talk to SEIU; I want to talk about healthcare, I talk to SEIU; your agenda is my agenda. He wants to stop outside influence? Oh, my gosh.
Then you have, he says that we have to restore a credibility gap. He’s lying in his advice on how to repair a credibility gap because too many people think that Washington are liars, cheats, thieves. So let me lie to you and tell you what I do, which he doesn’t on lobbyists. I’m sorry, I got sidetracked. Go ahead.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Work openly, to give our people the government they deserve.
GLENN: Stop. Stop.
PAT: Openly.
GLENN: He wants to work openly. How about honoring your promise of C Span hearings? He wants to work openly. Okay.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: That’s what I came to Washington to do. That’s why for the first time in history my administration posts on our White House visitors online.
GLENN: Stop. Stop! Because it was demanded through a Freedom of Information Act. How long did Fox try to get the Freedom of Information Act to get the White House visitors? “We post online.” Months after, and not everybody. Believe me, we filed for the Freedom of Information Act. If you are a schlub that still thinks, we’re America, we’ll weather anything, don’t worry about it, and you are just watching him, this is a brilliant speech. But I truly believe those days are over in America. What these politicians don’t know is you are dealing with a different group of voters. You are dealing with people who are not playing politics. They don’t care anymore. They are seeing the end of their children’s financial future and they want the truth. You cannot push them like this. You cannot do it. He’s raised the stakes beyond your wildest imagination. I think he’s doing it intentionally as well. Arrogance. Go ahead.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: We’ve excluded lobbyists from policy making jobs or seats on federal boards and commissions.
PAT: Listen to the reaction there. Because they know.
GLENN: I’ve never heard anything like it.
PAT: He’s got lobbyists from Raytheon in his cabinet for electric utility companies.
GLENN: Goldman Sachs!
PAT: Goldman Sachs. Eric Holder himself was a lobbyist.
GLENN: I mean, it is Timothy Geithner’s assistant is a lobbyist of Goldman Sachs. I mean, I’m going to show you the influence of big banks tonight on television. I mean, it’s and listen. I have never heard. I’m not a guy who said Joe Wilson, I understand his frustration, but I don’t agree with, you’re in for decorum. This is the president of the United States. This is the state of the union. You know, when he says “Liar” or “You lie,” I wasn’t for that. But when you hear what happened last night and the groans, I got news for ya. His lies were breathtaking.
PAT: I don’t think they could stifle them. I really don’t.
GLENN: I don’t think so. If I were in there, I would have done the same thing: Oh, my gosh.
PAT: I was at home doing it.
GLENN: I was, too. How could you possibly say that? I mean, and he expects to get away with it.
PAT: I woke up the kids yelling at this guy.
GLENN: The bigger the lie, the easier it is to swallow.
PAT: Oh, yeah.
GLENN: You what?
PAT: I woke up the kids yelling at this guy. So when they were groaning I’m thinking, you know
GLENN: The restraint?
PAT: Yeah.
STU: Red State put together a list of lobbyists after he said this line: William Lynn, Eric Holder, Tom Vilsack, William Corr, David Hayes, Mark Patterson, Ron Klain, Mona Sutphen, Melody Barnes, Celia Muñoz, Patrick Gaspard and Michael Strautmanis?
PAT: Those are just top jobs.
GLENN: Yeah.
PAT: That doesn’t even scratch the surface.
GLENN: That’s not, okay, I got one in there, I don’t know how he slipped in there. There’s no attempt to stop these guys!
PAT: No.
GLENN: None, none. I mean, how long? We covered those for a week when he broke that promise and he started breaking it and it was like break, break, break, break, break, break, break. And we were like, where did that promise go? And nobody held him to it.
STU: And this goes back to the point you make over and over again about arrogance. He’s got to know everyone knows this.
GLENN: He does.
STU: We’ve talked about it a million times.
GLENN: This is beyond arrogance. This is beyond arrogance. This also includes, the people are stupid; they’ll never know. I’ll just say whatever I want because it sounds good. I’ll say it well. I’ll do a good speech. I look presidential. They’re stupid.
STU: You know who else was like this was Jon Edwards. I mean, this is stereotypical, him out there talking about his family, how much he loves his cancerous
GLENN: They are not afraid. This guy is more afraid of the left than he is of you. This is what our founders talked about. When there is fear of the government, there is tyranny. But when the government fears the people, there is freedom. They do not fear you.
Glenn Beck – Current Events & Politics – Glenn Beck: State of the Stupid, er, Union
Why Che and Mao AREN’T Cool…
One of the producers of this documentary holds a Master’s in History and remarked that she was ANGRY that she was never taught much of what she learned while putting together these video clips.
If you have ever seen a college student or a Hollywood celebrity wearing a Che or Mao t-shirt, forward them to this five part documentary. And if you/they are inclined to believe Glenn Beck is an idiot, fine. Watch it anyway and then produce some facts to support your assertions on where his is WRONG on his facts here. I’m tired of people making ad hominem attacks on him and people who think like him. Fine. He’s fat. He cries. He’s a (sober) alcoholic. Blah, blah, blah… WHAT IS HE WRONG ABOUT AND PRODUCE SOME FACTS FACTS FACTS to support your position!
Part ONE
Part TWO