Santorum is just giving me more and more reasons to L-U-V him.
Here, he’s responding to one of his money guy’s saying something only an old-fart would say yesterday about women and sex which got the libs all worked up and he just slams Charlie Rose – it’s beautiful. It’s at about the 2:00 mark, but here’s a snippet:
“Now I have respond to every supporter who says something… This is what you guys do. You don’t do this with President Obama. In fact, with President Obama, what you did was you went out and defended him against someone who sat in a church for 20 years, and defended him, that he can’t possibly believe what he listened to for 20 years,” said Santorum. “That’s a double-standard, this is what you’re pulling off, and I’m going to call you on it.”
That response ALONE got my vote – today – but I’ve been vacillating between him and Romney. Romney is so appealing because I’m thinking nobody likes their accountant particularly, but he’s the guy that can straighten out your finances, right? And that’s what we urgently, existentially, desperately need RIGHT NOW. Mitt’s my “Mr. Right NOW” even if he’s not Mr. Right, if you know what I mean.
BUT… Santorum can punch, man! I LOVE that. SOMEBODY has to take on these whores. And that’s what they are. They’re barely above parasites, locusts, cockroaches in my opinion. There’s also the appeal of TOTALLY upending A YEAR+ of planning of the Obama 2012 team if Romney ISN’T the nominee… and Santorum has some SERIOUS blue collar cred. He can REALLY swing back with EVERYTHING Bam throws at him, including, especially, MATTERS OF FAITH!
Today, I’m in love.
Tomorrow is another day…