Dr. Eeyore Krugman is “Glass 1/2 Empty” Again

May 18 2011 Published by under salt

Once again, the big-brave-unafraid-to-have-their-assertions-challenged HE MEN at the New York Times will not publish a comment of mine (I’ll bet my house) so I thought I’d do it here. Parenthetically, I’ve cut & pasted quotes from their OWN NEWSPAPER, politely, and with links, using my best Queen’s English and they never, ever, publish those. It’s such a stupid thing to complain about but jeez. Have some stones!

Anyway… I digress. Krugman’s latest is pointing out… wait for it… hypocrisy… Yawn…


He’s obviously got his marching orders from Plouffe that it’s Santorum’s turn to get taken down so he points out something incredibly stupid he said in 2003. Yup. Dumb thing to say. My (never to be published, I’m sure, comment) is below:

Rules from childhood:

1. ‘Johnny did it too.’ doesn’t fly with Mom. You can’t point at Johnny as an excuse. You’ll get ‘If Johnny jumped off a cliff, would you do that too?’ from an exasperated Mom.

2. ‘Johnny did it first.’ ALSO doesn’t fly with Mom. You can’t point at Johnny as an excuse. You’ll get ‘If Johnny jumped off a cliff, AND WENT SPLAT would you BE SO STUPID as to do that too?’ from an exasperated Mom.

Republican or Democrat, R or D, is sooooooooooo last century. Promiscuity with the people’s money has been so pervasive in BOTH parties for so long that pointing at R or D is now officially passe. It’s time for INDIVIDUALS to be held accountable and VOTE THEM OUT. There’s no such thing as ‘collective’ salvation OR blame anymore. When you DIE you go to the Pearly Gates ALONE, St. Peter doesn’t call a (political) party of 5… or 535. Or 300+Million Americans. YOU ARE JUDGED ALONE.

And Eeyore? Hear his voice in your head saying “Oh nooooooo… It’ll never work…” and you will understand the ‘glass is half-empty’ ‘all GOP are evil’ ethos that oozes off him like the smell of vodka the morning after a hard night of drinking.


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FlyOver ObAmerica

Apr 20 2011 Published by under salt

At least Bush LANDED in New Orleans… Bam-Bam has literally relegated this past weekend’s devastation to flyover country at 35,000 feet, AF1 and his nose so high in the sky… All the better not to see the vast swaths of wreckage in tornado alley in the midwest. I mean… Please! He could be down there being his \”brother’s keeper\” teaching Sasha & Malia in a very real and concrete way about all the crap he trots out in the same damned commencement speech he’s given every spring for 15 years about \”service\” and \”hitching your star\” to something bigger than yourself and your own material desires… Or he could attend the one year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon blowout which is today. But there’s $1 billion to be raised and teenagers to propagandize and celebrities to shake down on the Left Coast.


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