Santorum Slap-Down

Feb 17 2012

Santorum is just giving me more and more reasons to L-U-V him.

Here, he’s responding to one of his money guy’s saying something only an old-fart would say yesterday about women and sex which got the libs all worked up and he just slams Charlie Rose – it’s beautiful. It’s at about the 2:00 mark, but here’s a snippet:

“Now I have respond to every supporter who says something… This is what you guys do. You don’t do this with President Obama. In fact, with President Obama, what you did was you went out and defended him against someone who sat in a church for 20 years, and defended him, that he can’t possibly believe what he listened to for 20 years,” said Santorum. “That’s a double-standard, this is what you’re pulling off, and I’m going to call you on it.


That response ALONE got my vote – today – but I’ve been vacillating between him and Romney.  Romney is so appealing because I’m thinking nobody likes their accountant particularly, but he’s the guy that can straighten out your finances, right?  And that’s what we urgently, existentially, desperately need RIGHT NOW.  Mitt’s my “Mr. Right NOW” even if he’s not Mr. Right, if you know what I mean.

BUT… Santorum can punch, man!  I LOVE that.  SOMEBODY has to take on these whores.  And that’s what they are.  They’re barely above parasites, locusts, cockroaches in my opinion.  There’s also the appeal of TOTALLY upending A YEAR+ of planning of the Obama 2012 team if Romney ISN’T the nominee… and Santorum has some SERIOUS blue collar cred.  He can REALLY swing back with EVERYTHING Bam throws at him, including, especially, MATTERS OF FAITH!

Today, I’m in love.

Tomorrow is another day…

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Another Brilliant American Thinker Cartoon

Feb 16 2012

Obama, Pill, Morning After Pill, Catholic, Church, Mandate, ObamaCare, Sacking Rome And Pope

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Feb 15 2012

Diner Suffers Cardiac Arrest While Eating a Triple Bypass Burger in Restaurant Called the Heart Attack Grill

Truth in advertising???? Read the story here.

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Feb 15 2012

Obama’s new, green, budget director, Mr. Zeints, looks like he wishes took that offer from H&R Block. Watch him SHRINK as this GOP Rep just NAILS him into undercutting the VERY ARGUMENT the Obama Administration is making to the SUPREME COURT in support of ObamaCare, never mind their whole 2012 campaign of class warfare! OMG. It’s BEAUTIFUL.  Really. I need to go have a glass of water and a little nap it made me so happy.


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Obama by the Numbers

Feb 15 2012

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Ve have Vays of Making You Eat Broccoli

Feb 15 2012

CNS’s Terry Jeffrey hits it out of the park, again. On the heels of Obama’s mandate that all insurance companies give away the pill for free, he asks:

Can Obama Order Grocers to Give Away Bread?

In October 2009, I published a column titled, “Can Obama and Congress Order You to Buy Broccoli?” Now I need to ask a follow-up: Can Obama order grocers to give away bread? (Click to read on!)

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SICK of BOTH of Them

Feb 14 2012

Yesterday, the always class-less, perennially ungrateful, utterly offensive Mooch-elle Obama told the world that she didn’t have to lift a finger to show her husband she loves him on Valentine’s Day. That’s it’s all on him… Like he OWES her or something.

You know, my husband isn’t the Leader of the Free World.  He’s just a guy. With an ordinary job.  And I don’t feel that way AT ALL about HIM.  QUITE THE OPPOSITE.  I feel that *I* owe *him* more than I can possibly give him and he knows it.  But the First B*tch?  No.  Jeezuz I skeeve her.

THEN, just now, I see this with Bam telling the men of America not only to not forget that it is Valentine’s Day, but to “go big.”


Perhaps a better message would have been – from BOTH of you – something a little less selfish, self-centered, and sanctimonious, like “Happy Valentine’s to everyone lucky enough to have the love of a good partner in life, in fact, the love of a good ANYONE in life, for then we are truly blessed.”

But you would actually have to have CLASS and I dunno… a CONSCIENCE to say that, never mind even THINK IT.

Rant over.

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Glitter Bomb a Democrat…

Feb 14 2012

…and see what happens.  Why is this tolerated?

This is ASSAULT!

I can’t BELIEVE this has been allowed to continue for this long!  This is a PERFECT example of “social” justice not “equal” justice in ObAmerica.


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Greece’s Long Shadow

Feb 13 2012

The American Thinker has this on our future, happening now in Greece:

The chaos outside parliament showed how tough it will be to implement the measures. A Reuters photographer saw buildings in Athens engulfed in flames and huge plumes of smoke rose in the night sky.

“We are facing destruction. Our country, our home, has become ripe for burning, the centre of Athens is in flames. We cannot allow populism to burn our country down,” conservative lawmaker Costis Hatzidakis told parliament.

The air in Syntagma Square outside parliament was thick with tear gas as riot police fought running battles with youths who smashed marble balustrades and hurled stones and petrol bombs. Terrified Greeks and tourists fled the rock-strewn streets and the clouds of stinging gas, cramming into hotel lobbies for shelter as lines of riot police.

First thing that ran through my head was what Glenn Beck has said a thousand times about fear – that people don’t panic when they are prepared, they panic when they are not prepared, so what does it hurt to stock up on a few things, tuck some cash and hard assets away, etc.

Imagine how different it could have been had they organized locally with their neighbors and said, okay, who can fix a car, who can grow things, who can fish, who knows how to post a website for all of us to stay in touch and organized, who can do this, who can do that, let’s get our heads together and figure out some sort of co-op arrangement with kids, and skills, and chores, so we can be self-sustaining until the bureaucrats straighten this mess out and our businesses open again and everything is running normally again… albeit without all the freebies we’re used to…

I surprised even myself that this was the first thing I though of, as I haven’t watched his show in months. I listen to him on the radio nearly every day, but I haven’t fired up the Roku in a dog’s age. I written before that I can’t devote 2 hours to him every night. When he was on Fox, I could rely on the structure of the show, constrained as it was by the network clock. His first 20 minutes were mandatory viewing, with the following 40 optional. But on GBTV the lack of a clock has loosened his messaging discipline and I’m just not willing to devote that much of my life to it. He’s such a blabbermouth he pretty well fills you in on the radio with everything he does on T.V. anyway, so it just seems a more productive use of my time.

In any case, the first thing that ran through my mind was how what we were seeing in Greece was driven almost entirely by the fact that they are several generations deep into government dependency. “Bootstrap” independence has been socialized out of them. Who is the Greek Glenn Beck? I dare say they do not have one. Had they had just one big voice, somewhere, saying, “Hey – Wake up. Rememeber who you are. Remember your proud heritage.”

I am so grateful to Glenn for that message. I’ve always been a patriot, but it was good to have some reminding as to why, and inspiration to buttress that feeling with reading, and re-reading, with the eyes and soul of a 46 year old woman, not a child on the 4th of July, which is so full of memories for me, and sort of the “book cover” of my soul’s keep of love for the ground beneath.

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Like Buttah

Feb 13 2012

This video set me off… looking for a leather coat just like it for at least a year. Possibly two.  I was fresh out of college when this came out and the second I saw the coat Whitney was wearing in this video it became an obsession.  I had never had the slightest interest in any clothing of the leather variety, thinking it involved spiked and tattooed people, being, as I was, from a good Catholic home in the suburbs.  I also became obsessed over having such a flat stomach and narrow hips, but, alas, that was not to happen.  Well, I had the flat stomach (boy that was a a long time ago!) but no straight highway to the left and right.  I’m a curvy girl.  Depending upon certain conditions, that can be a good thing.  At 46, after three children (including a set of twins) I fear those conditions will not be met again anytime soon ;)

Anyway – It’s a bitchin’ good song.  Still love it all these years later… and I’m still without the coat (It’s the one she wears with the jeans, not the one with the little flouncy back.) I remember I ended up with a stack of fitted white t shirts and well-fitted faded blue jeans, though.  So, I guess there was that, at least.


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R.I.P. Whitney

Feb 11 2012

whitney houston

whitney houston

Hers was one of the very first concerts I ever went to, back when we had “Concerts on the Common” on Boston Common.  About 2,000 of us stood outside in the wet heat of summer to see the shy, awkward young woman sing for 2 solid hours, finishing by belting out “The Greatest Love of All” no small vocal accomplishment.  I think the year was 1988, but I’m not positive.

In any case, it appears she’s dead at 48, leaving behind a teenage daughter.

They’re not saying what the cause of death is, but one can guess.

So, so, so, so, so, so sad.  What a MONUMENTAL waste.  Such talent.  Such beauty…



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Michelle Obama on Her Campaign 2012 Schedule

Feb 11 2012

“The greatest honor of my life has been to be America’s First Lady.  I can’t describe to you what a privilege it has been to meet so many Americans in every corner of this great nation of ours, and to welcome them from every corner of the country into the people’s house here on Pennsylvania Avenue.  My husband and I could not be more committed to seeing those who have suffered through this terrible recession made whole again.  I know what’s in my husband’s heart.  I know he loves being President as much as I love being beside him as First Lady.  There’s nothing we both want more than to see America well, and healthy, and prosperous. I believe Barack has laid the foundations to see us to that brighter day. Of course, my job being Mom is always first, but whatever support he needs to be so honored with another term, well, of course, I want to do whatever I can to help that happen”

OOPS!  That’s NOT what she said.  Here’s what Mooch-elle Antoinette ACTUALLY said:

“My approach to campaigning is: This is the time that I have to give to the campaign, and whatever you do with that time is up to you, but when it’s over, don’t even look at me. Don’t look this direction. No calls, no anything… It’s been a tough row to hoe, but I want him to be my president for another four years, as a citizen… So I’m going to do what I need to do. But Malia and Sasha always come first.”

Asslessclay Itchbay… but that’s just me.

h/t Politico, quoting WSJ

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B-B-B-Bad Breitbart!

Feb 11 2012

I love that bad man.

Could he be any sexier? I mean… Forget what he looks like. Doesn’t matter. (When was the last time he washed or combed that hair?) Don’t care. He could be human Wesson Oil for all I care. A gelatinous blob in search of an artery to clog. No matter… But what he said! AH!

(Partial transcript below.) Enjoy.

“I’m just going to tell you right now, I want to end it on a media bashing note because that will uplift me like a Dionne Warwick final rendition. We’re watching you to play the race card MSNBC….

This is going to be the dog whistle election cycle… Ed and Maddow can sit there and call everyone who’s Caucasian racist. ‘I heard it. He used ‘is’ instead of ‘are.’ He’s a racist. That’s a dog whistle.’

…I bought a dog whistle. I bought a dog whistle factory, and I’m giving you dog whistles. And we’re going to listen to every word that comes out of your mouth, and we’re going to hold you to the same standard that you hold us which is an impossible one… America’s finally woken to your Saul Alinsky bullshit tactics, and we’re coming to get you.”

h/t NewsBusters – Again!

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Cool! “Fog Waves” in FL!

Feb 11 2012

They are billed as “cloud tsunamis” but as the article indicates, that’s too violent a name. These are just plain COOL!  Go see more pix!

Cloud Tsunami Fog Cloud

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The Prophylactic on the Truth: The Ribbed NYT Brand

Feb 11 2012

These people are seriously deeeeeranged.  They can’t be this dishonest, can they?  Or think that we are this stupid?  How are such super-smaht people this stricken with goo where their mental acuity should be?

The NYT posted yet another “life, liberty and free condoms are your constitutional right” piece, this time as an NYT editorial.

I felt compelled to comment, below.  They won’t publish it, so I am publishing here:

There’s no love lost between me and the Catholic Church of my upbringing, but to frame this as a “right” to birth control argument is fatuous and dishonest, even for wicked smaht liberals like you guys, who gas up the place with fatuous and dishonest every minute of every damned day.

It doesn’t MATTER what YOU think. It matters what THE CHURCH thinks, and THEY think directing A SINGLE PENNY in SUPPORT of abortion/contraception is WRONG and it DOESN’T MATTER if Obama uses some bullish*t bookkeeping trick as a fig leaf.

He’s reached his big fat federal hand into the sanctuary of faith and you know it. Just own up to it ferkryssakes, and make an honest argument. But this? This is beneath even you.


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