Lie’s Line

Apr 08 2012

I’m rather quaint about the American Presidency.  I regard the Office is worthy of respect ’til it hurts.


When do we get to say the President is lying?  Not misspeaking.  Not misunderstood.  Not tired… but L-Y-I-N-G?

Because damned if I think we haven’t crossed that line a while ago.  Quite a while ago.  I mean… What’s coming out of the mouth of the Commander-in-Chief is no mere quantification of “what is, is” or splitting hairs, pubic or otherwise, over some pedestrian misdeed of the philandering or fiscal variety.

We’re hearing full-on, full-monty, bold-faced, easily fact-checked & rebutted, all-out, shameless, jaw-droppingly audacious LIES.

I love my Republican form of government.  I love that we don’t have murals of our leaders all over our buildings.  We take great pains to separate the man from the Office and revere the Office to a fault – like I said, until it hurts.  That Oval provides a kind of force-field of good will around whomever occupies it; buys them the benefit of several dozen doubts… but this guy.  This guy’s killin’ me.  I mean… it’s no joke no mo’:  How do we know Obama’s lying?  His lips are moving.  I’m as serious as a heart-attack here.

And I hate saying it.  I hate saying my President is a liar.  L-I-A-R.  Like… WAY more than usual.  In a WHOLE NEW CLASS of lying Presidents.  The kind of lying that leads one to believe… nothing anymore.  Ever.  Again.  Leaving even the most devoted acolyte no choice but to… vote his lying ass out of Office in the vain hope that the next President will just be an ordinary liar.

That I can live with.

Give me lies about semen-stained blue dresses & expensive china again… Those were good days, huh?

We just didn’t know it, then.

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Sunstein Says Obama Can Ignore SCOTUS?

Apr 08 2012

I’m not an attorney, so I’m a bit out of my depth here, but this 2006 paper by “the most dangerous man in America” appears to argue that the President can ignore The Supreme Court…  Please tell me if I am right, if you do, actually, plow through it.  I’ve only skimmed it very superficially. 
Cass R. Sunstein – Beyond Marbury: The Executive’s Power To Say What the Law Is

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How Much More Do You Need to Hear, America?

Apr 03 2012

This President is not fit to inhabit his office. He is rogue. He is openly, nakedly contemptuous of our system of government.

He mounts an actual campaign, with an actual name “We Can’t Wait” announcing in bold headlines his intent to do an end run around one branch, 1/3 of our system of power, congress.

He stands in the Rose Garden yesterday daring the other 1/3 to tell him “no” via an adjudication of ObamaCare.

He has 26 states – more than half the country – suing him over any number of policies, most notably ObamaCare.

He has violated the rule of law so many times, breached ethics so grievously, they are literally too voluminous to list in a brief blog post – any ONE of which would have elicited SCREECHING HOWLS from the left had the very same things been said & done by a President with an “R” after his name.

This man is temperamentally unfit to lead this great nation. I happened to think he’s a dangerous narcissistic sociopath on top of it.

We’ve GOT to vote him out in November.

America’s life depends on it.

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Fluke Flopped. Enter Flynt.

Apr 02 2012

The co-ordination between Wee George Stephanopolous, Anita Dunn, and Sandra Fluke having been uncovered, and the American electorate, thankfully, not buying their cynical ploy, the White House has evidently shifted their “War on Women” strategy to porn (hence the reference to Larry Flynt).

NYT was all over naked ladies yesterday.

MSNBC is all over naked ladies today.

Cue Obama to swoop in and save women from themselves.

“Here, put this on.  It’s an organic robe, dearie.”

These people are GENIUS propagandists.

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Is there NOONE to say ‘It doesn’t help ya honey’?

Apr 01 2012

Michelle Obama Fashion Fail
Aside from what I find to be her angry eyes, the first lady is a very attractive woman, imho. She’s done an admirable job keeping herself fit; that said, there does come a time when women of a certain age have to have someone in their life tell them the truth if they are not willing to tell it to themselves – this is one of those times.

Mrs. Obama has made some excellent fashion choices (some ghastly ones, too, but that’s another matter) but did NOBODY look in a full length mirror with this one? Did NOBODY around her have the courage to say “Michelle… It doesn’t help ya honey” which is what my mother tells me when I make an epic fashion fail?

She’s pushing 50. She’s hippy. Just embrace it. But not this way.

Someone needs to tell her.

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Kick a CORRUPT COMMIE LIAR out of the Senate!

Mar 30 2012

Ohio’s Senator Sherrod Brown is a walking, talking bad cartoon of everything that is wrong with America’s politics today. He’s been there too long, he can’t tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and he wouldn’t know the constitution if someone shoved it up his… well… never mind. But HE’S GOTTA GO.

I just sent some money to Josh Mandel, a brave, capable young (You gotta see this kid!  He looks like the class nerd – EXACTLY who you want in the Senate!) man who is taking him on in the CRITICAL state of Ohio. HELP EMPTY THE SWAMP. SEND HIM SOME MONEY AND LET’S THROW THE BUMS OUT!

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When We Was Fab… and Skinny!

Mar 28 2012

This is some old, OLD footage from 1988!

That’s me, at about 1:49… Wow.  I’m fairly certain this was when WHDH was in the Huntington Street studios across from Neiman Marcus.  I believe Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare is there now.  This would have been just before I got my very first on-air gig… and was not off the air again for 20 years. h/t to whomever put this wretched old piece of tape up on the web!

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Obama Marched w/ Black Panthers 2007

Mar 28 2012

What a shock. h/t Twitter to P.J. Media

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Neil Snyder, Father, Hero

Mar 24 2012

When I read what’s below, I literally gasped “Oh my God!” aloud:

A couple of years ago, my Israeli daughter, Noam Avraham, stayed with me and my wife for a few weeks as she was transitioning from the IDF to university.  Noam is not my biological daughter.  She lived with my wife and me for several months while she was in high school, and we love her as though she was our daughter, but that’s another story.

Noam was interested in electronics, so we took her to visit MIT.  While we were there, we stopped for lunch in a student cafeteria that featured a food court with an international cuisine.  Noam wanted a falafel, so we ordered one from a Palestinian man who told us that he was from Jerusalem.  I introduced him to Noam and told him that she was about to enter college having just completed her IDF tour.  Without hesitation, he looked at Noam and said, “Have you killed any Palestinians today?”

This kind of hatred is not inborn. It is taught. Year after year, generation after generation, by adults who ought to know better – by “loving” parents who should be ashamed of themselves.

Hatred never killed hatred. Only love has. I’m no pacifist. Bomb the crap out of someone who bombs you, but the INDIVIDUAL, simply for having been BORN, is not your enemy. Seek light and you will find light. Where you find darkness, be light. Where light is pushed back, live to light another day, in another way… but this?

Heartbreaking.  And tempting… but the dad didn’t do it.  He didn’t give in to his worst impulses.  God love him.

And, parenthetically, I’ve been to the very cafeteria where this incident took place, having brought my three daughters to the M.I.T. museum there.  We’ve been there 2 or 3 times.  It’s a lovely, high-ceilinged, light-filled place.  A cafeteria, to be sure, but a nice one.  It’s ruined for me now.

Read the whole thing here, and again, I exhort anyone reading this to make The American Thinker mandatory daily reading.

*This is a good reminder that we are all Jews now… and all Catholics now… under the Boy-Tyrant Obama.  Stand with your friends of faith, no matter their faith, because it has an enemy in the White House, and if you don’t see that, or your friends don’t see that, you are engaging in a willful act of blindness – STOP IT or risk losing the last best hope on earth.

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Yeah, Well… Pluck THIS.

Mar 11 2012

Middle-aged woman thought (from in the shower I just took, where I often think astoundingly brilliant things):

Why is there such a thing as “over-plucking” your eyebrows, resulting in thin, scraggly eyebrows where those young healthy hairs used to be, thus sending women my age to medi-spas to spend thousands of dollars to have little hairs put back in where they used to be…

…But there’s no such thing as “over-plucking” the little hairs on your chin? These hairs keep growing & multiplying like rabbits it seems, even more earnestly in middle-age than they ever did when we were young, thus sending women my age to medi-spas to spend thousands of dollars to have little hairs permanently removed from places where they never were before…

This is a question for the ages.

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Yup. That About Sums it Up!

Mar 10 2012

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You Know it’s Really REALLY BAD When Russia’s PRAVDA Calls Out the AMERICAN Press on Propaganda

Mar 10 2012

Below, a piece for the ages from Pravda:

Arizona sheriff finds Obama presidential qualifications forged

07.03.2012 14:14

By Dianna Cotter

A singularly remarkable event has taken place in the United States of America. This event occurred in Arizona on March 1st and was an earth shattering revelation.

A long awaited press conference was given by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a five time elected Sheriff, which should have made national and international headlines. Arpaio’s credentials include serving in the United States Army from 1950 to 1953, service as a federal narcotics agent serving in countries all over the world with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and served as the head of the Arizona DEA. Without doubt, this is a serious Law Enforcement Officer, not one to be taken in by tin-foil-hat wearing loons.

Yet, in the five days since his revelations there has been little in the way of serious reporting on the findings he presented in his presser. With 6 short videos, the Sheriff and his team presented a devastating case, one the tame US press is apparently unable to report.

On April 27, 2011, President Barack walked into the White House Press room with a Cheshire cat like grin and a “Long Form Birth Certificate” from the State of Hawaii in hand.  From the podium in the press room, Mr. Obama said, “We’re not going to be able to solve our problems if we get distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers,”. Quite the barb from a man holding a forged document.

That’s right, forged.

The president himself created the scene; one filled laughter from an adoring press corp., a scene of unprecedented fanfare while holding a forged document which was later posted on the White House website. This was the news Sheriff Arpaio revealed on March 1, 2012 in Arizona.

Arpaio asserts that his investigators discovered, during a 6 month long investigation which is ongoing, not only was the “Long Form” likely a digitally created forgery, but the presidents Selective Service Card (Draft Card), allegedly filed in 1980, was also a forgery. These documents are what Barack Hussein Obama relies upon to prove his constitutional eligibility to the office of President of the United States.

Forged documents are being used to qualify a President of the United States for the office he holds. Or is usurped the more accurate term?

The silence from the main stream media in the US is deafening. It almost seems as if the press is terrified to even think the question, let alone ask it: Is the President a criminal? The press in Arpaio’s audience were certainly asking him to state precisely that, yet nowhere has the question been asked of the White House by the press. Instead the American Press is aggressively protecting the presumed President of the United States, pushing the fraud upon both America and the world, supporting a man who may well have usurped the office.

For months before Mr. Obama released the April 2011 forgery, American businessman Donald Trump had been demanding that the president show the country definitive proof that he was born in the state of Hawaii, and eligible for the Office of President. The birth certificate forgery which was presented by Mr. Obama was in response to the repeated public requests from the billionaire businessman.

One can easily imagine the reaction of the press had this scenario been about George W. Bush in 2004.

On the contrary, the press itself forged documents regarding the 43rd President: Long term CBS newsman Dan Rather lost his credibility along with his job when he presented forged Air National Guard documents allegedly denigrating the president’s service in the 1970′s. One can imagine the glee evidence presented by law enforcement officials of a real forgery made by President Bush would have generated. The press feeding frenzy would have eclipsed that of Watergate, the most controversial political event in modern America history which led to the resignation of President Nixon in August of 1974.

The questions in the White House Press room would have been merciless to say the very least.

What has been the response from the Obama era press?


Silence so loud it can be felt.

What has been the response from the 44th president so far?

tweet from Obama Campaign press secretary Ben LaBolt, containing a link to the conspiracy theory television show “The X-files” theme song: a mocking, Saul Alinsky like, retort.

High Crimes and Misdemeanors appear to have been committed by the President of the United States or his personal representatives in presenting a forged document to the press and the Nation as a legitimate document, and this information has been delivered from Law Enforcement Officials.

Arpaio refused to take the bait offered by a clearly hostile press in the conference room. He refused to accuse the president directly, instead informing the world that they had a “person of interest” in the forgery, and were continuing with the investigation.

Where is the outrage from the press??

As surreal as this is, it isn’t the main event. It’s only a part of a larger story.


Years before the 2008 election, Barack Obama was involved in efforts to amend the US Constitution to allowthose who were born to parents who were not citizens to become President along with those born overseas. Those efforts have occurred several times in recent history, and all have failed. It must be intelligently asked why this was a concern at all for the then Senator.

There are two reasons for Obama’s concern. The first lay in Article 2 section 1 of the constitution which states: “No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President,”.

Except for Barack Obama.

The second reason  for Obama’s concern lies in the Supreme Court of the United States case Minor V. Happersett (88 U.S. 162) 1875 which defines Natural Born Citizen:

“The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners.” Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162, 168.

This U.S. Supreme Court case decided that Virginia Minor, the plaintiff, could not use the 14th Amendment to claim citizenship and the right to vote because she was a Natural Born Citizen, and therefor unable to lay claim to the statutory citizenship the 14th Amendment gave to former slaves, which included their right to vote. This is the only U.S. Supreme Court case in the history of the United States to clearly define what a Natural Born Citizen is.  It has been cited in dozens of cases since.

This is an issue which cannot be brushed aside by Mr. Obama. His father, Barack Obama Sr. was a student from the British Commonwealth of Kenya, a British Citizen who never sought to become a US Citizen, and indeed was eventually forced to leave the country. Mr. Obama has only one parent who was an American Citizen. Obama clearly does not meet the requirements of Natural Born Citizen as defined by the Supreme Court in Minor v. Happersett.

The Founding Fathers, the men who wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, discussed these very reasons why no person of divided loyalties, divided nationalities, should ever have command of America’s armed forces. Dozens of letters and many debates in the constitutional conventions recorded these concerns, always returning the “Law of Nations“, Emerich De Vattel’s encyclopedic record of the laws civilized nations had developed over two thousand years of which the founders were clearly aware of in their debates:

“The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights.”

E. De Vattel  1758 Sec 212 Ch19

Vattel’s definition has been accepted since the days the United States was still a motley collection of British Colonies. It has been accepted in no less that 3 Supreme Court Cases, has been accepted in testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives. It is by no means an original source; only recently dug out of dusty tomes in 2008. Indeed, this concept is enshrined in every Nation the world over. Every nation not only accepts, but has enshrined this concept: a person born to two parents who were citizens of that nation and born on its soil was a natural born citizen of that nation.

After his rousing 2004 speech at the Democrat National Convention, Barack Obama was considered a shoe-in for running for president in 2008, and indeed his campaign began that night in Boston. Yet his citizenship was a serious obstacle to his ambitions, and the ambitions of the liberal progressive movement which supported him.

So the efforts to obfuscate Obama’s citizenship issues began in earnest. The plan was deviously simple, make certain that people focused on his Hawaiian documents, and minimize the visibility of Minor V. Happersett and Citizenship to the public.

The State of Hawaii

The state of Hawaii’s role in this cannot be neglected for several reasons. Hawaii has a couple of legal Achilles heels of its own.

It was well known at the time, that any person could register the birth of a child in the state on a late form with only the signature of a witness (Hawaii Department of Health no longer uses this form). This means of obtaining Hawaiian documents was used frequently by immigrants who needed assistance from the state (such as welfare), and Hawaii needed the federal dollars registering those births brought to the state. Second, and perhaps most importantly, Federal laws with regard to Hawaii had been written to allow a baby receiving state documents to be declared a Citizen of the United States without being subject to the Jurisdiction of the United States:

Sec. 305. [8 U.S.C. 1405] Persons born in Hawaii:

A person born in Hawaii on or after August 12, 1898, and before April 30, 1900, is declared to be a citizen of the United States as of April 30, 1900. A person born in Hawaii on or after April 30, 1900, is a citizen of the United States at birth. A person who was a citizen of the Republic of Hawaii on August 12, 1898, is declared to be a citizen of the United States as of April 30, 1900.

Missing from this US Statute is the following which appears in the 14th Amendment:

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

This disparity created a legal loophole which is specific to Hawaii: A child born in Hawaii, regardless of whether or not they were born in the state and subject to the Jurisdiction of the United States, automatically gained US Citizenship. This is the only state in the United States where this condition existed. This is why Hawaii is so vitally important to Obama, and could explain why it is important enough to forge birth documents for. It is why Obama’s birth is being alleged to have occurred there instead of somewhere like Washington State or elsewhere, and is so vitally important.

Obama, by being born in Hawaii, got automatic citizenship status in the United States without regard for whether the United States had jurisdiction over his citizenship. Otherwise, his citizenship would have legally followed his father’s, British, as Barack himself admitted on his “Fight the Smears” website during the ’08 campaign.

And it only took a witness signature to gain it. It is unknown how many children gained U.S. citizenship through this means. The real citizenship status of these individuals is similarly unknown, and now that it has been discovered that Barack Obama has put forth a forged Hawaiian Birth certificate, his own proof of birth in the state is subject to serious questions by law enforcement officials.

Months before the election of 2008 Barack Obama began deliberately directing public attention to his Hawaiian Records. The Obama campaign, before redirecting the site to “Attack Watch” maintained the “Fight the Smears” website which can still be found on archival websites. The Obama campaign posted the candidate’s “short Form” birth certificate with the following information from

“When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.’s children.

Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4, 1982.”

The campaign obviously wanted public attention directed at his birth documents in Hawaii.

The campaign itself created the entire birth certificate controversy, and acted to maintain and fan the flames of that controversy for several truly simple reasons. As long as the public was wondering about what being born under “the British Nationality Act of 1948″ meant,  and the birth certificate “birther” controversy in general, they were not looking into laws which would have legally prevented the senator from assuming the role of candidate and then President. Legal cases such as Minor V. Happersett.

This case was, and still is, of tremendous import. Had it been found during the campaign it would have prevented his candidacy, certainly preventing him from taking the oath of office in Jan 2009.

So a campaign to hide Minor V. Happersett was undertaken at the same time.

Justia is a free legal internet research site with a specific, dedicated Supreme Court of the United States server containing nearly every Supreme Court case in American history. It is specifically marketed to law students, non-profit agencies, startup businesses, small businesses and private internet researchers. In short, those who cannot afford either a lawyer or the thousands of dollars a year required by subscription legal search engines such as LexisNexis and WestLaw. Justia leverages the Google Mini internal search engine, and through this, itself increasing its visibility on nearly any search of American law. is owned by Obama supporter Tim Stanley, and began a systematicscrubbing of Minor V. Happersett  in the summer of 2008, erasing the name and specific text quoted from the case, along with specific citations to it out of dozens of Supreme Court cases which cited it over 138 years of American Supreme Court History. The controversy was dubbed “JustiaGate“.

The author of this article personally documented and published the scrubbing done by Justia, documented the failure of Tim Stanley’s explanation for the “errors”, and assisted in the research which connected to Public.Resource.Org, where Stanley is on the board of directors. is the source of Supreme Court materials in data form receives for publication. is owned and run by Carl Malamud, and funded in part by the Center for American Progress once run by John Podesta, and funded by George Soros. This is a direct connection to the Soros Foundation, a major source of political donations to Barack Obama and the Democrat Party.

Justia erased “Minor v. Happersett” along with text quoted from the case out of its Supreme Court servers deliberately in an effort to minimize the ability of the public to find the case by searching for it, significantly reducing its apparent importance.

These two separate efforts, raising the profile of the Senator’s birth certificate in as controversial a manner as possible, while minimizing the legal role of Minor v. Happersett succeeded. Barack Obama was able to illegally win the election, and illegally take office. It was stolen right in front of the American public.

The house of cards is about to come tumbling down around Barack Obama’s ears as the momentum of evidence builds. Law enforcement has found his birth documents to be “highly suspect” as a forgery. His draft card has similarly been found by law enforcement as being “highly suspect” as a forgery. The smoke screen cover created by his birth certificate, hiding Minor v. Happersett in a shadow of false mockery, has been blown away. Leaving the Supreme Court case alone on the stage, glaringly exposing Barack Obama as an usurper, an unconstitutional President of the United States.

The American Press is deliberately hiding the evidence published on the internet about this defrauding of the American public and the deliberate evisceration of the Constitution of the United States. It is hiding Barack Obama’s Fraud as it has been revealed by a Sheriff in Arizona. The silence of the American press would be unbelievable if it weren’t so blatantly obvious.

It is nearly as egregious as the audacity of Obama’s fraud itself.

Dianna Cotter is a Senior at American Military University, a 4.0 Student, the recipient of the Outstanding Student Essay of 2009, a member of Delta Epsilon Tau and Epsilon Pi Phi Academic Fraternities and on the Dean’s and President’s Lists for academic achievement. She has published at, in American ThinkerAccuracy in Media, andFamily Security Matters.

Дмитрий Судаков

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Nick Kristof’s Vicious Circle of Unreality

Mar 08 2012

It’s breathtaking the lengths The New York Times will go to, to be or to remain utterly untethered to reality.  Nick Kristof has a piece this morning (In Athens, Austerity’s Ugliness) wherein he seriously attempts to assert that Greece is proof that Keynes was RIGHT and that their difficulties lay NOT in government’s gross, gluttonous consumption of tax dollars but in… corruption… specifically the greed of the government officials who wanted more and more the the public tax dollar… which, of course, brings us right back to government’s gluttonous consumption of tax dollars which is EXACTLY what Keynes endorsed, so I’m not sure how Nick thought he was going to get out of this circle, but God bless him, he tried.

The comment I left there – we’ll see if they publish it – is below:

“…a tax bill of, say, $100,000, you pay $40,000 to the state…”

Uh – Isn’t that the same 39.5% Obama has us scheduled for starting January 1?

“Republicans are right to see in Greece some perils of an overgenerous government: The state sector was bloated, early retirements and pensions were sometimes absurd, and rigid labor markets undermined Greece’s competitiveness.”

Uh – Isn’t that EXACTLY what Obama is proposing vis-a-vis unions, and the “fair shake” “fair shot” and “secure retirement” Obama promises in a second term? Because he SURELY isn’t talking about LESS government spending on the middle class in order to insure middle-class workers have “security.”

“But the problem was not a welfare state — Greece has much less of a safety net than northern Europe. Rather, it was corruption, inefficiency and a system in which laws are optional.”

Uh – Couldn’t it be BOTH? And aren’t we NECK DEEP in similar (if not quite equal) corruption HERE?

Do you HONESTLY believe if Greece had an across the board 10% tax with a minimal welfare state they’d be in this fix? Because most people *I* know would be HAPPY to pay a “fair” percentage of their income – HAPPILY – for the privilege of living in America without any efforts to evade it AT ALL. It’s the CONSIFSCATORY nature of the taxes, sir. NOT THE TAXES THEMSELVES. Then, it’s the WASTE and INNEFICIENCY of what government DOES with those taxes that leads to this.

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Heh Heh Heh

Mar 05 2012

h/t AT

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*Snort* Yup. That about sums it up…

Mar 05 2012

Sandra Fluke Obama Pimp Pay for Sex Cartoon

h/t WND

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