Obama’s Organizing for America is using children to teach their parents why Obama-not representative democracy-not our system of checks and balances-not the presidency as an institution-but OBAMA as an individual politician is great…. Did we become Cuba or Iran overnight? What the hell is going on here?
I saw this live yesterday and now have read it. For the life of me, I can’t see what’s “crazytalk” here. Yeah, yeah… I know it’s Beck. He’s crazy. Blah, blah, blah… I’m so tired of the ad hominem attacks. I’m so tired of saying I’m tired of ad hominem attacks. Blah, blah, blah… But I’m looking at Beck’s assertions here as a wife and mother and dare I say it, a “regular” person. What’s he wrong about here?
Americans have always made a LASER BRIGHT distinction between the OFFICE of the President, and the President HIMSELF. It’s the difference between a Constitutional Republic and American Idol…which, in my humble opinion, is how Obama got elected, by the same mentality that leads people to believe their opinion on American Idol actually matters.
You know what I know about opinions? ”Opinions are like a–holes. Everybody’s got one.”
Opinions supported by history or facts, are useful. Opinions supported by… FEELINGS… are USELESS. Every time you hear a liberal talk, if you wait long enough, it INEVITABLY boils down to a FEELING.
Conservatives THINK. Liberals FEEL.
Video and text from the video are below.
Progressives Are Targeting Your Kids
Friday , February 12, 2010 By Glenn Beck
I feel like I’m becoming my grandfather: You kids today! You just don’t get it. We used to sleep on razor-wire beds and eat nails for breakfast. And we liked it!
Maybe I’m getting old and grumpy, but kids are stupid. I mean, we’ve all been there. Come on, think of yourself when you were eighteen. You would have joined the Save Tibet club if you knew it would help score chicks.
You didn’t care. You just went along with the group. Lenin had a phrase for people like these: useful idiots.
One of those idiots seems to be Meghan McCain. She’s John McCain’s like, totally awesome, like, daughter. And she was, like, so waxing poets about ideas or idealogians or U.S. Americans or something, on “The View.” It was wicked awesome.
Here she is talking about the Tea Party movement:(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)
MEGHAN MCCAIN: It’s innate racism. And I think it’s why young people are turned off by this movement. And I’m sorry revolutions start with young people… not with 65-year-old people talking about literacy tests and people who can’t say the word vote in English.
What do those stupid 65-year-olds know, anyway?
Megan is kind of right: Revolutions do usually start with the young, but only because they are targeted and used by older radicals.
It’s not just Meghan McCain. There is a pattern with progressives and the youth of America.
I want to show you something from BarackObama.com — warning: Blood may actually shoot directly out of your eyes:
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It’s extra important to advocate for your beliefs and your family will still love you even if they don’t always agree with what you say.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I grew up in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
My family is a traditional Korean family and we’re first generation.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, my family’s not very political at all. It was always up to me and my brother explaining what was going on to my parents.
That should frighten every parent in America.
Why in this video from BarackObama.com, do the children have to explain things to the adults? Well, because parents just don’t get it. It’s not enough for the kids to disagree on something and discuss it — oh no. Mom and dad are stupid. They believe in that crazy Constitution and stuff. They’re so old school. But you — in all your 10th grade wisdom — you get it. And the president says you must educate your dopey parents:
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Lots of my friends’ parents probably aren’t going to vote because they are all really busy. So my friends and I all work really hard to get them to vote and register.
So when my cousins and I have to talk to them about why we as the future generations really need Obama as the president.
We start out easily and just start saying, oh, watch the debate. And then we’ll say, well, we really think that what Obama or Biden said about energy is really important because we need to start fixing that now before it will be too late.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It’s more of like sitting down and having this, it almost feels like a parent-child conversation, except I’m the parent and they are the child.
It’s a parent-child relationship, except the parent is the child and the child is the parent. This is incredible.
The message the president sends to families should be one of healing, building the family up; one where the child honors the mother and father. Instead, we have the president of the United States encouraging children to have a sit-down with their stupid parents and teach them a thing or two about the world. And elect Barack Obama.
Is it just me? Am I the only one that thinks turning our kids against their parents to get elected is evil?
Oh, I can hear the liberal bloggers now: Oh, Glenn. This site has his name, but the president is busy. Robert Gibbs said he has nothing to do with it.
Uh-huh. Roll tape:
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Today I’m pleased to announce the creation of Organizing for Amerca.
Volunteers, grassroots leaders and ordinary citizens will continue to drive our organization, helping us bring about the changes we proposed during the campaign.
What responsible human being does this?
And it’s not just him. Here’s former Vice President Al Gore, talking to middle and high schoolers around the inauguration, when he thought the cameras were off:
FORMER VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE: There are some things about our world that you know, that older people don’t know.
See the pattern here? Those stupid older people — like mom and dad — they don’t get it. Again, is it just me? Even if you agree with Al Gore, doesn’t this bother you at all?
These are our children. They are being used. We are already crippling them by not teaching them the realities of life as they grow up. Instead, everyone gets a trophy. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t very good and never even win. It wasn’t always that way. My papers were graded in red ink, not the politically correct purple that many have turned to now. I turned out fine — well, not entirely.
Being allowed to fail is a key aspect to growth. If we never experience failure growing up, how will we succeed? Oh wait, don’t worry: Your kids will probably be too big to fail. But now, we don’t want to hurt our kids’ feelings by having winners and losers. We’ve got all these studies on purple pens and the stresses of our kids. We see these studies and delicately walk them through childhood, careful not to let little Johnny get a boo-boo.
People used to use common sense. Until 1838 when some Frenchy French man invented sociology. Then it became institutionalized. Did you know who one of the founding fathers of social sciences are? Surprise: Karl Marx!
Isn’t learning from history fun? Especially the history that progressives erase. Hmm, erasing history — I wonder what impact that would have on society? We should ask a social scientist. Maybe we can find one at the home of the first American sociology education department at the University of Chicago. Hey, isn’t that where the president used to teach about Saul Alinsky?
Fast forward to today: We have studies telling us to keep all kids equal.
Thomas Jefferson believed in a meritocracy: You were awarded positions and jobs based on merit — if you were qualified. If you deserved it. Not because you just showed up.
Progressives coddle kids. And when those kids are finally ready to enter the workforce, they aren’t ready to compete, they’re ready to receive.
The Wall Street Journal reported on how the trophy kids are entering the workforce: 85 percent of hiring managers said they have a stronger sense of entitlement than older workers. Without having worked a single minute as a professional, they enter the workforce arrogantly demanding higher pay, flexible work schedules, corner offices, promotions and more vacation time.
Does that sound like someone you would want to hire? Maybe it’s just me and I’m becoming my grandfather, but if someone came for an interview at my company demanding those things, I’d say get the hell out of my office. In fact, I have. And maybe that’s why my company is successful and why the Post Office sucks.
So not only are we crippling our children, we are using them. We have politicians and leaders going behind our backs and telling them: You’re smarter! You know more than them! The world can be a better place; you just have to convince your stupid mom and dad!
There’s a villain in this movie and America, it’s you.
Progressives are pitting the youth of America against the old. Remember this from Time magazine? The angry 20-something who wrote he is: “Sick and tired of living in an abyss created by our elders’ stupidity. Obama would be smart to focus on college towns. Step aside, grandma. We want health care and we want it now.”
We want it now — you can hear the arrogance and the complete distain for the elderly. And you can hear it from Meghan McCain:
MCCAIN: And I’m sorry, revolutions start with young people… not with 65-year-old people talking about literacy tests and people who can’t say the word vote in English.
This is from the daughter of a senator and a former presidential candidate — who is over 65 years old. How do you think her dad feels about that? Sounds like she thinks people like him are stupid.
So what’s the big deal? Well, do you remember the Complete Lives system? It’s from Rahm Emanuel’s brother. He’s a doctor who advises the White House. And he was showing what would happen if there were a shortage of medical supplies. Which, that would never happen under universal health care — no, no.
Anyway, there would have to be some tough decisions to make. Not enough medicine to go around. So who gets it? Is it that much of a stretch that in a time of crisis — when money and benefits are hard to come by — that someone like Meghan McCain would make the case that, like, you had your shot. You were 25 once. It’s my turn for health care.
Remember, this isn’t just some professor saying it. Now we have the president of the United States in full-fledged campaign mode and the Nobel Peace Prize-winning former vice president teaching that your children are superior to you.
This isn’t going to work out so well.
Crazy? Remember the reaction of the college crowd when former Obama adviser Robert Reich brought up a similar subject? Here’s how our selfless kids responded:
ROBERT REICH: We are going to have to, if you are very old, we’re not going to give you all that technology and all those drugs for the last couple of years of your life to keep you, maybe, going for another couple of months. It’s too expensive. So, we’re going to let you die.
Maybe I am just turning into my grandfather, maybe Iam the grumpy old man. But I think Meghan McCain is right: Revolutions are started by the youth. And I think some aging ’60s radical hippies know that.
— Watch “Glenn Beck” weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel