Archive for the 'breitbart' category

I’m SURE they would have done the same for George W. Bush…

Feb 18 2010 Published by under Biden, breitbart, gaffe, Palin

From breitbart:

VIDEO:  ”I refuse to accept the notion that the United States of America is not going to lead the world economically throughout the 20th Century.”

…but the AP article covering Vice President Joe Biden’s remarks does not reflect the error:
“I absolutely refuse to accept the notion that the United States of America is not going to lead the world economically throughout the 21st Century,” Biden said during remarks to supporters on the Delta campus.

Once again, we can thank Andrew Breitbart for uncovering the nakedly shameless bias infecting the mainstream media. Once again the once proud ASSOCIATED PRESS is “helping” a liberal they like.
Do you think they’d have been so “generous” with W.? Or Sarah Palin?????

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"It’s not your business model that sucks, it’s YOU that sucks…"

Feb 06 2010 Published by under biggovernment, breitbart, media bias, nashville, tea party

Andrew Breitbart said this about the mainstream media: “It’s not your business model that sucks, it’s YOU that sucks.” at the Tea Party Convention this weekend in Nashville.  (It occurs in the clip below about 30 seconds from the end, but it’s only a couple of minutes long and worth watching!)

Breitbart, who heads up the website, which has caught like wildfire over the last year for being one of the few places outside of talk radio and Fox news that you can get the other side to the propaganda that the CNN/MSNBC/NBC/CBS/ABC, NY Times, etc. spew, was a bit raw in his assessment of them, but accurate!  They wonder why they are dying, body parts being left in the street, viewership and listenership 1/5th of what Fox’s is, and they think it’s that they need a “news business model” to deal with the internet, and mobile media, etc.  While they are contemplating their navels and anguishing over whether or not to charge for internet access to their websites, Breitbart et. al. are out there committing journalism and succeeding.

The original post on is here, but here’s the clip.  He concluded by saying:

“If you don’t start reporting the truth I will organize a protest in New York City on Madison Avenue and you won’t be able to escape to the Hamptons for the weekend.”

HAH!!!!  Go get ‘em Andrew!!!!!

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