Archive for the 'Biden' category

Obama-Isms Continued – "Supergenius Intellectual President Speaks"

Mar 18 2010 Published by under Biden, Brett Baer, Louisiana, Obama

You know, GWB never claimed to be an intellectual, and heaven knows, there was no word or phrase safe from mangling in his care, but BHO has been so oversold as such a supergenius, that it’s just too much to ask those of us who did not vote for him not to notice when he makes a big screw up sandwich.

Of course, none of the networks or cables covered it, just the usual talk radio/Fox/Drudge/Breitbart “axis of evil,” (my nickname!) but BHO said in Ohio this week that his health care plan would reduce our health insurance bills by “3000 percent” and all the little Obamtons clapped and cheered…

Now, clearly, he meant $3000.  So it would be patently unfair to pillory him seriously asserting that he meant that.  He didn’t, of course, and that’s the difference between Progressives and Conservatives.  Progressives won’t even report it.  Conservatives might report it, but they will be reasonable and fair.  That’s not to say Conservatives are always reasonable and fair, but at least they report things.

Secondly, in his interview with Brett Baier last night, he said the Louisiana Purchase would help in Hawaii’s earthquake…. Uh-huh.  Now, I happen to know, because I have no life, that the language in the “Louisiana Purchase” legislation was such that the allocation was worded in such a way that only a major water type disaster in a certain kind of landscape would eligible for that money – so crafted so that nosey internet bloggers couldn’t run a word search and find it easily.  You had to actually read the entire section in order to conclude that that language clearly, and damn near exclusively meant Louisiana.  Clearly, inferring Obama’s intimation, there has been some wiggle room found that would cover Hawaii in the event of a similar water type disaster… though Obama seemed so unsure as to what was actually in the current bill that it’s hard to make reasonable conclusions about what he knows and doesn’t know.

I can’t explain the “earthquake” reference.  Again, a reasonable and fair reading of what he meant to imply was the tsunami that Hawaii was facing due to the Chilean earthquake.  I have since heard it posited that he might have meant Haiti, but Haiti’s not a state, and that was the context of the exchange, so… We’re back to being confused right along with the Leader of the Free World Super Genius Smartest President Ever Elected Obama.

Can you imagine the non-stop ridicule if Sarah Palin had said such a thing?  ”I can see Hawaii from the Bayou!”

Finally, in no particular order, in Baier’s interview last night, Obama either wasn’t fully conversant on what was in the bill, or comported himself in such a way that if he were a conservative, they would be killing him on TV today.  Killing him.  This the supergenius’ signature piece of legislation.  One of the most important not only of his presidency but in our history as a nation.  I know it’s 2700 pages, but it’s his baby.  Brett knew!  Brett was clearly more informed about what was in the bill than Obama was.  Can you imagine if VP Palin was reduced to having to ask a reporter what he was talking about? (The Connecticut exchange…) OMG.

And finally, finally, what the hell is this recitation of “dead” Republicans ideas’ in the bill?  Dole?  Daschle?  What the… They’re not in office for the love of Pete.  Is he comp-is men-tis?  Is he having some kind of episode we should be concerned about?  It’s not the only baffling thing he said in this interview without the TOTUS (Teleprompter of The United States).

And just as a bonus, Joe Biden said “God rest her soul” about the Irish Prime Minister’s mother.  I’m sure she was glad to get such a blessing.

She’s still alive.

Gotta love, Joe, huh?

PPS:  Savannah Guthrie was held up as an example of tough journalistic inquiry when she drilled Robert Gibbs in the daily briefing the other day.  Glenn Beck even did a segment on her actually committing journalism for once.  Less than 48 hours later, MSNBC is going all Emily Post on Brett Baier doing the same thing with the President.  I agree that he did interrupt him, and it made me a bit uncomfortable, because the President should be afforded a wider berth than a press secretary to filibuster, but Baier was in impossible spot.  As any reporter is when interviewing the Leader of the Free World.  One man’s balancing act on the tightrope of propriety is another man’s precipitous fall…

PPPS:  Pat Buchanan made a brilliant point this morning that the democrats cared very much about “process” when the Supreme Court “selected not elected” GWB in 2004, but now… not so much… “Deeming” is just dandy.

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I’m SURE they would have done the same for George W. Bush…

Feb 18 2010 Published by under Biden, breitbart, gaffe, Palin

From breitbart:

VIDEO:  ”I refuse to accept the notion that the United States of America is not going to lead the world economically throughout the 20th Century.”

…but the AP article covering Vice President Joe Biden’s remarks does not reflect the error:
“I absolutely refuse to accept the notion that the United States of America is not going to lead the world economically throughout the 21st Century,” Biden said during remarks to supporters on the Delta campus.

Once again, we can thank Andrew Breitbart for uncovering the nakedly shameless bias infecting the mainstream media. Once again the once proud ASSOCIATED PRESS is “helping” a liberal they like.
Do you think they’d have been so “generous” with W.? Or Sarah Palin?????

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What about Biden Taking Credit FOR IRAQ????????????????????

Feb 11 2010 Published by under 250k, Biden, hypocrisy, Iraq, Maddow, Obama, taxes

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

UPDATE:  I posted the (black) text below several hours ago and then it occurred to me:  Joe Biden was on Larry King last night saying that Iraq will be a crowning achievement (or words to that effect) of the Obama administration.


They TRASHED the war.  TRASHED the surge.  OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again.  If Joe had had his way Iraq would have been balkanized.  WHAT THE???????  

It’s BREATHTAKING, their hypocrisy, really.  Gee, you think Ms. Rachel will run clip after clip of her boys trashing the war just like the video above?  I would BET MY HOUSE she will not.

There are some assertions here I could bicker with, but Maddow makes a compelling case for GOP hypocrisy here.  It’s TERRIBLE television.  I mean REALLY boring.  No wonder their ratings s*ck, but she makes her case… But I must respond to her “party of no” assertions this way:

Just because they’re hypocrites doesn’t make them wrong but they SHOULD be voted OUT OF OFFICE… And if they vote no against something of Obama’s I would wager because it increases rather decreases the role of government in our lives and/or increases the debt, so on those grounds, I’m all for it, but holding up checks for money they voted against?  She’s right.  Wildly hypocritical and grounds for voting them out of office.

The reason so many of us are watching Scott Brown and Sarah Palin so closely is that so far they’ve told the TRUTH and have the COURAGE OF THEIR CONVICTIONS.

All these hacks in Maddow’s piece holding up checks representing funds they voted against should be ashamed of themselves.  That’s not to suggest that I think the stimulus was a good idea… I don’t.  I think TAX CUTS could have resulted in far more sustainable growth and NOT impoverished our nation even further than it already is.  Can you imagine how much money would start moving through the economy if we gave SIGNIFICANT tax breaks to employers and a SIGNIFICANT payroll tax cut?  OMG.  Know how I know it would work?  BECAUSE EVERY TIME IT’S BEEN TRIED IT HAS WORKED.  Let me repeat that.


Oh, and one other thing:  I wonder if Maddow will take Obama to task for his “read my lips” moment when he said he’s “agnostic” on the subject of taxing incomes less than 250k…

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