Below is the latest from “birther queen” Orly Taitz. I hate the term “birther” and I’m not particularly fond of “queen” and I especially don’t like them together, but everyone understands them, so…
This is excerpted from an update she posted on her site (very) early Saturday morning.
God/Gaia/HigherPower/It/Tree Love her. She’s doing a very hard thing, at great personal cost & peril.
“…So far I filed challenges in NH, HI, GA, IN, LA, MS, (and) there are ongoing cases in CA and DC.
…Other individuals filed challenges in IL, PA, CA, FL, MA, TN, AZ, TX, DC. Similar challenges are expected all over the country.
My main concern … (is) that no judge will remove Obama from the ballot based on Minor v Hapersett only… It will take more, than that. It will take a combination of showing malfeasance, criminal behavior by Obama in conjunction with bringing forward the issue of eligibility based on his father’s foreign citizenship. The judges understand that the citizens will not accept removal of a siting President from the ballot based on the interpretation of the Constitution only, as the reasonable question will be: why was he allowed in the WH in the first place? …Just as it happened in Watergate, evidence of flagrant criminality on part of the sitting President will do him in at the end…”