Irrepressible Orly All Over America

Feb 11 2012 Published by under salt

Below is the latest from “birther queen” Orly Taitz. I hate the term “birther” and I’m not particularly fond of “queen” and I especially don’t like them together, but everyone understands them, so…

This is excerpted from an update she posted on her site (very) early Saturday morning.

God/Gaia/HigherPower/It/Tree Love her. She’s doing a very hard thing, at great personal cost & peril.

 “…So far I filed challenges in NH, HI, GA, IN, LA, MS, (and) there are ongoing cases in CA and DC.

…Other individuals filed challenges in IL, PA, CA, FL, MA, TN, AZ, TX, DC. Similar challenges are expected all over the country.

My main concern … (is) that no judge will remove Obama from the ballot based on Minor v Hapersett only… It will take more, than that. It will take a combination of showing malfeasance, criminal behavior by Obama in conjunction with bringing forward the issue of eligibility based on his father’s foreign citizenship. The judges understand that the citizens will not accept removal of a siting President from the ballot based on the interpretation of the Constitution only, as the reasonable question will be: why was he allowed in the WH in the first place? …Just as it happened in Watergate, evidence of flagrant criminality on part of the sitting President will do him in at the end…”

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No Obama GA Verdict from Malihi YET, But…

Feb 03 2012 Published by under salt

…the GA Secretary of State may get Judge Malihi’s recommendation as early as this evening (Friday) with the rest of us finding out in a couple of days… The waiting is killing me!

Via Patricia Walston writing for the Atlanta 

The decision of Judge Malihi regarding the eligibility of President Barack Obama to be on the Georgia Presidential Preference Primary ballot on March 6, 2012, could be sent to the office of Secretary of State Brian P. Kemp soon.

In a phone conversation with Ms. Ruff, the Judge’s secretary, she stated that her impression was that the Judge would be making his final decision; and forwarding the case on to  the Secretary of State’s office as early at this evening –  or Monday morning.

There is a lot of interest all across America concerning  the Judge’s decision since the hearing was held here in Atlanta last month. The controversy is whether or not President Obama is a “natural born” citizen; which is required by the United States Constitution to be President.

Currently the Judge is going over all the aspects of the hearing with all of the “legal eagles” making sure that all the t’s are crossed and the i’s are dotted.”

The case was heard on January 26, 2012, in the court of Judge Michael Malihi. The groups bringing the complaint are: David Farrar, Leah Lax, Thomas Malaren and Laurie Roth, represented by Orly Taitz.   Liberty Legal Foundation represented David Weldon.  Carl Swensson; and Kevin Powell were represented by J. Mark Hatfield.

Democrat Cody Judy has also challenged his eligibility as well. He has a vested interest in the case since he wishes to run against Obama.

Matt Carrothers, Press Secretary at the Secretary of State’s Office, stated as of noon today, they had not yet received a decision from the Judge.

There were certain steps necessary before forwarding it on to Brian Kemp’s office.

1.  The Judge would need to consider the testimony, evidence, and the cases presented by both sides. Then he would render what is called “Findings of Facts,” and/or “Initial Decision”.

2.  When he makes a decision, it will be sent to Secretary of State Brian P. Kemp’s office along with all the records

3.  Then Secretary of State will make his decision based on the evidence and the Judge’s decision.

Valerie Ruff, secretary to the Judge, stated a few moments ago that the word from the Judge is that his decision is likely to be sent to the Secretary of State’s office either this evening or Monday.

Final assessments are being made; and presently the Judge is going over all the aspects of the hearing with all of the “legal eagles” making sure that all the t’s are crossed and the i’s are dotted.”

Based on the outcome of the decision made by the Secretary of State’s office, there could be an appeal if President Obama is deemed not eligible to be on the Georgia ballot because of his birth.

There is just little over one month from today for the Secretary of State to make his decision before the Presidential Preference Primary.

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Transcript/Evidence in Obama/Georgia Birther Case

Jan 30 2012 Published by under salt

UPDATE II – January 31, 2012: Came across this sort of all-purpose clearinghouse site for all things birther. If you want to drop into the vortex and not work for a couple of hours, knock yourself out.  It’s a good jumping off point to all the big sites on the subject.


UPDATE I – January 31, 2012:  The link to the transcript is below, but here’s a link to the evidence submitted to the court in support of the testimony.  I defy you to look at it and believe Obama’s bullish*t nativity story.  It’s pretty damning stuff.

I hate the term “birther” but everybody knows what it means, so I used it.

At bottom is a link to the official court transcript of the hearing last Thursday in Georgia; the very first time evidence supporting doubt about Obama’s fantastic nativity story was presented in open court to be adjudged on its merits.  Don’t believe this bullcr*p that “thousands” of case have come before. Not true.  They got tossed before a scrap of paper was put before a judge. This is the first time evidence was put before a judge, to be adjudged on the merits, not tossed PRIOR to a speck of evidence being seen because of the soft-shoe of fancy-pants lawyering.  Again:  this is the first time evidence has been put before a judge.  It’s remarkable that nobody in the MSM gave it coverage, other than to mock it, late at night, if at all.

Also, again, for the record, I do not subscribe to the theory that the problem with Mr. Obama’s records is that he is not a “natural born citizen” due to the British citizenship of his father, nor that he was born somewhere other than in the United States. I absolutely believe he was born in Hawaii.  It’s AFTER that the problem begins. My own pet theory is that he was adopted in Indonesia, thereby voiding his original cert, so the one he released is “fake but accurate” if you know what I mean – and I think you do!  Links to my previous posts on the matter are here & here & here.

SO!  Here is the link to the transcript.

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