Keep the Rubes Rube-ish

Jan 07 2012 Published by under salt

Democrats are always sniffing that we Tea Party types are knuckle-dragging neanderthals to whom “science and facts” have little meaning.  Further, that “process” arguments are for “them” to worry about, so why even debate the substantive “merits” of a matter, when they know everything, and how everything should be processed?

So how will we ever exit the cave if this tidy piece of legislation becomes a reality?  It has a formal name, but I call it “Taxpayer funded ‘science & facts’ research that you used to be able to read for FREE on-line but the publishing industry is going broke so here’s a big fat pay-off and now you have to pay for it AGAIN Act” Co-sponsored by a Democrat (and sadly, by a personal GOP fave of mine, Mr. Issa, who is no doubt getting a fat check for his re-elect fund from publishers for this – for shame!)


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