This President is not fit to inhabit his office. He is rogue. He is openly, nakedly contemptuous of our system of government.
He mounts an actual campaign, with an actual name “We Can’t Wait” announcing in bold headlines his intent to do an end run around one branch, 1/3 of our system of power, congress.
He stands in the Rose Garden yesterday daring the other 1/3 to tell him “no” via an adjudication of ObamaCare.
He has 26 states – more than half the country – suing him over any number of policies, most notably ObamaCare.
He has violated the rule of law so many times, breached ethics so grievously, they are literally too voluminous to list in a brief blog post – any ONE of which would have elicited SCREECHING HOWLS from the left had the very same things been said & done by a President with an “R” after his name.
This man is temperamentally unfit to lead this great nation. I happened to think he’s a dangerous narcissistic sociopath on top of it.
We’ve GOT to vote him out in November.
America’s life depends on it.