Obama Bungle #4963

Jan 17 2012 Published by under salt

First we find out that the MLK memorial in Washington D.C. is being crafted by non-black, non-Americans.


If that had happened on GWB’s watch, the MSM would be wall-to-wall that he hates black people, hates black Americans in particular, and what the hell is wrong with our American president that we can’t find one qualified black artist to get this done.

Then we find out that they screwed up the quote that is literally chiseled in stone on it.


If that had happened on GWB’s watch, the MSM would be wall-to-wall that he he’s a redneck moron, has probably never been inside an art museum anyway, and what the hell can you expect from an illiterate American president that we can’t get a friggin’ quote etched in correctly.

NOW we find out that the “eternal flame” has gone out.  Oh, they got it going again, but… it went out.

That’s not “eternal” you know?  Now, the eternal flame is in Atlanta, but the MSM would blame a warm salad fork on George W. Bush, so what the hell. Let’s just pig-pile it all together.

Can you IMAGINE the outcry if these three things had happened under anyone other than The Messiah?

…And there have been soooo many!


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