Nancy-Boy Hand-Wringing-UPDATED

Jan 13 2012 Published by under salt

Hey.  Buck up America.  This is war.  What a nation full of Nancy-boys.

The hand-wringing over these Marines taking a leak on their kill misses the point.  You shouldn’t be mad they did it nearly as much as that they were so stupid they put it on the internet.

Damned fools.

Let me repeat:  This is W-A-R.  War is U-G-L-Y.  I dare say if you spent every minute of every day ducking bullets from Taliban, watching parts of your buddies be blown away by Taliban bullets, hoping you won’t be next to lose a body part via a Taliban bullet, you might lose your composure and take a leak on one you killed too.  Later, well out of the battlefield, upon sober reflection, you would know that that was not behavior befitting a Marine.

But the felony stupid part was posting it on the internet.  If there are reg’s in the manual for that, book ‘em.

Other than that, put ‘em on K.P. and call it a day.


UPDATE:  Rep. Allen West validates my sentiments beautifully – not to mention with authority – here.

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