Gigilo Ignorance

Nov 20 2011 Published by under salt

Just saw the perfumed gigilo, John Kerry, my very own Senator, say a hugely moronic thing, which, again, though it’s becoming repetitive to say it, had Sarah Palin said it, would be roundly derided 24/7 for being illiterate..

Kerry said “It would have been the biggest tax cut since Calvin Coolidge, and we all know how that turned out.”

I’m quoting from memory so I might not have it 100% word for word, but that was basically it.

Yes, Senator. We do “know how that turned out.”


The creation of wealth is not what cause the Depression, sir. Entire industries were born that made that wealth before it got invested.  It was a new, still Wild-West, unregulated stock market. We fixed that – basically. Now it’s regulated – basically.

But the tax cuts producing an historic decade of wealth, is a good thing, you gigilo. Not a bad thing. It’s a bit “rich,” if you’ll pardon the expression, hearing expert commentary on making a buck coming from you.  You, who has made marrying well your hobby.

In 1920 most people did not have cheap electricity, phones, refrigerators, irons, all kinds of home appliances and modern conveniences that had previously been reserved for the “1%.”  BY 1929 A MIDDLE CLASS WAS BORN because of the Coolidge tax cuts.

He’s conflating  putting more money in the hands of each American, as a broad principle, with what they did with it afterwardshow that money was invested by a percentage reckless people.

Those are two completely different things and the liberal meme of conflation on this matter is reaching intolerable, critical mass.

Good grief!

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