Obama / Feinstein 2012?

Aug 20 2012 Published by under salt

If Joe’s gotta go, and Hillary’s a no-go, then Senator Diane Feinstein would be a formidable choice.

She’s pissed at Obama for the egregious, (I say treasonous) leaks over which she has oversight as a senior member of the Intelligence Committee. I believe she also sits on Foreign Relations. Even apart from her impressive credentials and her (liberal!) politics, however, she’s no intellectual slouch. She’s been a solid Democrat, solid Senator, and gracious leader. She would be an excellent choice (dammit).

It was also her house in Georgetown where the deal was done to make Hillary Secretary of State and not the VP in late 2008. It was her dining room, reportedly, where those discussions took place.

She was also a latecomer to ObamaCare and had to be dragged over the finish line. She negotiated more water for the Central Valley farmers who were drying up due to the stupid Delta Smelt.

All of this is indicative of a close relationship & a covenant of trust between Obama & the Senator. The kind of relationship where he might call her and say “If you lay off me about my treasonous leaks, I’ll put you on the ticket.”

Remember where you heard it first.

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And WE’RE Dangerous?

Nov 01 2011 Published by under salt

 Democrats had a little get together in Florida over the weekend.

And not for the first time, a high-ranking Administration official referred to NEVER-ARRESTED, TOTALLY-LAWFUL Tea Party protesters as ‘tea baggers’ – a term the President himself used during an interview with Jonathen Alter.

‘Tea-bagging’ for those of you uninitiated is the act of one man placing his scrotum in another man’s mouth.

Got it?  Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, speaking in Florida this weekend, chose that charming term.  You know, Hilda… honored member of the Democratic Socialists of America, Hilda Solis.


…They are INCITING CIVIL UNREST… while characterizing us in yet ANOTHER utterly unfair way:

State and national Democratic Party leaders told Florida Democrats Saturday they can re-elect President Obama and U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson by rallying voters in a ‘citizen revolt’ against Republican Party policies being dictated by ‘a brutally fanatic right-wing group of extremists’ in Washington and Tallahassee.

Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, every DIVDE & CONQUER despot before him would be so proud of Bam-Bam, dontcha think?

The story is here.

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