FlyOver ObAmerica

Apr 20 2011 Published by under salt

At least Bush LANDED in New Orleans… Bam-Bam has literally relegated this past weekend’s devastation to flyover country at 35,000 feet, AF1 and his nose so high in the sky… All the better not to see the vast swaths of wreckage in tornado alley in the midwest. I mean… Please! He could be down there being his \”brother’s keeper\” teaching Sasha & Malia in a very real and concrete way about all the crap he trots out in the same damned commencement speech he’s given every spring for 15 years about \”service\” and \”hitching your star\” to something bigger than yourself and your own material desires… Or he could attend the one year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon blowout which is today. But there’s $1 billion to be raised and teenagers to propagandize and celebrities to shake down on the Left Coast.


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