…Random Thoughts…

Apr 11 2011 Published by under salt

1. Nobody ever considers that the redistribution Obama is gunning for is from rich AND poor Americans to EVERYONE OUTSIDE AMERICA. Boy won’t they be hacked off when they figure THAT out, huh?

2. I wonder what the hell the bio company Andy Stern’s got involved with is up to?

3. What’s going on with Puerto Rico statehood scam?

4. How badly are we being scr*wed with the Census calculations now that Bam-Bam’s got them an office right down the hall from the Oval?

5. Will we still have the internet the way we have it now a year from now? Two or three years from now?

6. Too few people realize that the survival of the Republic requires that Obama not be elected to a second term, and we’d damned sure better vet whoever runs so we don’t get in this fix again.

7. I’m tired. I want my life back. I don’t want to worry about this anymore. If Mike & I didn’t have kids, we’d sell everything and leave. Go find some island somewhere and disappear… But I’ve got to do what I can to keep the America I love alive for my girls. How did this happen??? *sigh*

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