NO! Income & Capital Gains Should NOT be the Same! Here’s Why

Sep 20 2011 Published by under salt

Income is based on an agreed upon exchange: work for a rate of pay agreed upon in advance.

Capital gains are reaped on RISK. You take the RISK that your investment will pay off. Typically, this investment will accrue to the benefit of all (the investment enterprise hires employees who spend money in the economy) BUT AT RISK ONLY TO YOURSELF IF IT FAILS.

Why would ANYONE take a risk on ANYTHING EVER AGAIN if the REWARD is reduced to ordinariness? Why wouldn’t they just say

Screw it. It’s the Caymans for me!’????

The only way Obama’s reasoning works is if he believes working for ‘the man’ is a risk.  That he is an evil ‘fat cat’ or ‘robber baron.’  But that’s just patently ridiculous.  No American president, leader of the Free World, head of the country that has brought more prosperity, given more in charity worldwide, lifted the standard of living for every corner of the world by it’s industry would ever th…


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