Archive for the 'Birth Certificate' category
President Transparency?
Just came across this post on an Executive Order Obama signed on his first day in office shielding Presidential records from the Freedom of Information Act… Papers that previous Presidents made available.
It’s his first day… Unless he’s got or is planning to have something to hide, why, on his first day, would Mr. Transparency be so concerned about keeping his papers secret?
I give you the “regular person” test… the one that absolutely NOONE in the mainstream media seems to feel the effect of… ever:
If it’s you, and you’re in charge, and you have nothing to hide, and you know that the usual, long-standing protections regarding national security, etcetera, are already in place, and you’re just there to protect and defend the constitution, are you this paranoid? You’re not George Washington, okay? It’s not like you’re the first guy ever who has been President and have to be mindful of the law of unintended consequences and balance historical record with keeping our secrets from the bad guys… There are nearly four dozen presidents before you who made sure that the release of Executive papers won’t endanger the American people in any way. So if it’s not the American people you are trying to protect, that leaves only one person… YOU.
THINK about this. Obama’s legal counsel didn’t just wake up, hungover from the Inaugural Balls, answer the phone and get the order to proceed, bloodshot eyes and shaking hands, over to the computer and slap together the proper and precise legal language to enact this executive order so his boss could sign it later that morning. This required planning, thought, approval, specifics… Obama had intent, here. He had something in mind. Multiple somethings…. What?
IT DEFIES COMMON SENSE. THIS is why people are so enamored with Scott Brown and Sarah Palin – because they don’t do “weird” stuff like this. They don’t do stuff that DEFIES COMMON SENSE and FLUNKS THE SMELL TEST.
So much of what Obama does requires the willful suspension of disbelief… over and over and over again…