
Jan 20 2012

h/t NewsBusters

3 responses so far

  • Johnd Burris

    You were a veteran broadcaster of jazz.
    Then you must remember Allison Steele ~ “The Night Bird” ~ on WNEW/NYC.

    Would you then have any info as to what became of Ms Steele. She was heaven. What a voice ~ so long ago but I remember this lady so well.

    Any info would be swell.

    John D Burris

    • http://www.saltusa.com Annie Ashe Fields

      1. LOL to your Winston Churchill note below, which I just read! VERY funny.

      2. RE: Miss Steele -I remember the name, but I never met her. If she is like most of us, she has ended up either in another format entirely, or off the air selling real estate! (I’ve not done that – yet!) “Steele” & “Fox” were names of my era, oh boy! Seems everyone took one or the other for a last name.

  • Johnd Burris

    The current plight of the Costa Concordia and its crew reminds me of a Winston Churchill quote…..

    After his retirement he was cruising the Mediterranean on an Italian cruise liner and some Italian journalists asked why an ex British Prime Minister should choose an Italian ship.

    “There are three things I like about being on an Italian cruise ship” said Churchill.
    “First their cuisine is unsurpassed. Second their service is superb. And then, in time of emergency, there is none of this nonsense about women and children first”
