Hello? Enemy 1? Enemy 2? We can only fight 2 wars at once! Call Enemy 3 and you can kill us all and still have the weekend!

Jan 05 2012

Bam-Bam just told the world we’re cutting our military capability to 2 wars at a time.

D’ya think it ever occurred to the smartest man to ever occupy the Oval Office that two of our enemies might have a buddy?  And they might decide it’s a good time to get together?


How stupid is this guy?  Or is he that evil that this is on purpose?


5 responses so far

  • http://twitter.com/miss911ninja Sandra Childs

    I do not believe Barack Hussein Obama had any intention “to protect and defend the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” when he took the oath of office! He, himself, is a domestic enemy. And yes. Evil.

    • http://www.saltusa.com Annie Ashe Fields

      Hey Sandy! You’re becoming a regular! I’m so flattered – seriously.

      I’m up in the middle of the night again. I’m finishing a project I’ve been working on for a really, really long time and it’s all I can think about – and I love Fridays because we always have take out on Fridays so I know I don’t have to cook and if I want to be up for 20 hours and work work work I don’t have the drudgery of dinner awaiting me at the end of the day!

      What do you do? Do you have kids? Are you my visitor who is in the Pacific NW? I see the “dot” on my spinning globe “blinking” there a lot… Thought it might be you.

      • http://twitter.com/miss911ninja Sandra Childs

        Hi Annie! Yes, that must be me “blinking” at you from the Pacific Northwest! To be specific, I’m 20 miles north of Seattle. I’ve lived here now for more than half my life, but I spent my first 26 years in New Hampshire. I graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1974. No, I don’t have kids. It just wasn’t “in the cards” for me. But that’s okay! I’ve been able to enjoy the company of children while working in the school system. I have an AA in Early Childhood Education, but I’m now going to school to train as a Medical Assistant.

        I absolutely love your blog! We definitely think alike!

        • http://www.saltusa.com Annie Ashe Fields

          God love ya in the work you do – really. I don’t know if you’ve seen me mention here that I have daughters with special needs. My twins. One has high-functioning autism, add, a seizure disorder & the other has just a hint of autism spectrum issues (p.d.d.) but mostly her a.d.h.d. has been her big challenge.

          It’s so funny, because before I had them I thought that whole add/adhd thing was a bunch of bullcrap. But boy – do I see it! And the difference between the two, with the “h” and without the “h” part. They were like this in my belly! Born this way!

          And you are a NH girl, too! When my parents were first married, even before they had me, they lived in Portsmouth. My mom tells me that they used to leave the door open to their apartment to the people next door, who would leave their door open, and go out at night with the understanding that “if they heard anything” they’d take care of my brothers, then babies! Can you believe how loose things were back then? It’s 180 degrees the OTHER way now.

          My girls are now 15, 13, 13, so I’m out of “playground politics” now, but boy, I was NEVER one of those “helicopter moms” – and boy did I get dirty looks for it. I always had a hairy eyeball, but unlike other moms, I did not keep a constant 3 to 5 foot distance following them all over the place. Crimany. The kids have to learn how to fend for themselves! Isn’t that the whole point?

          I’ve told my girls that my job is to make sure that they can fly on their own. That when they go out of the nest they can save their own little butts when I’m not there to help them. And that people notice things – and talk – so they had better be nice.

          God bless me, they are. They’re lovely kids. No doubt because of their dad, who is the most thoughtful, kind person, man or woman, I’ve ever known.

          So THANK YOU for the work you do. God must have a special plan for Sandra Childs!

          • http://twitter.com/miss911ninja Sandra Childs

            Hi Annie,

            Since I just discovered your blog last week, I didn’t know about your girls. Sounds like your approach to their special needs is very positive, which will serve them well. No victimhood there!

            I also remember how loose things were many years ago. I never even had a key to my house until I was in high school, because up until then we never locked the door!

            This must be brief, since I’m about to get ready for the first of my two 12-hour shifts this weekend at an Adult Family Home. I have NO social life right now, but these weekend shifts make perfect sense while I’m going to school.

            See you next week!
