Obama Girls’ Missed Opportunities

Dec 22 2011

At practically every commencement speech Barack Obama has given since the mid-’90′s when he became an Illinois state Senator and was thus asked to give them every year, he has given essentially the same speech:  Don’t go for the big money, be of service to your fellow man.

Okay… Whatever.  I happened to think risking everything you own to start a business and then employ other people so they can support themselves and their families is a hugely good thing to do but, whatever…

But I haven’t seen Barack & Michelle teach service to their own daughters.  

I’ve lost count of how many missed opportunities they’ve had to demonstrate the power of service:  Helping to stack sandbags during Nashville’s historic floods.  Obama never set foot there though he swore he would never again let “bodies float down the street” and callously watch from a distance.  News reports told us exactly that happened there.  They easily could have picked a safe corner of the disaster to get the girls’ hands dirty and work up a sweat.  How about the Joplin tornado?  They could have helped doing laundry there at the laundry stations Tide set up to help the people staying in the shelters.

And now at Christmas time!  They could be at a soup kitchen!  I mean… Please!

Teach through example!  Not only to your own children, but by your children to America’s children if you really mean your insufferable, sanctimonious bullcr*p!

But where are they?  In a Hawaii at an oceanfront villa that would cost you and I $100k to rent for 17 days – easy.

And none of them had to go through the TSA grope to get there.

(And parenthetically:  I have no problem whatsoever with the Obamas Christmas-ing in Hawaii every year.  That’s their family tradition.  It’s not like it’s something they just started doing once it was on our dime.  I’ll leave it to others to argue the “optics” of it when the country is in such dire economic straits, but I wanted it on the record that I do not begrudge my President, no matter how much I may disagree with him, his personal family time, personal traditions, and swank vacations if he has the money to pay – his portion – of them.  None whatsoever.)

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