GOP Primary pols need to have a couple of snarky, esoteric questions in their backpocket to launch on any interviewer who catches them not knowing something.
For instance, when Herman got caught not knowing what “the right of return” was (the “99%” didn’t know it, I assure you) he should have had one ready to launch the second it happened, knowing that it would be spun way, way, way out of all reasonable proportion.
For instance, one might be “What significant event happened in America’s life in 1920?” (The mini-depression that Coolidge got us out of which launched the “Roaring 20′s.”) or “Whose idea was it to have a tri-cameral architecture to our system of government?” (It had to be Jefferson or Jay, but I can’t remember!)
Anyway, the point is, these are arguably, “basic” civics questions any national network political reporter ought to know.
Our guys ought to launch ‘em like scuds.