People are jumping ugly over how Cain does not remember Bee-lack or whatever the hell her last name is, so for our purposes here, it will be Bee-lack.
Let me tell you something from the perspective of someone who at one time, in a very small way, was kinda famous. When I was #1 afternoon drive (on the radio, Smooth Jazz WJJZ) in Philadelphia, I met, and hugged, thousands of people.
I have no idea who they were. None. Zip. Nada. Herman’s running for President, for crying out loud. So just go ahead and multiply that by 1000. Easy.
I would emcee concerts with 20,000 people in the audience. Just walking from stage to my car, I would shake 100 hands, sign 50 autographs, and hug 25 people. Ironically, the height of this time of my making these kinds of public appearances was the late 1990′s, the time in question for Herman.
There were even more intimate ‘meet & greets’ I would host with artists & listeners where we would spend several hours together. Maybe 100 people for 2 or 3 hours, standing around, having drinks.
I have no idea who they were. None. Zip. Nada.
But you know what? Some of those people, probably more than a few dozen, will remember meeting me. Because I was one of the ‘famous’ people in this scenario. People remember meeting ‘famous’ people, but ‘famous’ people can’t possibly remember everyone they meet – They’re famous!
So this meme about it being incredible that Herman does not remember Bee-lack is nonsense. Especially since it appears there’s something fishy about her story & credibility. I don’t doubt for a second that Herman upgraded her hotel, bought her drinks, and bought her dinner, but I’ve had a great many dinners with a great many people over the years and I don’t remember them all!
Do you know how many dinners CEO’s have? How many ‘upgrades’ they hand out? They do it all the damned time. I don’t doubt that they spent the evening together as described, but the only ‘assault’ that happened in that car was the ‘no’ Bee-lack got when Herman told her she wasn’t going to get a job. He may very well have made a pass at her, but as detailed in previous posts, he’s not going to go to the trouble of wining & dining her with a ‘palatial’ suite upstairs and not even get on the elevator to use it.
It’s just not credible that this charming man – who has never, ever been witnessed being anything other than charming even by his accusers – wouldn’t just charm his way into any nookie he wanted.
I repeat: Bee-lack’s charge of assault, simply isn’t credible.