9-9-9 Talking Points I WISH Herman would Use

Oct 21 2011

• 9-9-9 Talking Points I WISH Herman would use:

1. Establishment, career politicians HATE it because they CAN’T HIDE THEIR CORRUPTION in the tax code anymore.

2. 2/3′s are required to raise it a penny.  Even in less partisan days, it’s a seismic event to get a 2/3′s majority to agree cancer is bad and puppies are cute.

3. 2/3′s, by the way, was The Founders’ Original Intent in The Constituion* – That ‘Glorious Liberty Document’ as Frederick Douglass called it. Would YOU be a member of the 1/3 voting to RAISE EVERYBODY’S – not just Obama’s fat catsEVERYBODY‘S taxes? Really?

4. Remember the Reagan years? You know who did the math on Reagan’s economic proposals when it was MORNING IN AMERICA? Art Laffer. You know who endorsed 9-9-9? ART LAFFER.

5. If you are another Steve Jobs in your garage with no money but a great idea, are you MORE likely, or LESS likely to succeed NOW, or in a 9-9-9 America?

6. If you have to pick a country to open up shop & do business, would it be the most popular choice these days, COMMUNIST CHINA, or The Land of Liberty - even FREER with 9-9-9?  Which place would you rather try to draw the best & brightest to work for you? Communist China or 9-9-9 USA?  Hmmm? You know – CREATE JOBS?????

*All taxing & spending bills start in the House, but they still have to get through the Senate, and until – correct me if I’m wrong on this – Ted Kennedy championed the rule change dropping the majority from 67/100 to 60/100 back in the 1980′s, that was the rule to pass anything out of that body, tax related or not.  In 9-9-9, my man Herman would require that 67 once again be the threshold to spend the people’s money.




OH- Wait – Herman actually, LITERALLY, was a rocket scientist! (Really! When he worked for the Navy as a young man, he was doing advanced mathematics for them on trajectories, etc.)

2 responses so far

  • barefootx3x1

    Excellent catch. I knew when I wrote it I was conflating. Here’s what I meant:

    67 votes were required in the Senate to pass anything – tax related or not – out of that body until recently. It was dropped to 60, I believe by Ted Kennedy, in the 1980′s – all the better to spend other people’s money with!

    As regards 9-9-9, Herman would RETURN to that standard if you want to raise that 9% EVEN ONE PENNY.

    Sorry I conflated like a Democrat. I’m so embarrassed ;)

  • Mike McCarthy

    Where is it in the Constitution that revenue increases require a 2/3 majority?
