Brian Who?

Oct 11 2011

The men & women who work on our southern border put themselves in harm’s way every day preserving our sovereignty and protecting the American people’s precious gift of citizenship.  Brian Terry died in service to his country, and more importantly, to his countrymen.  Had a private citizen provided the gun to the Mexican cartel that killed him, we would not rest until we had brought all involved to justice.  If it is found that a member of my Administration facilitated the acquisition of the weapon, justice will be even more vigorously pursued, as will the answer the the question, ‘What did all involved know, and when did they know it?’  Our work in the service of the American people is done at the pleasure of the American people and is a privilege, not a right, therefore our actions should be held to a higher standard than that of a private citizen. This is the least we can do to honor the service and memory of Brian Terry, and the loved ones he leaves behind.

What I wish we heard from Eric Holder & President Obama in their recent pressers. Eric Holder just held a press conference.  The President held one last week.  Eric Holder surely showed no sign of grief or regret for Brian Terry.  He didn’t even mention his name.  As I recall, Obama didn’t either.  Do they know it?

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