Tea Party First

Oct 09 2011

The Tea Party is the first mass movement to ever demand its government do LESS rather than more.

I wish I could remember where I first came across that thought, because I would give credit where credit is due, but I can’t even remember if I heard it or read it!  But how cool is that, huh?  And note the important distinction of the entity, as it is, doing less, not fundamentally transforming (Like the OWS anarchists seem to want).

Compare that to the (literally) great unwashed in Occupy Wall Street whose demands, such as they are, are typical.  They involve money.  How come Democrats’ demands always cost money?  Everything’s a right – never a responsibility.  Everything’s a right – never  privilege.  It’s just one fundamental misunderstanding they have about ‘rights.’  Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness cannot be bought at any price.  Insurance has a price (and by definition involves risk, not a guarantee, which is another misunderstanding of the left about insurance vs. [universal] coverage). Either way, it’s a commodity.  That’s what distinguishes it from a right. 

Why is that so hard?

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