Random Thought

Oct 03 2011

Unions are supposed to get you off ‘the man’s’ plantation, right?

But if your pay is determined by the (group) union and not your (individual) merit, the only way to earn more money is to work more hours on the plantation… right?  I guess you could get promoted into a different pay tier, but what if you really love your job and should just be rewarded for the skill & innovation (theoretically) you bring to it?  What if the union says ‘Yeah, Jack, you’re really good with the widgets here in ABC Town so if you want more pay you’ve gotta uproot your whole family to go to XYZ Town and be the widget wunderkind there, or stay here and work a thousand hours in overtime or wait-wait-wait for your predetermined, comparatively puny union pay increase’?  What the hell kind of upward mobility is that?

So who’s crackin’ the whip on the plantation now, Barry?

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