Progressive Religion

Apr 04 2011

 Progressives have more faith in things not seen than bible-thumpers ever dreamt of.  All one has to do is listen to them assert \”facts\” not in evidence – everywhere.  I mean, good grief, it’s tin hats & little green men out there with how certain they about things that, if they actually existed, would be looped 24/7 on MSNBC, the images burned into our brains as brilliantly as a 747 slamming into the WTC.  

Howard Dean – who bears a disturbing resemblance to the Penguin from the original Batman series – got off a two-fer from the holy book of Progressive propaganda this weekend.  Two of the biggies:  \”Fox lies\” & \”Tea Party is violent.\”

Evidence, Dr. Dean?  You went to medical school.  You understand the scientific crucible of certainty:  it’s all theory unless it’s provable, and proof usually lives in repetition (not the lie – the evidence).  

Once is an anomaly.  Twice is interesting.  Thrice is evidence.  And you must be able to show it.  With video.  With documents.  With sworn testimony, even.

Where is it?  Where’s all the video of the Tea Party being violent?  Of Fox lying with nice little side-by-side video boxes?  Hmmm?  Do you have any proof at all?  Other than perhaps something superficial which does not change the sum & substance of whatever it is you regard as evidence?  Do you even know what a lie is?  Can you differentiate a lie from an error?  Do you know what violence is?  Can you distinguish between malicious action and an error?  Can you?

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