Remember a few months ago when Zsa-Zsa…er…. Ariana Huffington did what appears to be endemic at MSNBC–twist, distort, and obfuscate the facts to make some sort of ridiculous point–this time over Glenn Beck’s use of the word “slaughter“? These people are such soulless gasbags that if someone said “Hitler was a vegetarian” they would deem (pardon the timely pun of “deem”) the utterer to be a Nazi sympathizer. (Hitler was a vegetarian. And by all accounts was faithful to Eva Braun… Those are facts. Doesn’t change the other horrible, evil, inhuman, inexcusable, utterly despicable facts of his very existence, but the fidelity and vegetarianism are true.)
Well, Glenn has rightly been all over the anarchy taking place down in DC this weekend with the bloodless coup about to give us Cuban healthcare via the “Slaughter Rule.”
Some men are born to greatness, other just step in it! Glenn… you have done both on a gargantuan, American, Patriotic scale!