Glenn Beck: Brett Baier grills Obama on healthcare
March 18, 2010 – 13:09 ET
GLENN: Last night Bret Baier said, if this is so important, I mean, why do you have to bribe people and arm twist? The answer, I think, spoke volumes.
BAIER: You know, we asked our viewers to e-mail in suggested questions. More than 18,000 people took time to e-mail us questions and these are regular people from all over the country. Lee Johnson from Spring Valley, California: If the bill is so good for all of us, why all the intimidation, arm twisting, seedy deals, and parliamentary trickery necessary to pass a bill when you have an overwhelming majority in both houses and the presidency? Sandy Moody in Chesterfield, Missouri: If the healthcare bill is so wonderful, why do you have to bribe Congress to pass it?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Bret, I get 30,000 letters or e-mails a day.
BAIER: I know you do.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: And I could read the exact same –
BAIER: But these are real people. It’s not just Washington punditry.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Listen. I’ve got exactly the same e-mails that I could show you that talk about why haven’t we done something to make sure that I, a small business person, am getting as good of a deal as members of Congress are getting and don’t have my insurance rates jacked up 40%. Why is it –
GLENN: Stop it. Stop it. Do you notice what he’s done here? He didn’t say, what bribery?
PAT: No.
GLENN: He didn’t say what arm twisting? This is Saul Alinsky. Now, when it comes to process, I don’t care about process, this process I do because it speaks volumes about us and volumes about what’s happening in Washington. When we say, oh, well, the process doesn’t matter, yes, it does! You can judge a tree by its fruit and the fruit is bribery and corruption, so you know if it’s a good tree or a bad tree.
Now, with this being said, I implore you to reach out to your friends and make sure your message is not about politics. I said to you before that our country, really the world as we know it, okay, the economy, global economy as we know it is sinking. It is the Titanic and it is going to go down. I hope I’m wrong, but the bailout looks like it has failed in Greece. That was the story from Bloomberg this morning. There’s another story out today that Spain is in real trouble and the headline was: As Goes Spain, So Goes the World. . I don’t know if it’s going to be Spain or Greece or California or what it’s going to be, but at some point the dominoes are going to fall and we are all tied together to stop nuclear war. That’s why this – that’s why this is so bad, because people who are far smarter than you and me, without us knowing about it, tied the global economies together because that’s the only way to stop a world war. They did it in the 1940′s and 50′s and 60′s and they announced it in Tragedy and Hope, which is a book from, I think, 1962. Carroll Quigley, the guy, he was a scholar at Harvard and George Washington university. He’s the guy responsible for getting Bill Clinton in as a Rhodes Scholar. He’s been – he was an advisor for almost every President known to man and he said, I was part of it that tied it together. And the tragedy was war. The hope was we’re not going to have a global war anymore. Why? Because we’ve tied all of our economies together so people know if there is a global war, it will sink the entire world, the entire global economy will collapse. So, it doesn’t matter where it starts. It doesn’t matter who caused it. What matters is what then? It doesn’t matter about healthcare. I mean, it does because I believe, as I have told you before, healthcare – this isn’t about the healthcare issue. It never has been. It is about control and power. It is about a machine that they will turn on. It is a cage.
There is a story today in the paper about moody’s. It’s been floating around – it was on the front page of the New York Times yesterday or the day before. Even I didn’t catch this one line. One of my researchers said, Glenn, how come you haven’t mentioned this? And I said read it to me again. What? Moody’s is the ratings service. Now, remember, you’ve got to take moody’s with a grain of salt because it’s a quasi Government organization, but moody’s is the one that rates credit. So, in other words, the banking credit, country wide’s credit, everybody. The ratings service to say who’s got good credit, who doesn’t. The same kind of service that got us into this mess in the first place because they said, Oh, yeah, these CEO’s, they’re good. So, they’re not. Do you remember when the crash first started to happen and they were, like, why were these things rated so highly? Well, because people were in bed with each other. The banks were in bed with the rating service. So, when they would come out and evaluate the value of your house, the bank put pressure on them, keep that up, keep it high, et cetera, et cetera. Well, that’s what’s happened with moody’s now. The pressure is on to keep the American credit rating high because we can’t have our credit downgraded. Why? How does this affect you? Because if they downgrade our credit, it works just like your credit card. If you have bad credit, your interest rates go up. If the we have bad credit, our interest rates on our debt will go so high, it will consume everything. You won’t be able to have healthcare. You won’t be able to have roads. You won’t be able to have strong defense because we have to pay the interest rate. What happened when everybody’s rate on an adjustable mortgage went up? People lost their house. That’s what is in – on our horizon for our country now, but here’s the line that was in that article and I’ve been warning against these two things for how many years? One, we will lose our credit rating if we don’t turn around; Two, there is trouble on the horizon. Moody’s, in the same article, we – the United States has made too many critical moves in the last year. They’re making things worse. The situation is worse, not just because of the moves but because the worst is not behind us. It’s still ahead of us, and there is a real substantial risk of the United States losing its credit rating. First fact. The second one I saw today. Because the world is so unstable, what is ahead may loosen the bonds of society.
Now, what the heck does that even mean? It will loosen the bonds of societal cohesion. What that means is civil unrest. You are seeing it already in Europe. Jerry Brown yesterday said, Now it’s the union’s turn to fight, so we don’t have to. There is going to be societal unrest, maybe, hopefully, God help us, not in America, because if there is societal unrest at this point, we are not prepared as a people. We are going to head for a French revolution, not an American revolution. That one ended in the guillotines. That one ended horribly, because the people had a misunderstanding of what they were fighting for and God did not play the role. It was a misinterpreted God. We are not ready, do not – there is a story today out of Alaska from a group that says, Hey, I know, you know, we’ve got a long way to go, but arms are still on the table. An armed assault or an armed revolution is still on the table. It must be taken off the table. It must be taken off the table or things will end like the French revolution, which ended in Napoleon.
So, what I’m coming to you today with is you’re not – I don’t think – I’m not and I just told my staff today, I don’t care about ratings. I don’t care about money. I’ve got to keep the show on the air so we all are employed, but I have been saying for a long time there are many things that I believe that I shall never say but I shall never say the things that I do not believe. I am telling you today something that I have not said before but I have believed.
Time runs short. Now is the time that you shore yourself up and you stand for peace. Faith, hope, and charity. You must be the guardian of your own freedom. You must be the guardian of your own family. You must – if you have been standing on the sidelines in any way, shape, or form, if you’ve been listening every day and saying, Okay, well, I – you must get off of the sidelines and you must stand peacefully, even if it is just in your own home. You must begin to think the unthinkable. You must think out of the box. You must, you must look – prepare for the worst and hope for the best. If you are listening to the sound of my voice today, you are listening for a reason. You are here for a reason, and there’s an article today in the paper about this is — what’s about to happen to us is equivalent to Pearl Harbor. It is, but it’s not the event of healthcare that Pearl Harbor – it wasn’t just December 7th. It is the years after that changed the world. Be prepared to be a peacemaker.