Health Care Battle Part of Larger War
March 19, 2010 – 1:23 ET
Watch Glenn Beck weekdays at 5p & 2a ET on Fox News Channel |
Throughout the course of American history there have been, periodically, events so dramatic, so huge that they were completely life altering; they changed the way people went about their day:
• When the Founders pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor
• When the Framers signed the Constitution
• The Civil War
• Pearl Harbor
• September 11, 2001
All of these events didn’t just happen to the immediate people involved. They grabbed each and every citizen at his core and forced people to reevaluate who they were and what they believed, before moving forward again.
Pearl Harbor was a hugely important day, but that wasn’t the end of the story. America had a choice to make. And as everyone knows, the decisions that followed over the next few years after that deadly December 7 attack radically changed America’s course.
That is what’s coming.
If you think I’m talking about the health care bill, you couldn’t be more wrong. The health care bill is merely a battle (and a huge battle; it may be Normandy) but it’s part of a bigger war. And the war is the fundamental transformation or restoration of this country. That’s the end game.
While everyone will focus on the political games surrounding the health care bill — the “Slaughter rule”; the secrecy; the arm twisting; the bribes; the lies — and they should address those things, there is something much bigger — much bigger than Obama or Bush or Clinton. We’ve been off track for decades and it’s finally catching up with us.
How have we allowed our system to make this type of bill a possibility? Americans need to ask that question and find the answers, because even if this health care bill is stopped there will eventually be another massive corrupt bill and another and another
We have to fix the entire system. It’s broken.
I read a report today that the Greece bailout deal is falling apart. Their markets tanked on the news. I read another report that said if Spain goes into default, the whole world goes into default. There was a report that barely got any news: Moody’s saying that America may lose its Triple-A rating. But there was a small line at the end of the article that got even less attention — I even missed this one the first time through. This is incredible. Have you heard anyone out there focusing on this?Moody’s said for America to stay a Triple-A rated country, it would require “fiscal adjustments of a magnitude that, in some cases, will test social cohesion.”
Let me translate: “fiscal adjustments” — you are going to less, not more; “social cohesion” — Greece! They believe society may experience some sort of breakdown. But the fiscal adjustments must be made.
During TARP discussions, Congressman Brad Sherman said members were told if they didn’t pass TARP, there would be martial law. Congressman Paul E. Kanjorski was told that without the Fed intervention of an electronic bank run, world economic collapse would have happened within 24 hours. I’d like to know: What are they being told about health care today?
Whether health care is stopped or not, world finance as we know it is going to reset. And the president knows it.
This bill is the centerpiece of progressive structure. Remember, this isn’t just health care. It’s a grab of all education dollars as well. This is a long-term strategy: Someone has to be standing when that evil capitalism finally fails us.
This is exactly what happened in the Soviet Union. The leaders there saw the writing on the wall. If you want the full story, read Stephen F. Cohen’s “Soviet Fates and Lost Alternatives.” If you don’t have time, google this: the Belavezha Accords.
They knew tough times and collapse were ahead, so they prepared for it by creating a structure. But in the Soviet Union, the opposite happened: They took a step toward freedom. While we are heading the other way: Dependency on big government. Because, as I mentioned, they will tell you that the free market failed us: People don’t have jobs. They will say: Come, we’ll make it all better.
This is a turning point for America. We are standing at a crossroads. We have to decide who we want to be when we come out on the other side.
I’m going to tell you a story. You tell me if it’s unreasonable to draw these conclusions:
The 121 Walgreen stores in Washington state won’t take any new Medicaid patients, saying that filling their prescriptions is a “money-losing proposition.” If they say that, what does the government do to Walgreens? If other chains do the same thing, then the government has a choice: Do they let them continue to turn away Medicaid patients or do they force them, through regulation, to accept Medicaid patients?
Well, we already know the answer to that one because we’ve seen it: They’ll force them. And since it’s a losing money proposition, the government will soon be faced with another choice: Do we let them fail or do we bail them out and nationalize the industry?
Well, we already know the answer to that one because we’ve already seen it: They will nationalize it. It’s a cascade effect and it will happen in every industry that’s deemed “too big to fail.”
• Spending
• Special interests
• Corruption
• Bribery
But the other side is what we need to focus more on; these are the things that got us here:
• Lies
• Arrogance
• Greed
• Ego
All of those things lead to the breakdown of personal integrity, which leads to the breakdown of the family. And it allows corruption into our lives. It’s what gives us Bernie Madoff.
Again, it’s important to focus on the political side of the tree; it’s important. Bret Baier did an amazing job doing just that last night, as he grilled the president and held his feet to the fire. But we’ll be endlessly fighting the health care battle and the cap-and-trade battle and the green jobs battle and the tax battle until we fix the system.
How do you do it? Listen to this quote on George Washington from William H. Wilbur, author of “The Making of George Washington”:
“Greatness of moral character, forthright honesty, quiet modesty, thoughtful consideration for others, thoroughness, kindness, and generosity. During the American Revolution, and for more than 50 years thereafter, young Americans were inspired to attain these qualities by the vivid recollections of men who had served with George Washington.”
Each and every day you must remind yourself of three words: faith, hope and charity. They are seeds on the liberty tree. And these three things have been perverted over several decades.
We must plant them again.
— Watch Glenn Beck weekdays at 5p & 2a ET on Fox News Channel