I think these Democrats are fooling all of us. Every pundit with a microphone is scratching their heads as to why they appear to be on a suicide mission with this bill. They’re not. They’re laughing at us with all those backroom meetings that aren’t on CSPAN. Here’s my theory:
1. We have reached the tipping point where those in the wagon outnumber those pulling the wagon: 51% pay no taxes, the other 49% pay all. I don’t have that on authority, but I have seen articles from reputable sources within the last year that suggest we are either at or fast approaching that point. If this is true, then the tyranny of the majority will vote them into office over and over again with, perhaps, a small recess in 2010. Perhaps we have arrived and just don’t know it, but they do. We do know for sure that every reputable demographer says that we will be a majority afro-chicano nation by 2035. Some say 2020. Recent stories about the birth rate supports this.
2. If they are willing to use the Slaughter rule to get this purely partisan monster of a bill foisted on us, there is no limit to their shamelessness, thus, they will push through amnesty and further populate the number of people in the wagon.
3. This population of people, those happy with a nanny state, will be easy to manipulate with emotional pleas and since they will secure all educational lending, outlawing all private educational lending with this bill, we will have an uneducated populace in perpetuity because there will be endless provisos about skin color and cultural history that will demonize and exclude Western European history and meritocracy.