Singing Dumb Kitty

Feb 28 2010

Buster, the male half of our brother sister cat team of Smudge & Buster, is, gosh, how does one put this delicately… really, really, irretrievably, irreparably, terminally, dumb.  He doesn’t mean to be.  He just is.  You know how some cute guys are really dumb because they know they can get by on their really good looks?  And you know how some of those guys might be “lacking” in a certain department so they try to make up for it with a really fancy car or something?  That’s Buster.  The kitty version of a big car for him though is a preternaturally long, ridiculously fluffy tail.  One of his peculiarities is that he likes to meow when humans whistle… Worth noting:  He’s also a terrific wimp.  Don’t be fooled by his sudden butch-ness when Smudge approaches.  Nine times out of ten she kicks the cr-p out of him!  My 13 year old daughter did the video’s titles.  Don’t mind the laundry & assorted clutter…  

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