The Trouble with Community Organizers is…

Feb 11 2010

…once you solve the problem you organized to solve, you’re out of a job. Thus, community organizing is actually the art of agitating convincingly… and surely not training to be Leader of the Free World… not by a long shot.

Article here:  Dems: More Lack of Leadership from Obama

This is not the first time that members of Obama’s own party have decried his lack of leadership. Al Franken busted a spring a week or two ago about it with Axelrod.
This shouldn’t surprise anyone who has paid any attention to Vote-Present-Obama. This is his on the job training for his very first job ever that demands that he actually lead the way to a sure and certain destination with a sure and certain plan and he keeps coming up short because he’s not sure or certain about anything he can talk about publicly because everything he really truly believes is anti-constitutional and it’s p-ssing him off but good that we peons are getting in the way of his socialist utopia fantasies.
I am honestly thinking, no kidding, that we need to have a constitutional amendment that you can’t be President unless you have successfully met a payroll at least once in your life. Really.

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