Evil Thought

Jan 16 2012 Published by under salt

Well, not my evil thought, but my thought of what evil Obama has up his sleeve.

It occurred to me today that we’ve been wrong to worry about Obama suspending the election somehow. The blogosphere was ablaze with speculation prior to the mid-terms that he might do something to forestall his “shellacking,” and though I haven’t really trolled much of late, I suspect it is ablaze now with similar talk with November 2012 at hand. The usual conspiracy theories are martial law or military action that prevents us from having “safe and fair” elections so the Boy-King can retain power.

But while I was driving today, and thinking, as we are wont to do while driving, it hit me: Obama’s not going to do a pre-emptive strike. He’s a Progressive Magician. He will do whatever is necessary to provide the veneer of legitimacy – BEFORE November 6th. But after?


If Obama is a lame duck President come sunrise November 7th, THAT’S when he’ll pounce. Not that morning, of course. That would be too obvious. But before January 20th when he has to sit on the deus watching President-elect Romney get sworn in.

He’ll do everything he can to beg, borrow, or steal a “legitimate” election, but if he loses, he will do something AFTER the loss to hold on to power, but NOT BEFORE.

Adding to the weight of my theory is also his narcissism. He’ll believe until the last vote is counted that he’s America’s sweetheart.

Also, Paul Guercio’s “Merlin” chart has been nagging at me. Why does Obama/Biden’s timeline extend so strongly for about 6 months into January 2013? Is it because they’ve done something to stay in power? Something which will ultimately come undone mid-2013?

It really bugs me.

Just my 2 cents.

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The Mayans, December 2012, & What “Merlin” Saw

Jan 08 2012 Published by under salt

An old friend of mine was on Coast to Coast last night.  Paul Guercio.  He and his (then) wife were dear friends of mine years ago when he was just beginning to develop “Merlin” a fascinating kind of computer program that tracks patterns in time much in the same way astrology does, only with more scientific precision.  He did my “Merlin” chart for me years ago and I’m not an expert, but I remember that the way to read these is to note the extremes – gaps, peaks, etc.

Well, Paul posited that the Mayan “endtime” that everyone is so panicked about actually started in 2007 – 2008 with the financial collapse, and that what we are seeing is everyone in a position of power trying to “duct tape” the problem enough to just hold it all together until after the elections in November… which, of course, is followed directly by… December 2012!

I had had the thought about the November aspect of it, but not that the Mayan thing had a run up that started with the collapse, which I found fascinating, and seemed right to me.  It seemed true to me that the December 2012 moment is a culmination of events, rather than a bolt from the blue, as it were.

Anyway, here’s the chart, and a link to learn more (Notes are mine, and, again, may be wrong, but I think I’ve got this right!):

And have a look at the Merlin chart for Obama/Biden… Sure looks like a defeat in November to me! You’ll see it continues past January 2013, but only for about half the year.  My hope is that that is merely a reflection of how long he takes to exit the “public consciousness” and then he’s off the world stage.

One can only hope.

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