When I grow up, can I be NewsBusters?
These guys ROCK.
Everything you need to know about the Herman Cain non-story is here.
Read it if you dare
When I grow up, can I be NewsBusters?
These guys ROCK.
Everything you need to know about the Herman Cain non-story is here.
Read it if you dare
Did Herman Cain get his Ted Kennedy on? Ted Kennedy, who, with Chris Dodd regularly used to get drunk and make ‘sandwiches’ out of pretty young interns?
My support for Herman Cain is well known, so I don’t pretend to be unbiased. However, I read both the A.P. and Politico story on this and I’m not seeing substance here. The only details we have are that a woman was ‘offended’ and settled for ‘five figures.’
Given that during the time in question, the 1990′s, we were going through the whole pubic hair on a Coke can thing with Clarence Thomas and Bubba getting Lewinskys under the Resolute Desk, thus giving rise to a FLOOD of workplace harassment suits, I’m disinclined to regard this seriously.
Add to this that both sources are whores to the Democrat party.
Add that that that during this period in the 1990′s, offices across America were rewriting the employee handbooks with warnings that telling a women she looked nice that day at work could get you slammed, so…
Until Fox gives me DETAILS, I am with-holding judgement. Sounds to me like they just tossed someone $50k to just shut up and go away over being a pain in the ass, but that’s a guess…
At the risk of looking like I am committing moral relativism (I’m not. If Herman did something wrong, wrong is wrong. Period.), let me point out simply by way of observation, merely to frame an entertaining parlor game of ‘watch the media’ this week, Clinton RAPED women. VIOLENTLY. Then he committed felony perjury to cover it up. Then he disgraced the Office of the President of the United States of America to became the first elected president ever to be impeached, because of that felony perjury.
And the press gave him a pass.
I’m sure they’ll do the same for this, much less serious allegation, right?
Poor Bob Schieffer.
It’s hard to carry a Progressive school book education onto national television when you’re facing someone who knows true history sitting across the desk from you.
Herman Cain just took CBS’s ‘Face the Nation’s’ Bob Schieffer to school on Margaret Sanger’s glossed over virulent racism.
Oh, the ‘Mother of Planned Parenthood’ did champion a broad range of reproductive health services to be made available to all women, ’tis true, but what is also true is she was a bloodless eugenicist - Eugenics was a new idea in the 1920′s & very fashionable at the time - and had no problem whatsoever with ridding the world of little black babies and all babies somehow not meeting the ‘breeding’ standards she regarded as worthy to join the human race.
Poor Bob Shieffer. Now, when he goes to look it up, as Herman exhorted him to do, he may just find the truth behind the decades of Progressive revisionist history.
A columnist regards my thoughts as sufficiently important to put them in same paragraph as those from from the International Business Times?
Poor man, Mr. Hurlbut. He must have had an episode
But thank you, sir. I’ve never been referenced in another column before.
Earlier this month, David A. Love of ‘The Grio’ suggested that Cain might make a good Vice-Presidential running mate. (He also quoted Rick Perry’s suggestion that his ideal running mate would be an amalgam of Cain and Gingrich.) About a week later, International Business Times first used the phrase ‘Dream Team,’ as Purpura did, in describing a Cain-Gingrich match-up. And two days ago, the author of ‘Annie’s Blog’ predicted that Cain would indeed pick Gingrich as his running mate.
You can read Mr. Hurlbut’s whole column here:
Chris Matthews just said that a man who holds an advanced degree in mathematics, led the Kansas City branch of the Federal Reserve, turned around companies, and has comported himself his entire life with nothing but dignity and grace, Herman Cain, is the ‘biggest dunce in the world’ who he hopes Obama is lucky enough to run against.
Way to stay classy, Chris.
My explanation for why Herman will, and should pick Newt is at this short piece’s end, but the few paragraphs leading up to it are essential to understanding it – We’re witnessing a profound political earthquake, gang, through which a new paradigm has appeared on the landscape. From this collision of ‘old’ & ‘new’ politics, we will see the ticket born – and win the White House.
The Left & Right Establishment are FUNNY to watch vis-a-vis Herman.
Know why? Because Herman is to them is like oil is to water. They’re utterly, fundamentally, foundationally opposed, and the one does not know what to do with the other.
On the Left it’s because he’s off the liberal plantation and is a walking, talking refutation of every lie they’ve been peddling since The Great Society.
On the Right, it’s cynically simple: THEY CAN’T CONTROL HIM. They know they can’t co-opt and corrupt him.
On BOTH sides, they simply can’t wrap their heads around the possibility that there may actually be a man of principle in Oval Office – really. They really, truly, honestly, cannot, even if they tried hallucinogenic drugs, picture such an honorable man in the Oval. They just can’t do it.
Look – Herman’s going all the way. Meet your next President, America. He’s touched something deep in the electorate that simply can’t be bought.
I’ll tell you something else. He’ll pick Newt for a VP. It will be a perfect out of the box exclamation point to a record-breaking, paradigm-busting campaign, because it’s never been done before (or maybe only once or twice ages ago) that the President & VP are both from the same state (Georgia). It will be an inspired choice, because there’s nothing Herman lacks AS A MAN & PATRIOT OF DEEP PRINCIPLE that he can’t learn from a briefing book. And there’s nothing he can’t get done legislatively when he’s got Newt navigating the Hill.
The GOP will ‘forgive’ Newt for his (significant) sins because he wont be in the #1 spot and because of Herman’s blessing.
People always say GOP don’t ‘fall in love’ they ‘fall in line.’
This time, it may be both.
UPDATE: I just had a very, very dark thought. Remember during the campaign when Michelle said ‘As a black man, Barack could get shot at the gas station.’ ? I don’t doubt for a second that the forces surrounding this President are dark enough to asassinate Herman Cain if he’s the nominee.
Not for a second.
Pray, as always, for the safety of the Obama family and the Secret Service who protect them – but pray too for Herman.
I excerpted a Daily Caller article below with some of the smartest, most mature arguments yet in favor of 9-9-9. (That is to say, arguments which are not hysterical liberal paternalism bullcr*p.)
9-9-9 is Smarter than a Fifth-grader
By Bob Maistros 10:07 PM 10/23/2011
Here I am defending presidential candidate Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 tax plan again…
…I’m reminded of a favorite family story revolving around the time my son asked our youngest daughter whether she would rather have $20 or $10 for her birthday. Ten dollars, she responded cheerfully, because she was 10 years old!
That’s the level of maturity in the fuss about 9-9-9 hurting lower- and middle-income taxpayers…
…If Cain is correct — and I believe he is — the 9-9-9 plan will set off a growth rocket. Low corporate and personal income taxes, plus the ability to expense all business spending and the elimination of the capital gains rate, will produce billions of dollars of new business creation and investment.
That means jobs. Millions and millions of them. With heavy competition for workers driving higher incomes in a red-hot labor market. And a gusher of new government revenues.
…And if Cain is correct — and I believe he is — the excision of billions of dollars of high corporate and personal income taxes embedded in prices, not to mention the outrageously high cost of tax compliance and avoidance, will easily offset the introduction of a mere nine percent sales tax.
Not just 9-9-9, but win-win-win.
Read the whole thing here -> http://dailycaller.com/2011/10/23/9-9-9-is-smarter-than-a-fifth-grader/#ixzz1bhVvmdiZ
Herman is still answering questions like a GUY not like a PRESIDENT.
He’s never struck me as a guy who needs to be told to think BIG about himself, but HERMAN!
STOP answering questions like a GUY-DAD-HUSBAND-GRANDAD. You’ve GOT to answer the question as a PRESIDENT. Not from the mindset of how does Herman feel about ‘this’, but how does PRESIDENT CAIN feel about ‘this’, whatever ‘this’ is.
You MUST answer, for instance, the abortion question thusly:
ALL abortion is WRONG and as President I will do NOTHING to help it’s existence, and will, in fact, get every federal penny out of it and do everything I possibly can to see it eradicated from the books. Understand, I am not running to be King-in-Chief, nor am I running to be Minister-in-Chief. If congress sends me a bill outlawing it, I will happily sign it. If congress wishes to convene to add an amendment to the constitution to outlaw it, I will heartily encourage that process. But in the same way I object to Obamacare coming between you and your doctor, you don’t need me coming between you and your conscience during such a private decision about, what is – regrettably – at this moment, a legal medical option. Again, I abhor it. But as President, I’m not your King, and I’m not America’s Minister. I am, however, anti-abortion!
Rick Santorum & others have jumped ugly on Herman for a really sloppy, naive, politically unskilled answer he gave on abortion that any reasonable American heard and understood. He was simply saying as a Dad, it would be a heartbreaking situation… It was, without a doubt, a terrible answer, politically speaking. But Americans are listening like they have never listened before to their candidates, and have as limited a tolerance for demagoguery as I have ever seen.
Take cheap, unfair shots at Herman at your own peril, kids. I think it will backfire. BIG.
I just left this note at Herman Cain’s website – It’s KILLING me he’s not saying this! If you think it will help him, too, PLEASE cut & paste it w/your own note at www.hermancain.com
***ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*** TWO CRITICAL 999 TALKING POINTS!
1. No more hiding your corruption in the tax code. If you try to offer a subsidy/exemption, you’ll do it in the harsh sunlight of the American people.
2. Unless you plan to arm the Military with love alone, Congress will ALWAYS have a hand in taxing us! 999 ensures we return to our constitutionally original principle of having 2/3′s of them agree they want to put their hand in your pocket for MORE!
BONUS: Same argument applies for state taxes – If you want, as President, to somehow have Washington to control your STATE taxes, TOO, (reach into your breast pocket) HERE’S my copy of the constitution – IT AIN’T IN THERE.
After I sent it, I thought of this: Everyone says Steve Jobs could not have started Apple in the current tax & regulatory environment. 999 tells the next American w/a great idea, who neither has a garage nor a back pocket big enough to pay an army of CPA’s & tax attorneys, quite apart from the EPA & ‘diversity’ specialists he’s gonna need: ’We got your back! Go do it!’
Does this surprise anyone? Anyone? Herman Cain is the proggie’s worst nightmare… Once again, NewsBusters is on their game. Below is a truncated version of the story, but to read the whole thing & see the video please head over there and support their work!
On Thursday, Zogby released a shocking poll finding Herman Cain 20 points ahead of Mitt Romney in the GOP presidential nominee race.
Despite this, Chris Matthews on the syndicated television show bearing his name this weekend did a ten minute segment about this race without mentioning Cain’s name once… Not only does Cain have a 20 point lead over Romney and a 26 point lead over Perry, he’s also the only one of the three leading Obama in a head-to-head matchup.Yet not one of these five so-called journalists (on Matthews’ panel) in a ten minute discussion about this race mentioned his name once.
Seems almost impossible unless a decision had been made before the cameras started rolling for this to happen.
Nice job, Chris. You’re one heck of a newsman.
While I agree with the whole of the this – yet another brilliant article at American Thinker ‘Palin’s Withdrawal Means Obama Wins’ - I disagree with the headline. I think the writer underestimates the anti-Obama impulse of the conservative base, no matter how progressive the GOP nominee. I, for one, will install Mickey Mouse in the Oval Office if it means removing Obama, but for now, while there is hope, I am throwing my support behind Herman Cain, in deed, wallet, and word. (You can set up a recurring donation at his website. Maybe $25 – or even $50 – out of every payday? Could you?)
The article is here -> http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/10/palins_withdrawal_means_obama_wins.html
BTW: If you don’t read American Thinker every single day, you are impoverished – truly. DO IT.
Three NewsBusters headlines in a row that demonstrate how empty the other’s side’s arguments are. Good God…
Mark Shields on Christie’s Weight: When You Sit in the Bathtub and Water Rises in the Toilet It’s a Problem
Read more: http://www.newsbusters.org/#ixzz1ZYVUgupL
Larry King Would Love South Having to Pick Mormon or Black in 2012, Behar Predicts ‘Mass Suicides’
Read more: http://www.newsbusters.org/#ixzz1ZYVmx51Y
Bill Maher: Rick Perry ‘So Dumb’ Republicans Are ‘Even Considering Voting for a Black Guy’
Read more: http://www.newsbusters.org/#ixzz1ZYVumRRa
Hey, Bill, by the way, you trot that happy horsesh*t out again when we see Commander-in-Chief ‘Corpseman‘s’ transcripts and then get back to me, okay cupcake?
Occasionally I try little thought experiments with the comment editors at The New York Times just to see how veddy-veddy serious they are about being breathtaking hypocrites. I mean, they’re so predictable it’s really not fair. I’m like a cat with a mouse.
I decided to do it again when they published the headline Herman Cain Wins Straw Poll because I knew it would make no sense whatsoever to them.
Gosh, they never fail to disappoint, those lil’ rascally proggies. Look at the (entirely insincere) comment of mine they posted below. I can’t believe they actually posted it. Well, then again, maybe I can.
Sad. Very, very sad.
Link to the article in question is here -> http://community.nytimes.com/comments/thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/09/24/herman-cain-wins-florida-straw-poll/