I excerpted a Daily Caller article below with some of the smartest, most mature arguments yet in favor of 9-9-9. (That is to say, arguments which are not hysterical liberal paternalism bullcr*p.)
9-9-9 is Smarter than a Fifth-grader
By Bob Maistros 10:07 PM 10/23/2011
Here I am defending presidential candidate Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 tax plan again…
…I’m reminded of a favorite family story revolving around the time my son asked our youngest daughter whether she would rather have $20 or $10 for her birthday. Ten dollars, she responded cheerfully, because she was 10 years old!
That’s the level of maturity in the fuss about 9-9-9 hurting lower- and middle-income taxpayers…
…If Cain is correct — and I believe he is — the 9-9-9 plan will set off a growth rocket. Low corporate and personal income taxes, plus the ability to expense all business spending and the elimination of the capital gains rate, will produce billions of dollars of new business creation and investment.
That means jobs. Millions and millions of them. With heavy competition for workers driving higher incomes in a red-hot labor market. And a gusher of new government revenues.
…And if Cain is correct — and I believe he is — the excision of billions of dollars of high corporate and personal income taxes embedded in prices, not to mention the outrageously high cost of tax compliance and avoidance, will easily offset the introduction of a mere nine percent sales tax.
Not just 9-9-9, but win-win-win.
Read the whole thing here -> http://dailycaller.com/2011/10/23/9-9-9-is-smarter-than-a-fifth-grader/#ixzz1bhVvmdiZ