Jay Severin is many things, good and bad (as are we all), but his analysis of all things political is absolutely, positively, without even a close competitor by a thousand miles, the most prescient, accurate and insightful on radio or any other medium, print or broadcast. RAZOR FRIGGIN’ SHARP. (He is consistently RIGHT about stuff, days, weeks, even YEARS ahead of others when they are just awakening from their stupor. VERY much like Glenn Beck. You can call them every name in the book all day long but it doesn’t make them any less right, over and over and over again, year after year, which is what hacks off liberals so bad, I’m sure!)
Below is the unexpurgated text of his latest blog post – about Impeachment of Obama based on the activities surrounding health care. I recommend listening to his first half hour every day, starting at 2pm eastern. You will learn more in those 30 minutes daily than in all other hours from all other sources combined. It’s not even close.
Procedural Rules – Posted by Jay Severin
Posted 3/18/2010 12:32:00 PM
Quite chilling how monumental – and wicked – instants of history can occur so quickly and with such incredible nonchalance. As in the case of Barack Hussein Obama, who just happens to be the President of the United States, who yesterday breezily declared he “doesn’t pay much attention to procedural rules”. Oh, Barrack, you are so chill! Who needs all those old fashioned (not to mention inconvenient) laws, anyway, right dude? Okay. So it is time for somebody to use the “I” word, as in Impeachment. I will. Impeachment of a President (an indictment, not removal form office, which is “Recall”) may occur when he or she is found guilty of the commission of high crimes and misdemeanors. Is not openly denouncing and violating the essential oath of his office – which is exactly Obama has done – Impeachable on its face? Did Obama not swear to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution (you know, one of those old “rules” you don’t pay attention to)? Obama has violated his sacred oath. He deserves Impeachment, and we deserve to draw this line, wage this honorable fight. We are, with current Congressional composition, unlikely to fashion actual Impeachment; that is for after the coming election day. But, as we certainly know (see Scott Brown) we can make a great deal of noise, and trouble for the other side. We just need to get “Impeachment” in the wind, in the media, in the conversation. We need to verify to them, to our children, to ourselves that we are serious about the President noit taking seriously his oath of office. We can do that, now. And I now believe we must do that, now. Impeachment, anyone? |
Jay Severin |