My previous post has upset liberals.
My bad.
I should have been cognizant of the fact that the mere observation of fact upsets them.
It’s not enough to say “The sun rises in the morning and sets at night.” You have to cite The New York Times to prove it.
Below, links (not the NYT but to Ivy-covered primary sources) to all my math proving that the Obamas really are the incoherent, hypocritical, fascist despots I have asserted that they are; at least as regards what their little snowflakes are entitled to have via their parents’ checkbook versus what your little snowflakes are entitled to have via their parents’ checkbook.
Oh – and to all those who doubted me: Stuff your sanctimony and grab your calculators. (Please note: I actually did this research about a year ago, so the rates have surely risen since then, only further bolstering my case.)
“We need to offer our children the best education in the world.”
December 15, 2010 President Obama
$966,684.00 = Tuition for 2 children to get the education President Obama presumably regards as “the best education in the world.” (We know this because it combines the education he, himself had, and the education he and The First Lady have chosen for their two daughters. It would be “imperial” would it not, if they meant their daughters are entitled to “the best education in the world” and your children are not? That sounds like something Bush would say! So by that standard, surely shared by every Obama-loving liberal, we will proceed.)
Sidwell Friends School (which encompasses grades 5 through 12) + Columbia University + Harvard University Law School.
Sidwell Friends School is where the President & First Lady have enrolled their two children. The President is a graduate of Columbia & Harvard.
TOTAL: $966,684.00
$966,684.00 was calculated, for simplicity’s sake, as if the 2010 tuition rates would not rise for the duration, were simply doubled (to account for 2 children), and represents their tuition *only*. It does *not include* housing, food, books, fees, or *any* of the other certain, necessary and related expenses involved in financing such an education in New York City and Boston.
|| $32,069 annual tuition at Sidwell Friends x 2 children for 8 years = $513,104
|| $22,610 annual tuition at Columbia University x 2 children for 4 years = $180,880
|| $45,450 annual tuition at Harvard Law School x 2 children for 3 years = $272,700
|| Sidwell Friends School
|| Columbia University – General Studies, B.A., B.S., JTS Joint Program
|| Harvard Law School
President Obama & The First Lady did not enroll their two children in the school they chose for them because it’s not the “best” they could find because, obviously, no parent would do that if they could do anything at all to help it.
One then could also safely presume the President & The First Lady would like to see all American children (of ALL parents who “work hard and play by the rules” whose wealth he swears he doesn’t “begrudge”) enjoy the pride of being able to provide their children a “world class” education, just like they do – by writing a check on funds they have earned & saved by their own talent and hard work – releiving Sasha & Malia from the nightmare of having to navigate the maze of government loans, funds, grants, etc in order to afford an education worthy of their potential — and, thus, empower that college to use its discretion to confer admission to other smart kids without money, by virtue of dropping that big fat pile of cash in the admissions office.
Given that we have left out 18 years of rises in tuition (which lately have averaged 9% per year!) and that we have left out every single solitary ancillary expense like rent, food, transportation and books, it’s not at all unreasonable to assume another 50% – at least – on top of that (nearly) $1M as it stands, today, in 2012.
Bring it, kool-aid drinkers. Review the problem, then tell me how Obama’s h*rd-on to get his hand in the pocket of every American who earns a single penny over $250k squares with them buying a $1.5M dollar education in THEIR HOUSE while making harder for YOU in YOUR house for your children – while, just as a bonus, calling you a selfish pr*ck just for wanting it and further characterizing your prudent saving “hoarding.”
You know what I hear? I hear: SCREW YOU I GOT MINE. You’ll get NOTHING except the scraps off my politically correct table and like it.
I can’t wait.